Chapter 652

Everyone has an illusion of being in a dream.

Who is the young master of Xuanji Palace?
Since the opening of the Diyuan Realm in the past, countless people rushed to the Fairy Hall to break through the level, but she was the only one who walked up to the No. 20 nine-step step, creating an unprecedented miracle.

Of course, that was before the appearance of this mysterious young man. Now, her light is covered by the young man, and she has become the other party's maid.

The speed of change is unexpected.

"Let go of your consciousness, I want to plant a restriction on you." Ye Chunyang said.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" Yuan Xian couldn't bear it anymore, the majestic young master of Xuanji Palace, the successor of the most powerful human race in Tianhan Continent, who would dare to plant restrictions on him?

"Have you been asked to speak?" Ye Chunyang said expressionlessly.


Before the words fell completely, a domineering and majestic will suddenly landed on Yuan Xianyi's head, pressing his body half an inch into the ground.

When he was in the ghost eye, Yuan Xianyi also planned to use him as a substitute for the dead ghost. Now that he has the opportunity to fight back, Ye Chunyang will naturally not hold back.

All the monks fell silent.

A great cultivator in the middle stage of returning to the void, who couldn't even say a word in front of him, was slapped in the face continuously?
All this is too unreal!

Yuanxian's eyes were filled with anger, but he found that under the combined will, he had no ability to speak and was completely suppressed.

Outside the bluestone steps, Hua Ling watched this scene with no blood on his face.

When he heard that the woman in the palace costume agreed to be Ye Chunyang's maid, he already felt a lot of unwillingness, but he didn't have the courage to argue with Ye Chunyang. Now seeing that his master was crushed like a dog after repeated outbursts, he trembled all over and didn't dare to say a word.

"You let the original protector go, and I can let you plant a ban." The woman in the palace costume looked very calm, without the slightest sign of involuntary.

"it is good."

Ye Chunyang waved his hand, suppressing Yuan Xianyi's combined will to disperse.

Although he can control the combined will, but with Yuan Xianyi's level of existence, he can't kill if he wants to. As the protector of Fang's Xuanji Palace, if he dies in his hands, he will face the pressure of the entire Xuanji Palace.

And planting restrictions on the woman in the palace costume, even if she leaves the Diling Ancient Cave, Yuan Xianyi will be wary of using this woman in his hands, and if necessary, she can also become a sharp sword in his hand.

Others only thought that he asked the woman in palace costume to be his maid just to avenge her previous contempt, but in fact Ye Chunyang already had long-term plans.

Although he can draw the will of the body for his own use at this time, he can't stay here forever, and he will have to teleport to the third pass to reach the Fairy Spirit Hall. anti.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and Ye Chunyang immediately pointed, a sword light pierced the void, and hid between the eyebrows of the woman in palace costume.

Since the woman in the palace costume is just a body of the primordial spirit, Ye Chunyang's restriction can only be planted in her sea of ​​consciousness. When the sword light enters, the woman immediately feels a small silver sword floating in the sea of ​​consciousness, with thunder winding around it, faintly Suppressing her soul.

"The power of thunder!"

The woman in the palace costume sensed it for a moment, and was immediately startled.

The aura pervading on the silver sword was the power of thunder that was extremely lethal to the soul. As soon as her divine sense approached, it was immediately wiped out by the thunder.

This also indirectly proves that even if her soul cultivation realm is higher than Ye Chunyang, it is impossible to unilaterally lift this restriction.

The eyes of the woman in the palace costume flickered, but she didn't try to crack it forcibly in the end. She agreed to be the maid of the mysterious young man, not because the other party could suppress her at this time, but because he took the eighteen sculptures as targets.

But obviously it is impossible to get there with her own ability, only with the help of Ye Chunyang.

"Come up."

With a wave of Ye Chunyang's hand, the will to fit together on the No. 30 and 31 steps disappeared. The woman in the palace costume stood below, suddenly felt the pressure in front of her relax, and couldn't help flashing joy in her heart.

She stepped forward, also walked to the eighteen sculptures, and sat cross-legged.

"Communicate the sculpture with spiritual thoughts, and feel the will to fit together." Ye Chunyang pointed out.

Although this woman is a bit arrogant, since she promised the other party to help her comprehend, Ye Chunyang will naturally not do anything to renege on her word and get fat.

The woman in palace costume stared at the sculpture, feeling the true meaning of will inheritance in it, and her eyes bloomed with splendor.

She looked back at Ye Chunyang and said, "My name is Ling Qingxuan. I did overestimate myself earlier, and I apologize to you."

Ye Chunyang nodded.

Although he was very unhappy with the pride of this woman, but with Ye Chunyang's state of mind, he didn't bother to care about anything with the other party, let alone now that she had become his maid.

"Boy, I hope you won't regret your decision!" Yuan Xian said coldly as soon as he opened his mouth.

"You talk a lot?" Ye Chunyang narrowed his eyes slightly, isn't he being cleaned up enough?


Yuan Xian's face was ashen, but he looked at the eighteen combined sculptures in front of him, so he had to endure it.

In other places, he can certainly slap this cultivator of transformation to death with one palm, but now Ye Chunyang can use all the combined wills in these eighteen sculptures, so he dare not act rashly.

"Guardian Yuan, wait for me at the third checkpoint." Ling Qingxuan, a woman in palace attire, said.

Yuan Xianyi snorted heavily, didn't say anything, stepped on the No.20 eight-step step, and his figure disappeared in the teleportation light.

Under the steps, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Yanhao and Hualing couldn't even say a word.

Even mid-stage Void Return cultivators are suppressed like this, what else can they say?What dare to say?
Yan Hao stared at the eighteen combined sculptures in front of the ancient cave, his eyes were gloomy and uncertain.

After a while, he said, "Daoist friend, if you take me to the eighteen sculptures, I, Yanhao, would like to make friends with you."

"Yanhao is a well-known cultivation genius of the Tianshi Clan. He is the most likely to enter the void within a hundred years. To get his approval is to be recognized by the Tianshi Clan."

"The Tianshi clan is a powerful clan in the realm of the Divine Sea. Few cultivating races can compare with it. Only with talents like this person can we become friends with the Tianshi clan?"


When everyone under the steps heard Yan Hao's words, they discussed in low voices, and everyone looked at Ye Chunyang with envy.

In some respects, the strength of the Tianshi clan is not inferior to that of the Xuanji Palace of the human race. Now that Yanhao has opened his mouth at this time, it can be seen that he thinks highly of this mysterious young man.

Of course, the fact that this mysterious young man was able to reach the No.30 step, aroused the resonance of the combined will, repeatedly crushed the monks who returned to the void, and made Ling Qingxuan, the young master of Xuanji Palace, a maid, is enough to prove his talent and ability.

Although these are not his own strengths, at least he is very important at this time, more dazzling than the arrogance of any force.

Therefore, when Yan Hao said this, everyone thought it was not too much.

None of them realized Yan Hao's arrogance when he said this, as if he was ordering Ye Chunyang, or they thought that he would agree to their conditions for granted.

To make friends?

Ye Chunyang looked at Yan Hao.

He has a strong figure, like an iron tower, full of a heavy sense of strength, and his body is extremely tough. This is the innate talent of the Tianshi clan, and his strong body is enough to sweep the same level.

But he said, if Ye Chunyang took him to the sculpture, would he make friends with him?

The implication is that the current Ye Chunyang is not qualified to discuss friendship with him?

He thinks highly of himself.

"How? Help me reach the eighteen sculptures. From now on, among the younger generation of the Tianshi clan, except for me, Yanhao, your identity will surpass everyone else." Yanhao continued.

He is very confident. In terms of strength, the Tianshi clan is no weaker than Xuanji Palace. If Ling Qingxuan, the young master of Xuanji Palace, can recruit Ye Chunyang, so can he, Yanhao.

And he used other methods.

However, for his self-confidence, Ye Chunyang only responded with one word: "Get out."

Yan Hao's face froze.

He looked at Ye Chunyang, who was wearing a mask and couldn't see his face clearly, Yanhao said: "I will give you a chance to reconsider, if you miss some chances, you won't have them again."

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" Ye Chunyang said indifferently.

"You..." Yan Hao's face froze for a moment, "Okay, okay, okay...very good, do you think you can stay in this ancient cave for the rest of your life? Now that you have offended Xuanji Palace, how dare you offend me? Shizu, I want to see how you die from now on!"

After saying that, Yan Hao cast a cold glance at Ye Chunyang, stepped up the No. 20 eight-step step, triggered the teleportation array and left.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, all looking at the mysterious man wearing the silver mask with weird eyes.

Yan Hao is a talented person of the Tianshi Clan, and has won the attention of the elders of the clan. If there is no accident, he will be the next head of the Tianshi Clan.

Facing such a character, the young man only said one word, get out.

Very courageous.

Very bold.

But can this courage really last forever?

Hua Ling, who was outside the steps, looked at this scene with cold eyes, and finally a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You can't live by doing your own crimes. Yan Hao is a ruthless person who must repay every grievance. How can he be willing to be humiliated for the first time?" Hua Ling thought to himself.

He was very upset to see Ye Chunyang, because Ye Chunyang took the woman he admired as a maid, which was enough for him to have murderous thoughts towards Ye Chunyang.

However, Ye Chunyang realized under the sculpture that his cultivation had broken through to the late stage of transforming gods. Even without the help of the will to combine, he was still not an opponent, and there was no hope of revenge.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chunyang committed suicide to offend Yan Hao to death, and no one in the world can save him.

The others fell silent.

Although they had no enmity with Ye Chunyang, they also had no kindness. Although they wanted Ye Chunyang to take them one step above No. 30, they had no reason to speak up.

In the end, these talented monks from various races could only rely on their talents and perseverance to move forward step by step. Some of them successfully reached No. One can go on to a higher level.

And a small group of people couldn't bear the pressure of the will to fit together before they even walked twenty steps, and they had to withdraw from the steps and gave up the competition in the fairy hall.

Ye Chunyang watched this scene expressionlessly, then sat cross-legged under the eighteen sculptures, and continued to inspire his will to comprehend silently.

(End of this chapter)

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