After the ascent failed

Chapter 670 Sweeping Out

Chapter 670 Sweeping Out
Hearing this, Ye Chunyang also looked at several people in the hall, that "Young Master Yu" was in the middle stage of transformation, and the other four aliens were in the late stage.

It was the middle-aged man of the foreign race who spoke at this time.

He looked at Ye Chunyang and the others with disdain.

Zhang Yunqing looked at the middle-aged alien, "What do you mean by your words?"

"It seems that Mr. Yu didn't tell you?" The middle-aged man of the foreign race glanced at Zhang Yunqing, and said with a sneer: "The four of us are foreign aid hired by Mr. Yu. You can go back wherever you came from."

This middle-aged foreigner had dark green pupils and a cold breath, while the other three sat there with their hands crossed in their sleeves, looking at Ye Chunyang and the others with sarcasm in their eyes.

Including the middle-aged foreigner, the four of them were filled with a demonic aura, as if they belonged to the demon clan.

Zhang Yunqing frowned, and looked at "Young Master Yu".

"Oh, I really forgot to tell fellow Daoist Zhang about this matter. These fellows are members of the Monster Race, and they came here to assist me in participating in the grand event of the Tianpeng Clan." Yu Feiyu said.

Zhang Yunqing's face became gloomy, and he said: "Young Master Yu has promised me to help you before, but now he invites outsiders, isn't it not true?"

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhang, I don't mean that." Yu Feiyu raised his hand and said.

"What does Mr. Yu mean?" Zhang Yunqing said darkly, and Yu Feiyu turned back on his promises, which made him extremely embarrassed.

Yu Feiyu said: "Although I had a long talk with Zhang Daoyou before, I am still considering whether to really invite Brother Zhang as a foreign aid for this grand event."

Zhang Yunqing snorted, his face extremely ugly.

But Yu Feiyu smiled, looked at the four Yaozu people on both sides, and continued: "In fact, I invited the four fellows of the Yaozu here today to discuss this matter, and the specific result has not yet been determined."

Hearing this, Zhang Yunqing's eyes narrowed.

Yu Feiyu's meaning was already obvious, he wanted to choose the most powerful side from both of them.

To put it bluntly, I just wanted them to fight. No wonder the four monster monks showed hostility when they saw them.

After Yu Feiyu finished speaking, she sat at the front with a smile, with a gentle demeanor.

"Young Master Yu, it is said that the nobles have always been at odds with the human race. If you invite these people to be foreign aid in a grand event, you will probably be rejected by the clan. If I sweep them out for you, then let us Yaozu assist you. , with us here, you will surely win the event." The middle-aged man of the foreign race laughed.

Before Yu Feiyu could speak, the middle-aged man of the foreign race stood up and pointed at Ye Chunyang and the others with a cold breath from his body.

Yu Feiyu's eyes flickered, and he just watched this scene with a smile.

"Hmph, even a few goblins dare to talk nonsense here. I'll teach you a lesson first, grandma!" Zhang Ling'er looked angry. She had long been disgusted with these monster monks. Seeing such provocations from the other party, how could she bear it? .

With a cold face, she stood up abruptly, slapped her body with her small hands, and the red wind chime tied around her waist flew out, and there was a clear sound all around immediately.

Bursts of sound waves hit, and the void trembled. Everyone felt severe pain like tearing their eardrums, and they had to use their kung fu to resist it.Zhang Ling'er looks petite, but her cultivation has also reached the late stage of transformation, which shows her innate supernatural powers.

"Little girl is presumptuous!"

The middle-aged man of the foreign race sneered, and the demonic aura around him was released, sweeping like a gust of wind. The sound waves emitted by Zhang Linger's wind chime were scattered by it, and then he took a step forward suddenly.


A deep sound came out, and with a backhand wave, a green light appeared in the palm, which turned into an oil lamp. The oil lamp was simple in texture, beating bursts of strange green flames, and full of monster aura.

The light of the fire lightly swirled around the wind chime, and the light of the red wind chime sacrificed by Zhang Linger suddenly dimmed, and the aura was greatly reduced in an instant.Immediately after the middle-aged man activated a formula, the flames in the oil lamp surged up, covering Zhang Ling'er directly.

"Little sister, go back!"

Seeing this, Zhang Yunqing's expression froze, and he hurried forward to pull Zhang Ling'er back, but it was too late, under the soaring green flames, both of them were repulsed back.

Zhang Ling'er retracted the wind chime, and there was a strange green smoke on it, eating away the spiritual power of her magic weapon.

"What a demon lamp!"

Zhang Yunqing activated the kung fu formula, and wiped Zhang Linger's wind chime, and the green smoke gradually dissipated. Then he looked at the oil lamp in the middle-aged man's hand, with a cold expression on his face.

Zhang Ling'er's wind chime is a spiritual treasure refined by an elder in the clan for her. It has extraordinary spiritual power, but most of its spiritual power was burned by the demon fire in the oil lamp, which shows that the demon lamp is also extraordinary.

"Hey, with this little means, I still want to be Mr. Yu's foreign aid. Such a small role will only drag Mr. Yu down." The middle-aged man said proudly: "My son, in my opinion, these human races are not very good. Let them rush down the mountain, staying here is really an eyesore."

"You old bastard, grandma, I caught you just now because I was unprepared. Let's fight again if we have the ability!" Zhang Ling'er was furious. Her magic weapon was originally a spiritual treasure with extraordinary spirituality, but now most of its spiritual power has been destroyed. If you want to recover, you have to sacrifice again.

Of course, this is not a difficult task for her, she only needs to warm up with real energy for a period of time, but this middle-aged monster makes her very upset, and she is bound to beat him up.

"Little girl is quite rampant. Like you, you probably reached the late stage of transformation by relying on the elders in your family to feed some miraculous medicines? I advise you to leave quickly and fight with you. I really can't afford to lose this person." The young people in the clan contemptuously said.

Yu Feiyu frowned slightly and looked at Zhang Yunqing.

Zhang Yunqing sighed, and pulled Zhang Linger back, "Forget it, since that's the case, let's go!"

Zhang Yunqing was unwilling, and if they really wanted to fight, they would naturally not be afraid of this middle-aged monster, but if they fought, the other three would definitely not stand by, and the two of them, brother and sister, would not have much chance of winning.

"Hey, it's really ridiculous that a few human monks dare to come here to put on airs if they are not strong enough." The middle-aged demon clan had a sneer on his face, and did not take Ye Chunyang and his party seriously at all.

Surprise and anger welled up on Zhang Yunqing's face, but after glancing at Yu Feiyu, he said nothing in the end, and pulled Zhang Linger to leave.

"A few monsters who don't know how to live or die dare to act fiercely here. I want to see who kicked who out of the house?"

At this moment, a figure stood up.

Everyone was stunned, only to see that the cold monk beside Ye Chunyang was like the wind, his words were cold, his face was expressionless, and he suddenly slapped him.

Zhang Yunqing was taken aback, this person was Ye Chunyang's "senior brother", Ye Xiaobao.

He hastily shouted: "Fellow Daoist Xiaobao, be careful, that demon cultivator's magic weapon is extremely powerful."

"Bold! Since you want to die, I will help you!"

The middle-aged man from the monster race looked furious, and the oil lamp in his hand was activated again, bursts of green flames rose into the air, and a strange monster energy pervaded the entire hall.

This time, the green flame that appeared in the oil lamp was obviously more powerful than when he dealt with Zhang Ling'er just now. As soon as it appeared, the flames burst into flames, and the sky was filled with green smoke.

The other three Yaozu monks watched this scene indifferently.

They are well aware of the power of the middle-aged man's demon lamp. Just now Zhang Linger's magic weapon of wind chimes directly damaged most of his spiritual power under the wrap of green flames. Now this human youth didn't even sacrifice the treasure, and he wanted to fight against him with only his magic power , simply overreaching.

But just when the three monster monks had this thought, their faces froze suddenly.

Ye Xiaobao raised his palm, his five fingers were like a dragon, and then he saw the gust of wind enveloped him, turned into palm prints and slapped Lu Yan fiercely on the field.


The surrounding wind was blowing back, bursts of turbulent aura ran away, and there was a muffled sound from the demon lamp, and the flame was instantly extinguished, while the cold-faced young man stood unscathed in the green flames.

The middle-aged man was taken aback.

But before he could react, Ye Xiaobao suddenly continued to slap with his backhand. The demon lamp in the middle-aged man's hand was shattered, and his body was also sent flying several feet away. There was a crackling sound all over his body. He vomited a mouthful of blood and immediately disappeared. up.


The expressions of the other three demon cultivators changed when they saw this scene.

Beside the fainted middle-aged man, an old man stood up and said angrily: "The boy is so fierce, is he trying to form a death feud with us?"

"Too much nonsense!"

Ye Xiaobao's face was as cold as ice, without looking at the three of them, he sent out another palm print.

Kuangba's mana swept past like a storm, and the air continued to explode, causing the entire cave to tremble crazily around him.


The three demon cultivators were furious, they all stood up, their bodies covered in a mist, and they cast a few magic formulas with one hand, and even attacked Ye Xiaobao together.

But then the three of them suddenly felt a huge spiritual pressure coming, and the mana in their bodies receded like a tide, and they were suppressed tightly, and then a cold breath came, and the three of them suddenly exploded, as if their bodies were being crushed by a millstone pressure.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The giant palm fell, and the three demon cultivators screamed, lying on the ground with their eyes turned white, motionless.


Zhang Yunqing rubbed his eyes, looking at the indifferent young man in front of him, his heart was turned upside down!

Zhang Linger also opened her small mouth slightly, her face full of disbelief.

Ye Xiaobao, how could he stun all three monster monks of the same level with a single slap?

The cultivation of the two brothers and sisters is also in the late stage of transformation, so it is not a problem to deal with one of the four monster monks alone, but how can they be as terrifying as Ye Xiaobao?
Yu Feiyu sat there, also staring wide-eyed, with an extremely strange expression.

He could see clearly just now that Ye Xiaobao didn't even sacrifice the magic weapon, and blew up the middle-aged man's demon lamp by himself, and then suppressed the other three people to the ground with a slap.

These four powerful monster cultivators in the late stage of transforming gods didn't even have the slightest strength to fight back in front of him.

"This person has such strong supernatural powers. If he can be my foreign aid, who can compete with me in this Tianpeng grand meeting?"

Yu Feiyu looked at Ye Xiaobao with excitement in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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