Chapter 635

Although Ling Su had lost most of her true energy, she was a spiritual creature born of the aura of heaven and earth, and most people would not be able to hurt her, but she looked seriously injured at this time, obviously something happened to her.

Hua Fei'er on the side was also a little surprised.

She looked at Lingsu, and wanted to ask, but Lingsu ignored her intentions and jumped onto Ye Chunyang's shoulders, her spiritual eyes turned around, as if she was expressing something to Ye Chunyang.

Now that she has lost half of her true essence, she can only communicate with Ye Chunyang through her spiritual thoughts.

Ye Chunyang sensed it for a while, but there was some surprise on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, what's going on?" Hua Fei'er asked.

Ye Chunyang's eyes were ponderous, and he opened his mouth after a while, "Have Fairy Hua ever heard of Chi Lian Diao?"

Hua Fei'er was startled when she heard the words, then she lowered her head and recalled some information, and said: "The little girl has heard of the name of this monster. It is said that it is a kind of ancient creature, born with a pair of illusion eyes, and able to display magic powers. High-level red sables can even cultivate phantom clones, which is extremely powerful.

Speaking of this, she seemed to have guessed something, and she said in amazement: "Could it be that this little rabbit spirit was injured by Chi Lian Diao? If so, she really can't be Chi Lian Diao's opponent."

As soon as the words were finished, Hua Feier suddenly felt a cold gaze, and Lingsu stared at her faintly, as if she was very displeased with her contempt.

Hua Fei'er's forehead twitched, and she wondered if the rabbit spirit had really become a spirit.

Ye Chunyang smiled, and threw a bottle of healing elixir to Lingsu. The latter swallowed it in one gulp before smiling. Then, after passing a spiritual thought to Ye Chunyang, he took the initiative to return to the spirit animal bag to heal his wounds.

"Let's go, let's meet that red-trained mink." Ye Chunyang put away the spirit animal bag, his gaze showing a chill.

"Fellow Taoist is going to look for Chilian Diao?" Hua Fei'er was taken aback, "This monster is an ancient creature with extremely powerful supernatural powers, and Chilian Diao has always lived in groups. If we go rashly, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

Ye Chunyang's move made her very surprised. For a spiritual pet, he didn't hesitate to risk his life?

"According to what Lingsu said, that red-trained mink seems to be alone, and it doesn't hurt to go for a meeting, and there are a few plants of spirit void grass in this monster's cave, and this spirit grass just happens to be useful to me." Ye Chunyang said.

"Spirit void grass?"

Hua Feier's expression changed.

"This spirit grass can only grow in bitterly cold places, and it is said that it takes at least 1 years to mature. It is extremely rare in the outside world. Who would have thought it would appear here?"

"Not bad." Ye Chunyang nodded.

Lingsu has a keen perception of the medicinal material spirit grass, and since she brings back news, she can't make mistakes.

Ye Chunyang didn't expect that Lingxu would find Lingxu grass in Chilian Diao's cave, and it was precisely for picking this thing that Lingsu was injured by it.

Lingxu Grass is one of the medicinal materials for refining the Void Returning Pill, and Ye Chunyang was a little surprised to meet it here.

However, even if there is no Lingxu grass, since the Chilian Diao has hurt Lingsu, he will not just sit idly by.

After the words fell, Ye Chunyang immediately stood up and went straight to a certain direction.

Hua Fei'er hesitated for a while, but finally followed.

For one thing, she still has Ye Chunyang's restraint on her body, and she is still held hostage by him on the surface.

Secondly, the Fairy Spirit Hall level is full of dangers, even though she has some information, she may not be able to deal with it alone, and Ye Chunyang has supernatural powers, and it is the most beneficial for Hua Feier to be with him.

After flying for about half an hour, Ye Chunyang stopped on a black mountain full of strange rocks.

This mountain is bare and sharp like a sharp sword. As soon as Fang approached, Ye Chunyang felt a dignified evil spirit surrounding the mountain.

Standing in mid-air and looking down, he saw that the mountain was full of caves, densely packed and riddled with holes.

Every cave exudes a strong evil spirit.

Hua Fei'er was also taken aback when she saw this, and said, "There are so many caves, which one is the Lingxu Grass?"

Ye Chunyang swept his eyes, and after a while, he showed a smile, locked on a place and flew down.

A trace of suspicion flashed in Hua Fei'er's beautiful eyes, but she didn't stop.


Just as the two fell down, a loud noise came from a certain cave, accompanied by a gust of wind. The evil wind immediately dissipated in all directions.

Ye Chunyang also sacrificed the flying sword at the same time, and after a burst of lightning and thunder, the evil spirit disappeared immediately.

At this moment, a black shadow darted out of the monster mist, Ye Chunyang's eyes were fixed, and he saw a bat-like giant monster with four wings lying in the air, his eyes were fixed on them, and he shot a ghostly shot. cold cold light.

"Five upper steps?"

Hua Fei'er was shocked.

Judging from the aura, the cultivation base of this Chi Lian Diao has reached the fifth level, which is the same level as the giant monster raised by Moman, comparable to a monk in the late stage of becoming a god and a perfect earth immortal.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, this red-trained sable has reached such a level, I'm afraid his magic powers will become even more unfathomable, we must be careful."

Hua Fei'er looked at Ye Chunyang and solemnly reminded her.

"En." Ye Chunyang nodded.

Chi Lian Diao is an ancient creature in the Abyss Realm, and it is by no means comparable to Mo Man's demon pet.

But this black wood forest is the first pass to the Fairy Hall, if they can't even deal with the Chilian Diao, how will they get to the Fairy Hall?

Ye Chunyang looked at the cave behind Chi Lian Diao, and felt that there was a pure spiritual energy inside. If he guessed correctly, the Lingxu Grass must be here.

If he can obtain this spirit grass to refine the Void Returning Pill, it will be of great help in his advanced Void Returning stage in the future.

Just when he was thinking this way, there was a sudden muffled sound in front of him, the air around him violently turmoiled, and a strong evil wind enveloped him.

Without waiting for Ye Chunyang to make any response, the things in front of him suddenly changed. What used to be a huge bare mountain turned into a deep mountain purgatory. The fire below was raging into the sky, and ghostly phantoms rushed towards them crazily.

"Fellow daoist, be careful, it's Chi Lian Diao's magical power of illusion!" Hua Fei'er shouted lightly.

While speaking, the Seven Spirits Fan in his hand radiated dazzling brilliance, and slammed fiercely at the phantom in front of him.

Ye Chunyang looked at this woman with some surprise.

Although this illusion can't pose any threat to him, he is a little surprised that this woman can still speak out to remind him at this time.

Immediately he urged the sword formation, and 81 perishing swords came out together.

The power of the sky thunder has a huge lethality to these phantom phantoms. After hearing a loud thunder, all the phantoms are turned into nothingness when the sword energy arrives.


Ye Chunyang stretched out his hand to grab it, picked up Hua Fei'er Yujian and rushed into the air.

Hua Fei'er just came back to her senses, and instinctively approached a warm chest, and then quickly escaped from the sea of ​​purgatory flames below.

Looking at the not-so-great figure beside her, Hua Fei'er's heart skipped a beat, and a ripple appeared in her beautiful eyes.

At this time, Ye Chunyang didn't think too much, after picking up Hua Fei'er, he pointed at the sword formula immediately, and the sound of tearing the air was heard from the Daqian sword array, and he slashed towards the sea of ​​fire down the mountain.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

A series of explosions came out, and the group of swords went forward without hesitation, passing through the flames in an instant, the entire volcano disintegrated suddenly, and all the phantom scenes in front of it disappeared, turning into the original appearance of a rocky mountain.

In midair, the figure of Chi Lian Diao appeared again.

Seeing that the two of Ye Chunyang were able to break through the illusion, surprise flashed in their eyes.

A monster of this level is naturally extremely psychic, not to mention that Chi Lian Diao is also a creature of the ancient spirit world, and immediately became furious.

Two sharp rays of light shot out of its pupils, and then its figure shook, and a strange smoke filled the void, and it turned into a dozen clones out of thin air, surrounding Ye Chunyang and the two of them.

"Phantom clone?" Hua Fei'er's complexion suddenly changed, "This supernatural power can only be cultivated by the Chilian Tianyun mink with the purest blood in the Chilian mink clan. Could it be that this monster is the Chilian Tianyun mink!"

"Chilian Tianyun Diao?" Ye Chunyang frowned slightly.

He didn't know much about the creatures of the ancient spirit world.

"That's right." Hua Fei'er took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Because of the pure blood of the Chilian Tianyun Mink, the innate supernatural powers are also stronger than those of ordinary Chilian Mink. Seven or eight cultivation bases are extremely difficult to deal with."

There are many ancient books in the spirit world in the Hua clan, which record many ancient spirit world creatures. Hua Feier once saw information about the Chilian Tianyun mink in them. The phantom clone possessed by the latter is extremely terrifying.

Just imagine, if you face many avatars at the same time as the opponent's deity, how dangerous the situation will be?
Ye Chunyang's heart sank slightly.

No wonder Lingxu was injured so badly. With the supernatural power of Chilian Tianyun Diao, Lingsu really couldn't be its opponent.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, this Chilian Tianyun Diao is extremely powerful. We may not be able to deal with it. Why don't we evacuate first and wait for the opportunity to find the Spirit Void Grass?" Hua Fei'er said.

She couldn't hide the fear on her face. With her cultivation base, it was difficult to compete with Chi Lian Diao who was comparable to the late stage of transformation, let alone the most powerful Chi Lian Tian Yun Diao in front of her. The only way to fight is to die.

The Chilian Tianyun Diao on the opposite side seemed to see what Hua Feier was thinking, and looked at them sarcastically.I saw its main body flapping its four wings, and dozens of clones swooped down, grabbing the heads of the two with sharp claws.

The bitter cold wind swept over, Hua Fei'er couldn't help turning pale.

These avatars of Chi Lian Tian Yun Diao attack extremely fast, even if she has a small cultivation base in the fairyland, she is absolutely hard to resist. Could it be that she is really going to die here today?

Just when her heart was trembling violently, a clear sound suddenly sounded beside her!
Dazzling silver sword light soared into the sky, Ye Chunyang pointed to the sword formula, and 81 flying swords surrounded his body.

Hua Fei'er was closing her eyes in despair when she suddenly saw a scene that shocked her immensely.

The flying swords turned into a dense rain of swords, and slashed through the air on dozens of Chilian Tianyun mink's clones. Suddenly, thunder and lightning shot out, and there were several muffled sounds in succession. All the Chilian Tianyun mink clones melted in an instant. for nothingness.

As for the figure beside him urging the sword art, the corners of his clothes were never in a mess.

Hua Fei'er looked at this scene with a little dumbfounded.

This is more than a dozen clones of Chilian Tianyun Diao who are comparable to the middle stage of transforming gods, so he killed them so easily?

(End of this chapter)

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