Chapter 644
There was disbelief in Hualing's eyes.

Every step he takes is like the distance between life and death, but Ye Chunyang can take two steps in a row!
"Who is this person?" Hua Ling's eyes shone coldly.

He is a Dharma protector disciple of Xuanji Palace, and he has won the true biography of Yuan Xianyi. In the entire Xuanji Palace, except for that peerless woman, there are no three people who can surpass him.

The mysterious young man in front of him not only walked here from the first step at an extremely fast speed, but also passed it with a gesture that shocked him.

What made Hua Ling's face even more ugly was that not only the young man, but also the masked girl next to him also took two steps in a row, passing him, and also reached the No. 18 step!

"This is impossible!"

Hualing felt humiliated.

Looking at the entire steps, only he and Yanhao were the only cultivators who could walk more than fifteen steps. Now, Ye Chunyang and Hua Feier slapped their faces together.

Hua Ling's eyes were gloomy, and he continued to walk.

It's just that the moment he stepped forward, he was shocked again.

The mysterious young man in front stepped forward again.

The sound of deep steps came out, and he tore through the pressure of will and landed on the No. 19 step.

At this moment, he is on par with the genius Yan Hao of the Tianshi Clan!

As for Hua Ling, he was left far behind in the No. 16 step.


Hua Ling's face was extremely ugly.

The well-known Tianjiao among the various tribes in Yanhao Shenhai Realm, Hua Ling thinks he can't do it, but what is the identity of this mysterious young man?What qualifications do you have to walk in front of him?

His body trembled, and he shouted loudly, wanting to take three steps in a row like Ye Chunyang.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, a berserk wave came rushing from the Earth Spirit Ancient Cave above like a tide, Hua Ling's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly activated his mana defense, but soon there was an explosion on him, and a stream of blood mist flowed from him. Squirting all over the body.

"Master, save me!"

Hua Ling's face changed drastically, and he shouted hastily.

Because he was eager to take three steps, the superposition of the triple body will was completely beyond his ability to resist, and he was about to be strangled on the steps at this moment.


Seeing Hua Ling's miserable appearance, Yuan Xian shook his head in disappointment, then he rolled up his sleeves and shrouded in several spiritual lights, leading Hua Ling out of the steps.

The rescued Hua Ling's face was pale, he didn't care about other things, and immediately poured out a bottle of healing pills to sit cross-legged.

Seeing this scene, the others looked strange.

No matter what, Hua Ling is one of the talents of Xuanji Palace, and he can't even walk twenty steps on the blue stone steps?
The girl in palace costume glanced at Hua Ling with an indifferent expression.

This made Hua Ling even more embarrassed. At the same time, he looked at Ye Chunyang's back full of hatred. If it wasn't for this person, why would he be so eager for success?Now the combined will has rejected him, and he can no longer walk up the steps.

The tempering of the combined will and the third level of the Fairy Hall are completely out of his reach.

Hua Yanxi looked at Hua Ling's fate with serious eyes. She originally wanted to try to keep walking, but she immediately put away the thought.

It's just that when she looked at the figure who had walked up to the same level as Yan Hao, her expression was slightly complicated.

"Who the hell is he?" Hua Yanxi murmured in her heart, she couldn't help but look at the masked girl who was a little behind the young man, the sense of familiarity became more and more clear.

Hua Fei'er lowered her head slightly, she was also surprised.

The will to fit together on the steps is very strong, but she found that although every step she took was a bit difficult, it was not impossible to resist, so she was able to follow Ye Chunyang's steps closely, and now she has taken No.18 steps.

So far, apart from the five return-to-the-void monks above the fifteen steps, there are only women in palace costumes, Yan Hao, Ye Chunyang, Hua Fei'er, and Hua Yanxi.

Yan Hao turned his head and looked at Ye Chunyang, implying sharpness, "Your talent is good."

Ye Chunyang was wearing a cloak, mysterious and profound.

He didn't answer Yan Hao's words, his eyes were still fixed on the eighteen sculptures in front of the ancient cave.

If you go there, what will you get?
At this time, the true essence in his body was boiling, and as the will to combine became more dignified, his true essence also became more condensed under the constant impact and resistance.

Ye Chunyang is looking forward to what kind of scenery it will be if he walks through these steps and arrives in front of the eighteen sculptures.

Immediately, he continued to walk up the stairs!

"Hehe, it's really ignorant to dare to be so arrogant in the mid-stage cultivation of the gods." Yan Hao sneered.

No one had ever dared to ignore him like that.

What's more, Ye Chunyang is just a human monk in the mid-stage of transformation, and his cultivation base is lower than him.

In fact, how did Yan Hao know that Ye Chunyang was immersed in comprehending the will to fit together at the moment, and had no time to pay attention to him, and those in front of him wanted to put him to death, so he didn't want to expose it in front of them.


With a deep trembling sound, Ye Chunyang's footsteps finally stepped on the No. 20 step at this time!
When he stepped down, he immediately felt a turbulent rush, and the surrounding space also fluctuated violently, and the will to merge suddenly increased several times.

It seems that this is a watershed in the entire bluestone steps. After landing, the pressure of will becomes stronger, but at the same time, it also makes Ye Chunyang feel the aura of tempering mana and true essence more obvious.

Obviously, the higher the level, the more terrifying the combined will, but if you can persist, the benefits you will get are unimaginable.

Ye Chunyang looked resolute, and his figure was unshakable. After a little comprehension at step No. 20, he immediately took another step towards No. 20.

Yan Hao couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

Before, in order to chase the girl in palace costume, he went from step No.18 to step No.19, and he had to recover for a period of time before he dared to move forward.

But Ye Chunyang only rested for a moment?

This shows that his mana is powerful, far from being comparable to ordinary mid-stage cultivators.

The girl in palace costume in front and several strong men in the Void Return Stage also looked at Ye Chunyang. His performance was too shocking, and everyone present was very clear about the terrifying will to fit together on the steps.

No one dares to say that after every step, he will continue to move forward.

Such a result will only be strangled by will.

But this mysterious young man did it.

Not only did he take several steps in a row, but now he has surpassed Yanhao and five Void Returning monks, reaching the No. 20 step comparable to the girl in palace costume!
Seeing this scene, Yan Hao, like Hua Ling before, showed a livid color on his face.

He didn't put Hua Ling in his eyes, nor did he see Hua Yanxi who was chasing after her step by step. Only the woman in the palace dress in front, and only she, was the target of Yan Hao's pursuit.

On the entire bluestone steps, within the stage of transforming gods, only women in palace attire can make him face up to it.

However, when he thought he was about to catch up with the other party and looked down on everyone from a high place, he was surpassed by that mysterious young man!
Geniuses are always proud, Yan Hao has never put other people in his eyes, and now this young man is walking ahead of him silently, which is a great shame to him.

"who are you?"

The beautiful eyes of the girl in palace costume looked at Ye Chunyang, her illusory figure was like an ethereal fairy, exuding a sense of nobility and transcendence.

She was very curious, who was this young man who disguised himself?

Could his talent be comparable to his own?

Ye Chunyang remained calm, this woman's spiritual sense is too strong, if she is a little careless, he may see through her identity.

In silence, he continued to walk towards the upper steps.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, he actually stepped on the No.20 second step!

Immediately, the combined will was like a thunderbolt. At this time, you can already see the will turn into substance, like a sharp blade, descending on Ye Chunyang's body. The terrible majesty is like a storm, like a tsunami, and it will destroy Ye Chunyang.

He stood still, and the 81 flying swords in his body were clanging!

A proud will emanated from him, at this moment, he was ahead of everyone!

He surpassed Yan Hao, surpassed the women in palace costumes, and surpassed the five Void Returning Powerhouses!
"He actually surpassed the young master of Xuanji Palace!"

"Who is this person? He has such talent and perseverance!"

Everyone looked sideways at him.

It was amazing that the woman in the palace costume had surpassed the five Void Returning experts before, but now, with an even more astonishing gesture, he left the woman in the palace costume behind!

"I didn't expect that among the monks who came in this time, there are such extremely talented people, which is a bit interesting." Gu Mu Laodao looked at Ye Chunyang's back and chuckled twice.

"Hmph, he's just a kid in the middle stage of transformation, how dare he stand shoulder to shoulder with the young master?" Yuan Xianyi said flatly.

"That's not necessarily the case." Gu Mu's old Taoist expression was strange, and he said: "The poor Taoist sees that this child's magic power is powerful, and his perseverance is far beyond ordinary people. Maybe it is even better than that little girl in Xuanji Palace."

"Really? Let's wait and see." Yuan Xian said disdainfully.

Gu Mu Lao Dao let out a low laugh, and ignored Yuan Xianyi, but looked at Ye Chunyang's figure with a strange look in his eyes.

"Have you surpassed her?" Hua Fei'er stared at the figure, her beautiful eyes rippling.

After getting along for many days, she could feel that Ye Chunyang had a mystery different from ordinary people, but she never expected that Ye Chunyang would catch up to the proud girl of heaven so quickly and surpass her.

This talent and perseverance are enough to overwhelm all the dazzling people present.

Hualing, Yanhao and others are far less than a fraction of him.

"Maybe...he can go further." Hua Fei'er murmured.

No one can see the bright smile under her mask.

At this time, Ye Chunyang stopped on the second step of No. 20, silently comprehended this will with his spiritual consciousness, and his eyes gradually brightened.

There are 31 bluestone steps in total, and now he has walked 22 steps, getting closer and closer to the eighteen sculptures.

At this moment, a gust of fragrant wind filled the air, and a phantom of the primordial spirit appeared next to it, and the woman in palace costume also set foot here.

She was very relaxed, and her breath was very steady, and she didn't have the difficulty of walking like others.

"You are very unusual."

She looked at Ye Chunyang again, and said: "300 years ago, there were peerless geniuses standing shoulder to shoulder with me, but in the end they all stopped at 28 steps. Do you think you can get there?"

(End of this chapter)

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