After the ascent failed

Chapter 685 The Secret of the Temple

Chapter 685 The Secret of the Temple
"It seems that the two who released the Kunpeng fierce spirit before should be with them."

Ye Chunyang looked in the direction where the armored middle-aged man escaped, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"So, those two people before are also members of the Kunpeng clan?" Zhang Yunqing frowned and said, "Why did they do this?"

Ye Chunyang spread his hands and said: "We don't know what their purpose is, but they must be planning something to release the ghosts of the ancestors of the Kunpeng clan."

Hearing this, Zhang Yunqing couldn't help but look serious.

Although this is a grievance between the Kunpeng clan and the Tianpeng clan, they helped Yu Feiyu come here to practice, and they were also involved in a wave of waves.

And if he couldn't help Yu Feiyu win, not only would Ye Chunyang not get Zhu Yuanguo, they would also not be able to return to the Human Race Three Emperors Ancient Realm.

"Fellow Daoist Xiaobao, can you give me the Concentration Crystal?" Yu Feiyu looked at Ye Xiaobao and stepped forward with some hesitation.

Ye Chunyang glanced at the Concentration Crystal, and controlled Xiaobao with his divine sense, and said, "To tell the truth, Mr. Yu, this Concentration Crystal is also useful to me, and I also want to use him to cultivate."

He has long seen that this Concentration Crystal is condensed from the pure power of the ghost soul, which is of great help to the cultivation of the soul. Since returning to the spirit world, his soul realm has not been broken through for a long time, and he is looking for some opportunities. Ascension, this Concentration Crystal is the perfect thing.

Yu Feiyu was taken aback.

It is extremely important to him that the concentration crystal can revive Ling Ji.

He looked at Xiaobao with pleading eyes, and said: "I know that this request is a bit difficult, but this thing is the only hope for resurrecting my beloved one. I hope fellow Taoist Xiaobao can agree."

Speaking of this, Yu Feiyu turned his eyes and said strangely: "Speaking of which, this thing is formed by gathering soul power, and it has no effect on ordinary monks, unless it is a soul cultivator, it can be used to temper the soul. I don't know what you think What kind of skills can be cultivated with this thing?"

The Zhang brothers and sisters also looked at Ye Xiaobao with some doubts.

Ye Chunyang's spiritual thoughts passed over, and Xiaobao said: "I use this thing to temper my soul."

"Tempering the soul! Could it be that fellow Taoist Xiaobao is a soul cultivator?"

Yu Feiyu and the Zhang brothers and sisters looked at Ye Xiaobao in shock.

Generally speaking, soul cultivators are unable to take into account mana cultivation because they major in the soul, so the mana level will be lower, but the mana and supernatural powers of the person in front of him are obviously amazingly powerful.

Yu Feiyu lowered his head, his expression became hesitant.

He really wanted to get the Concentration Crystal, but Ye Xiaobao snatched it from the armored man after all, without him, I'm afraid they would have died in each other's hands by now, Ye Xiaobao has no obligation to hand over the Concentration Crystal.

But Ling Ji is the regret of his life, he only wants his love to be resurrected.

After thinking for a while, Yu Feiyu said: "If Fellow Daoist Xiaobao wants to cultivate the soul, I can exchange it with another condition. The value of this condition is not under the Concentration Crystal at all."

"Oh? Could it be that Mr. Yu has any other spiritual treasures?" Ye Chunyang controlled the clone and said.

"I don't have soul treasures like Ningshen Jing." Yu Feiyu smiled wryly and shook his head, "But my fourth sister has them."

A strange color flashed in Ye Chunyang's eyes when he heard the words.

If there are other treasures that can improve the state of the soul, it is not a bad idea to give this concentration crystal to Yu Feiyu.

He then passed on his spiritual thoughts to Xiaobao: "I don't know if Elder Jingchan has any treasures that can improve his soul?"

But Yu Feiyu shook his head and said: "What my fourth sister owns is not a treasure, but a pool of souls."

"Soul pool?" Ye Chunyang's expression moved slightly.

"That's right, this soul pool is in my fourth sister's cave. If fellow daoist can give me the concentration crystal, after we go out, I will ask my fourth sister to let him take fellow daoist to enter the soul pool to practice. She won't refuse." Yu Feiyu said.

Ye Chunyang's mind moved, and he remembered that when he was in the lower realm, King Nanxuan took him to find the Soul Lake in the sky of the Cold Wind Cave. If this is true, the value of cultivation is many times greater than that of the Concentration Crystal.

"Elder Jingchan actually has a pool of souls. Could it be that she is also a soul cultivator? But as far as I know, it seems that you alien races cannot cultivate souls, right?" Ye Chunyang manipulated Xiaobao again and said.

"It is true that only humans can practice soul cultivation, and my fourth sister is a pure Dharma cultivator." Yu Feiyu said with a smile: "The soul pool in her cave was actually left by an ancestor of the human race."

Ye Chunyang was even more puzzled, "The nobles are not very hostile to the human race, how could the ancestors of the human race leave a soul pool in Elder Jingchan's cave?"

"Being hostile to the human race is just the opinion of some members of our family. Our lineage has never had any prejudice against the human race. My sisters and I are like this. Otherwise, when we first contacted Daoist Zhang, we would not have invited him to do it. The foreign aid experienced in this grand event."

Yu Feiyu said: "Actually, the ancestors of our lineage have already had contacts with the ancestors of the human race. It is said that the senior who came to our Tianpeng Holy Land was a powerful soul cultivator, and that soul pool is exactly his. It was created with the power of my own soul."

"That soul pool was created artificially?" Ye Chunyang was shocked.

To be able to open up a soul pool, what kind of astonishing spiritual cultivation is required?

"Soul cultivation can only be practiced by the human race. Although the ancestor of the human race opened up a soul pool in our Tianpeng Holy Land, no one in our family can use it, so no one has ever set foot there, and because the ancestor of the human race and Our lineage has some origins, after my eldest sister, second sister and third sister went out to practice one after another, my fourth sister took care of them." Yu Feiyu explained.

He looked at Ye Xiaobao with enthusiastic eyes, "Since fellow daoist Xiaobao is a soul cultivator, that soul pool is just useful for you. Compared with the concentration crystal, you should need it more, and this thing is for me. It's about the life and death of the one you love, and I hope Fellow Daoist Xiaobao can make it happen!"

After Yu Feiyu finished speaking, he bowed deeply.

Ye Chunyang looked thoughtful, and after a while, he conveyed his spiritual thoughts to Xiaobao, nodded and said: "Okay, since that's the case, I'll give this concentration crystal to Mr. Yu. After the experience is over, Mr. Yu, please fulfill the agreement."

Yu Feiyu looked excited, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist, I will never break my promise!"

"Ye Chunyang" nodded without saying anything.

He could still see Yu Feiyu's character, although his fourth sister was a bit difficult to deal with, but with the temper of the latter's doting brother and mad devil, she probably wouldn't refuse when Yu Feiyu asked.

Ye Chunyang then manipulated Xiaobao and threw the Concentration Crystal over.

Yu Feiyu stretched out his hand to take it, his eyes showed little by little excitement, and he muttered to himself: "Ling Ji, I will definitely save you!"

He treasured and put away the concentration crystal.

At this time, Zhang Yunqing looked around and said, "Just now the Kunpeng monk said that there is indeed a teleportation array leading to Kunling Mountain in the temple here. If we don't look for it, if we can reach Kunling Mountain directly, we can save it." A lot of work."

"Brother Zhang is very true." Yu Feiyu nodded, then frowned and said, "It's just that in this temple, I didn't feel any fluctuations in the formation. I'm afraid it won't be easy to find the teleportation formation." .”

"No matter what, let's look for it first!" Ye Chunyang said.

Now that you have come here, you will naturally not return without success.

Both Yu Feiyu and the Zhang brothers and sisters agreed, and after a discussion, the group searched in their respective temples.

Ye Chunyang walked forward, picked up the two books on the table and opened them.

The two books are very simple and common, one is "Book of Changes" and the other is "Tao Te Ching".

Ye Chunyang put it down after reading a few pages. These two books are widely circulated in the human race, and almost everyone must read them. But for immortal cultivators, they are just two extremely ordinary books. Some people even read them once. It will not be opened again.

At this time, looking for the teleportation array is the primary purpose, and Ye Chunyang has no intention of reading these two books.

After putting down the book, he looked at the pen, ink and inkstone table next to him, and the neatly stacked pieces of talisman paper.

The pen is a good pen, the whole body is like jade, the tentacles are warm and cool, and the inkstone is also good ink, but Ye Chunyang did not grind it, but turned his eyes to the few pieces of talisman paper beside him.

This is the only thing on the table that is linked to the cultivator.

Ye Chunyang pondered for a while, and picked up those talisman papers. These talisman papers were actually inconspicuous, except for a trace of pitiful aura, there was nothing extraordinary about them, and they were even worse than some ordinary talisman papers.

This is very strange, the temple here stands in the realm of the Kunpeng God, and the spirit of the strong man remains in the Sanqing statue, no matter how you look at it, it cannot be an ordinary place.

However, it is such an unusual place, and the appearance of these most ordinary things seems extremely inconsistent.

Ye Chunyang looked at these things on the altar table, and felt something was wrong, but he couldn't say it.

He frowned slightly, took a closer look, and found nothing unusual.

"Could it be that I'm thinking too much?"

Ye Chunyang shook his head in his heart, not because he was worrying too much, but because of his thousands of years of experience in cultivating the Tao, there must be some kind of mystery hidden in this temple.

"These things are just ordinary things, so there's no need to delve into them." Zhang Ling'er walked to the side and said disdainfully with her mouth raised.

Ye Chunyang ignored her.

But Zhang Ling'er is right, these things should be very common, and there is nothing unusual about them.

"These talisman papers can barely refine some low-level talismans. Since my aunt and grandma are here, there is no reason for me to leave empty-handed." Zhang Linger grinned, and stretched out her hand to grab the talisman papers.

But just when she took the talisman paper in her hand, an amazing scene happened!
Before Zhang Linger could put away the talisman paper, her body flickered suddenly. She opened her mouth to shout to Zhang Yunqing, but she didn't make a sound, and then disappeared out of thin air.

It's like evaporating from the world!


Seeing this scene, Zhang Yunqing's expression suddenly changed, and he hurried to this side.

But it was too late, Zhang Ling'er had completely lost track of her, without any trace of breath.

"Brother Ye, what's going on?" Zhang Yunqing asked eagerly.

"I don't know." Ye Chunyang was also shocked.

As soon as he finished speaking, an even weirder scene appeared before his eyes.

Those talisman papers that Zhang Linger took away quietly appeared on the altar again...

(End of this chapter)

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