After the ascent failed

Chapter 639 The Ancient Earth Spirit Cave

Chapter 639 The Ancient Earth Spirit Cave
The area of ​​the Blackwood Forest is huge, and after traveling for nearly seven days, Ye Chunyang finally saw a glimmer of light, which is the end of the Blackwood Forest.

"It's finally out." Coming out of the forest, Hua Fei'er stretched her waist, her beautiful eyes were smiling.

Walking in the black wood forest is like walking in the dark, and there are countless powerful ancient creatures, which makes people feel oppressed.

Now that she left the Black Wood Forest, she also felt more relaxed.

Ye Chunyang glanced at this woman, secretly surprised.

Hua Fei'er's appearance is ordinary, but her body is very tall. Her uneven curves are exaggerated to the point of explosion. Such a perfect figure completely conceals her ordinary face.

"Why, did fellow daoist have a heart for the little girl?" Hua Fei'er felt Ye Chunyang's gaze, and couldn't help but tease.

"Hey, if I say yes, what about Hua Fairy?" Ye Chunyang touched his nose and replied with a half-smile.

"The little girl's life is in the hands of the fellow daoist now. If the fellow daoist has a heart for me, the little girl will probably have to follow the fellow daoist." Hua Fei'er covered her mouth and chuckled, her voice was extremely clear, like an empty valley Youlan .

Ye Chunyang laughed and didn't answer this question.

He naturally heard the teasing meaning in Hua Fei'er's words, not to mention how stable his Dao heart is, since he already has Luo Qingcheng in his heart, how could he be tempted by other women?

All his life of cultivating immortals, he just wanted to live up to his past and her.

But after getting along along the way, he also discovered that although Hua Feier was hiding some secrets, she seemed to have a good heart.

"The first level of the Fairy Spirit Hall is the Blackwood Forest, so what is the next second level?" Ye Chunyang stood on a towering rock and looked into the distance.

Ahead is a stretch of endless mountains.

There is no group of ancient trees covering the sky like the black wood forest in the mountains, but it looks empty and stretching, but the sky is covered with a layer of thick clouds and fog, making it impossible to see the scene clearly.

Ye Chunyang released his consciousness a little bit, intending to search around to see if there is anything unusual.

But soon he was a little surprised to find that there seemed to be some kind of natural restriction in the mountains, and after his consciousness extended fifty miles away, there was no response.

"This mountain range is called Diling Mountain. It is said that in the ancient times of tens of thousands of years, there were powerful people from various races who practiced here. Later, after the aura of the Diyuan Realm dried up, they evacuated one after another. Because there was a breath of great power left here, so Ordinary people's spiritual consciousness can't perceive it." Seeing Ye Chunyang's slightly puzzled look, Hua Fei'er explained in a timely manner.

"I see." Ye Chunyang suddenly understood.

Fighting for the Lingyuan Xianqiong from under the eyes of the ghosts, and then all the way here, he can feel the mystery and vastness of the Earth Abyss Realm.

If his guess is correct, this place used to be an interface filled with aura, and it might even be a parallel plane outside the spirit world.

Therefore, there are many relics and ancient treasures here, as well as ancient creatures and natural treasures that are rare in the world.

While Hua Feier was talking, she moved and came to Ye Chunyang, and looked at the mountains in front of him together, and then continued to speak after a while: "It is rumored that there is an ancient cave in Diling Mountain. Enlighten the Dao and practice in it, so leave the will to fit in the ancient cave, if you can break through this heavy will, it will not only help your cultivation, but also a necessary test to go to the last level of the fairy hall."

"The integration period!"

Ye Chunyang's gaze narrowed slightly.

The realm of practice, after self-transformation, is the four realms of returning to the void, combining the body, Mahayana, and true immortality.

Whether it is cultivating Yuanying or cultivating Dongtian, after returning to the void, they all come to the same goal by different routes. They must be cultivated to fit together before they have the opportunity to advance to Mahayana.

Ye Chunyang ascended to the spirit world 300 years ago, and the only one he had ever met was the one who was in command of the Tianjue Palace.

"If there is a will left by the master of the fusion period in the ancient cave of the earth spirit, ordinary people may not be able to pass it?" Ye Chunyang asked with a dignified expression.

In the fusion period, he is already a top existence in the spirit world, eating spiritual energy without dying.

If the Mahayana is not available, the fit is the pinnacle.

A great monk of this level can destroy a world with a single gesture.

In that Earth Spirit Ancient Cave, if there is a will to keep this level of power, one can imagine how terrifying it would be. The monk of fairyland.

"It is true in theory, but these wills have existed for a long time and will become weaker and weaker, and these combined wills are the tests left by the seniors to the younger generations. They are aimed at personal talents. Since the opening of the Abyss World, , There are not no monks who have successfully passed through the gate and reached the Fairy Hall." Hua Fei'er said while recalling the information she knew.

She looked at Ye Chunyang and said with a slight smile: "The elders of our family have left clues. Although the will to combine is strong, it is a test of talent in a certain way. There are not a few people who have passed the test in the stage of transformation. As long as you can pass the test of the will to merge, you will definitely be able to surpass ordinary people in your future practice."

"Oh?" Ye Chunyang raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Since that's the case, wouldn't many people have entered the Fairy Hall every time the Earth Abyss was opened? Could it be that no one can take away the treasures inside?"

Ye Chunyang has always felt very strange. Looking at the trend of monks looking for treasures, it can be seen that the treasures of the Fairy Spirit Hall are extremely important, but there seems to be no information leaked out.

According to Hua Feier's words, since the Abyss Realm will appear every 300 years, and all major forces have the Abyss Sword Talisman, it is impossible that no one has obtained the treasure inside.

"Brother Ye doesn't know that the third level of the Fairy Spirit Hall is more difficult than the first level. Not to mention the second level of combined will, which is the first level of the Blackwood Forest. How many people can really get out?" Hua Fei'er smiled wryly. Said.

"And even if you pass the combined will of the Earth Spirit Ancient Grotto, there is still the last hurdle."

When Hua Fei'er said this, there was a deep solemnity in her eyes.

"That place is the truly terrifying place leading to the Fairy Hall... the number of monks who have been able to go there is less than one-tenth of what it was when they came in. Missed."

"Then what is the third level?" Ye Chunyang asked.

Hua Fei'er opened her mouth when she heard the words, as if she wanted to say something, she finally shook her head and sighed: "Brother Ye, if he can pass the second pass of the combined will of the Earth Spirit Ancient Grotto, he will naturally know."

Ye Chunyang frowned, but did not continue to ask.

He looked up at the mountains in front of him, with firmness on his brows, he smiled and said, "Since the Ancient Earth Spirit Cave is so mysterious, I want to take a look."

If it is true as Hua Feier said, through the combined will of the Earth Spirit Ancient Grotto, the future path of cultivation can be far beyond that of ordinary people, and he naturally has no reason to shrink back.

Hua Fei'er nodded and didn't say much.

The white light of the jade bracelet in his hand flashed, and a map was immediately displayed clearly.

The two swept towards the map at the same time, and quickly determined the target.

"The Diling Ancient Cave is located in an ancient ruin in the center of Diling Mountain. We can reach it soon." Hua Fei'er laughed.

Ye Chunyang nodded: "Let's go!"

Hua Fei'er immediately put away the map, and the two of them set off together and flew towards the mountains ahead.

Just after the two entered the mountain range of Diling Mountain, people came out of the Black Wood Forest one after another.

To be able to pass this first level, these people are all top figures in their respective forces, all have powerful magic weapons and maps, and their goals are also very clear.


Suddenly, there was a muffled explosion in the black forest, followed by the howling of monster beasts, and three figures flew away from where the sound came from.

The aura was as vast as an abyss, directly tearing a path from the crowd, and the monks on both sides involuntarily separated, looking at them in awe.

These three people are the Patriarch Ghost, Taoist Ao Xie, and Mo Man.

After flying out of the Blackwood Forest, they galloped directly in the direction of the Earth Spirit Ancient Cave in the mountains without any pause.

A group of cultivators who turned into gods were frightened, and hung their tails between them far behind them, not daring to collide in the slightest.

However, just when they thought that the Black Wood Forest would be peaceful, suddenly another turbulent aura enveloped the sky.

Everyone was shocked.

Looking up, I saw an old man in Taoist robe holding a penny, flying slowly in the void.

The old man's attire of a quack warlock was inconspicuous, but the coercion emanating from him made many people turn pale.

"It's the old Taoist who killed four deity cultivators with one move!"

"This person is a strong man in the middle stage of Void Return. With him, it may be difficult for others to keep the secrets of the Fairy Hall."

"It's too early to say this. The second and third levels depend not only on one's cultivation, but also on one's talent and willpower. The Abyss Realm has opened up these years, and it's difficult to be blocked in the back. It’s not like there are no Void-returning powerhouses with two stages.”

"The female cultivator following him should be Hua Yanxi, the elder of the Hua Clan, right? The Hua Clan is lucky to be attached to such a strong person..."

The crowd was talking.

Especially when he looked at the beautiful woman who was following the old Taoist, there was a hint of envy in his expression.

The three levels of the Fairy Spirit Hall are full of dangers, and the chances are obviously much greater if there is a strong mid-stage Void Returner to take care of them.

However, everyone was amazed, but the speed of progress was not slow at all.

Going to the Fairy Spirit Hall depends not only on strength, but also on extraordinary talents and opportunities. Although their cultivation is not as good as the previous few, it is not without opportunities.

What's more, in order to enter the Fairy Hall in the end, one must have the Diyuan Sword Talisman.

Soon, the black wood forest completely returned to calm, and almost all the people who cleared the level had already gone to the second level, Diling Mountain.

But after a long period of silence in the forest, three beams of light flew out again.

They are a refined middle-aged man and a young man respectively, and between the two is an illusory green glow, in which the figure of a woman in palace costume faintly appears.

It was the young master of Xuanji Palace, Yuan Xianyi and Hua Ling.

"Young Master, is the Diling Mountain in front of you?" Hua Ling looked down, with anticipation flashing in his eyes.

"That's right." The woman in the palace costume said: "Although the core of the second stage is the Earth Spirit Ancient Cave, there are also many high-level ancient monsters in the Earth Spirit Mountain Range. We must also be careful."

Hua Ling nodded seriously.

After the woman in the palace costume finished speaking, she didn't say any more, her spirit turned into a faint blue light and galloped forward again.

(End of this chapter)

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