After the ascent failed

Chapter 648 The Peak Level

Chapter 648 The Peak Level
"Being able to get to this point, even I have to admit that you do have something special."

The beautiful eyes of the woman in court clothes looked at Ye Chunyang, and her eyes finally showed surprise.

If Ye Chunyang refused to teleport at No.20 eight steps before to prove to her, the woman in the palace costume also admitted that she looked at Ye Chunyang differently at this time.

She looked at Ye Chunyang again, and said: "With your qualifications, if you are my servant, you will have a bright future. It's a pity that you are too arrogant, but a genius should be like this. If you change your mind at this time, I can still accept you. "

The women in court clothes changed their views.

She decided to lower her profile and invite Ye Chunyang again, still letting him be her servant.

If such a person can be used by her, it should be her help.

Being able to come here, the talent is not weaker than her, but her status is supreme, no matter how talented Ye Chunyang is, she can only be her servant.

At this time, no one spoke out.

They are not qualified to comment on Ye Chunyang's brilliance, but they are still very envious.

The woman in palace attire is the young master of Xuanji Palace, who throws out olive branches twice. How many people dream of honor?
They stared at Ye Chunyang, this No.20 nine steps is already an extremely amazing step, no one can surpass it, if he is not a fool, he would agree to the invitation of the girl in the palace costume, and use his talent to win the cultivation of Xuanji Palace.

But then, Ye Chunyang's words shocked everyone present.

"You're too self-indulgent."

With plain words, Ye Chunyang's mana was activated, and the surrounding brilliance was suppressed by him, and the power of teleportation disappeared.

He, rejected the teleportation again!

The woman in palace costume was very surprised.

Unexpectedly, he not only rejected himself again, but also suppressed the teleportation again. Could it be that he still wants to continue to take No.30 steps?
On the steps, Yaque was silent.

Everyone looked at Ye Chunyang's figure in disbelief, and his words of rejecting the woman in palace costume were quite harsh.

He thought that he was risking being strangled by the fit will to catch up with the woman in the palace costume, just to perform in front of her and raise his own price, but he said that the woman is being self-indulgent?


Looking at his actions at this time, everyone felt incredible. Could it be that they really misunderstood this young man, and he did not step up to a higher level to win the attention of women in palace costumes?
"It's impossible for you to take that step." It was the same thing, but the woman in palace costume was extremely indifferent this time.

She admitted that maybe she really misunderstood him, but it is absolutely impossible for him to go to step No.30. It is not that she has tried that step, but in the end she failed.

Now, Ye Chunyang is going to take this unprecedented step. From the eyes of the woman in palace costume, he is courting death.

Ye Chunyang didn't pay attention to her intentions, and only had his own firmness in his heart.

He walked up this step, not to compare with the women in palace costumes, let alone for that ridiculous performance. At this moment, he just wants to break through his own limit, observe the eighteen sculptures up close, and get the real inheritance of will.

If it wasn't for these things, he wouldn't bother talking to women in court at all.

The eyebrows of Gu Mu Laodao and the others twitched, and they all thought that Ye Chunyang would stop there after reaching No.20 eight steps, but his behavior was unexpected again.

A faint smile flashed across Hua Feier's beautiful eyes.

She has long known that Ye Chunyang is not someone who gives up easily, and even though a woman in a palace costume is noble and talented, Ye Chunyang still looks down on her.

"You are really dazzling. If it weren't for the complicated relationship between my flower clan and soul cultivators, maybe we..." Hua Feier murmured words that no one heard, and at the end of the words, her beautiful eyes lit up.

And just when everyone was full of surprise, a deafening roar woke them up suddenly.

Around Ye Chunyang's body, a domineering spiritual will emerged, this time the coming of the will surpassed the past, and involved him in the raging storm.

The woman in the palace costume stared at his back, and couldn't help showing a dignified look in her eyes.

At this time, there was also teleportation power pervading around her. She neither teleported directly to the third level nor suppressed it. She just looked at the back of the young man and wanted to wait for a result.

Although she had expected that result, the young man would fail and return in the end.

The powerful will constantly impacted the soul and the soul, and the feeling of dizziness came again. Ye Chunyang finally understood why none of the monks who came here in the past could take these last two steps. At this moment, he was almost Reach the limit.

Illusions kept appearing in front of his eyes, and those who were not strong-willed would definitely lose their minds at this time and give up here.

But Ye Chunyang knew that once he had any intention of giving up, the combined will on the steps would immediately turn into an extremely terrifying killing intent, and he would immediately fall here.

Compared with No.20 eight steps and No.20 nine steps, this step is the real difference between life and death!

If you enter, you will live!

Retire, you must die!
An unshakable will flashed in Ye Chunyang's heart, his gaze was firm, and his footsteps landed on the No. 30 step!

The combined will is like the roar of an angry dragon, making the impact sound of tearing eardrums, Ye Chunyang's robes are buzzing, and his body seems to be torn apart, but he is still stable, like the most tenacious existence in the world, there is no one Things can shake!
At this moment, he was only one step away from the eighteen sculptures in front of the ancient cave!
"How is it possible... How is this possible!" The woman in palace costume lost all color and repeated these words over and over again.

She couldn't believe that Ye Chunyang surpassed her and reached the No. 30 step!

On the steps behind, an uproar resounded.

"No. 30 steps! No one has ever created such a myth!"

"How on earth did he do it!"

Qunxiu's eyes were shocked.

At this moment, the back figure seemed to symbolize the most dazzling light in the world, and everything was eclipsed in front of him.

In the beginning, he walked from the first step in obscurity, surpassing Huayanxi, Hualing, Yanhao... Now, he even surpassed the woman in palace costume who once represented the myth of this place!
No one knew his identity, but was deeply shocked by his talent and perseverance.

Standing outside the steps, Hua Ling stared at the figure above everyone, and instantly became dumbfounded.

Compared with the place where the figure was standing, he didn't even walk twenty steps. Could it be that the gap between them is really so big?

Yanhao's heart also jumped wildly, feeling a huge blow.

Just now, when Ye Chunyang and the woman in palace costume stepped up the No.20 nine-step step at the same time, he could feel the horror of the combined will there. He was still thinking about whether he could bear it like them, but the young man continued It shocked him once.


Yan Hao smacked his mouth, no matter how proud he was, he still had to admire Ye Chunyang's talent and perseverance.

"Who is this kid?" Yuan Xian asked with a gloomy expression.

They could only see Ye Chunyang's cultivation level, but they couldn't see his true face.

"This kid is quite talented, but the poor Taoist has the intention of accepting him as a disciple." The old Taoist Gu Mu said calmly.

Yuan Xian sneered, and choked directly: "Didn't you kill your apprentice? If this person worships you as his teacher, he probably won't live long, right?"

"Hey, is Pindao really that kind of vicious person? This kid is extremely talented, if he is my disciple, Pindao will teach him well." Old Taoist Gu Mu said with a smile.

Yuan Xian glanced at the old Taoist with a sneer, and was too lazy to talk to him.

Compared to the commotion below, the steps above seemed very quiet.

After Ye Chunyang stepped on the No.30 step, he closed his eyes and silently felt the will from the sculpture. Mysterious images seemed to appear in his mind.

But when Ye Chunyang wanted to observe carefully, he found that these images were blurred, and he couldn't really understand the true meaning of them. He opened his eyes involuntarily, and looked towards No.30, a step.

That is the last step from the Eighteenth Sculpture, the closest place under the sculpture, and the will to fit is the strongest.

Now at step No. 30, the cultivation images from eighteen sculptures appeared in Ye Chunyang's mind. If he reaches the last step, he will be able to get the real inheritance of will!
"Your talent is really dazzling." The woman in palace costume stared at Ye Chunyang's back for a long time, and said, "I want to know, who are you?"

The young man in front of her made her feel frustrated for the first time, and he rejected the invitation twice with a strong posture.

She wanted to take this step ahead, but after several struggles, she decided to give up.

The fusion will emanating from there gave her primordial spirit a terrifying feeling of being wiped out.

The woman in the palace costume knows that she has really reached the limit, and it is impossible to continue to move forward, otherwise she will end up lost in spirit and soul.

It was hard for her to believe that this young man had such a strong talent and perseverance that he was able to get the approval of the will of the body step by step. Now there is only the last step left to the eighteen sculptures.

This is an unprecedented dazzling achievement, and women in palace costumes think they can't do it.

Ye Chunyang looked back at her, and didn't answer, but took another step forward under the incredulous eyes of everyone!


The woman in palace costume was stunned.

All the monks were also stupefied. Being able to walk up to step No. 30 already surpassed the myth of a woman in a palace costume. Now, he actually wants to go to the final step of the pinnacle?


There is nothing to describe the will to fit together at this time. When Ye Chunyang took this step, he only felt that his whole body was dismembered, and there was a sense of numbness. If the Yuanshen and Yuanying were not still there, he might have lost consciousness.

A terrifying gust of wind swept through him, his robes rattled, and his body almost turned into ashes, but with his tenacious will, he had no fear.


The coat he wore on his body exploded, the cloak fell off in response, and his long hair fluttered in the wind, revealing a silver iron mask, which looked deep and mysterious under the light of various colors.

"It's you?"

The eyes of the woman in palace costume suddenly turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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