After the ascent failed

Chapter 691 True Spirit Stone

Chapter 691 True Spirit Stone

"True spirit stone!"

Yu Feiyu looked excited, he felt a blood resonance from that spar, and the other Tianpeng disciples also focused their eyes, showing great joy.

In front of the crowd, a ray of light rushed out suddenly, and the wings of the roc behind Yu Teng stretched out, without saying a word, he went straight to the true spirit stone.


Many people shouted loudly, and their figures flew up together.

Before it approached, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of him, and the old man beside Yu Teng raised his hand to press down from the air, and suddenly a violent aura emanated, shaking the entire attic.

Several Tianpeng disciples in the middle stage of transformation were caught off guard and retreated immediately after being shocked.

"Except for Mr. Yuteng, you are probably not qualified to get the True Spirit Stone." The old man smiled slyly.

"You want to help Yu Teng get the real spirit stone, and pass our level first."

"Young masters, go and grab the real spirit stone, and leave this old man to us."

Beside the other Tianpeng disciples, people stepped forward one after another, looking at the old man with unkind eyes.

They all came here for the True Spirit Stone, and they are all people with extraordinary cultivation, how could they shrink back because of a word from Yu Teng and the old man?
All the disciples of the Tianpeng tribe did not hesitate, and set off again to fly towards the real spirit stone, inviting foreign aid at a high price, naturally for this moment.

A cold look flashed in the old man's eyes, and after the aura flashed from his body, he flashed wildly into the crowd.

The few foreign aids did not show any weakness, and the field suddenly burst into light, and the crackling sound of countless Lingbao spells came out, creating an astonishing storm.

There was instant chaos in the attic, and the battle was divided into two sides. One was the disciples of Tianpeng who were fighting for the true spirit stone, and the other was the foreign aid they invited.

"You stop those people, I'll take the true spirit stone!" Yu Duoduo glanced at the fighting crowd, and then said to the black-robed woman beside her.

The black-robed woman nodded.

Immediately, Yu Duoduo's body flickered, like a breeze, she went straight to the real spirit stone.

The woman in black robe next to her followed closely behind.

"Brother Zhang, Brother Ye, let's do it too!" Seeing other people making moves, Yu Feiyu also became excited.

"Okay." Zhang Yunqing said in a low voice.

After all, he wanted to step forward.

Ye Chunyang stopped him and said, "Wait a minute."

Hearing the words, Zhang Yunqing couldn't help looking at him suspiciously, "Brother Ye, what's the meaning of this?"

Yu Feiyu also looked surprised. At this time, everyone is fighting for it. If they don't make a move, the real spirit stone may fall into the hands of others. Why did Ye Chunyang stop them?
I saw Ye Chunyang looking at the True Spirit Stone in the floating attic, frowning darkly, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"There is something wrong with this true spirit stone." He whispered.

Yu Feiyu and the Zhang brothers and sisters looked at each other, "What does Brother Ye mean by that?"

Ye Chunyang stared at the True Spirit Stone with half-closed eyes, his eyes were a little deep, and there was an aura of danger in it that made him feel dangerous.

"I'm afraid there's something hidden in this thing." Ye Chunyang said.

Hearing this, Zhang Yunqing and Yu Feiyu were a little surprised. They knew that Ye Chunyang's perception was extraordinary, and he had never made any mistakes along the way. He must have discovered some abnormalities when he said so.

Yu Feiyu's eyes flashed with hesitation, seeing that Yu Teng and others were about to snatch the real spirit stone, one can imagine his mood.

But he chose to trust Ye Chunyang and did not act rashly.

At this time, Yu Teng's figure in front of him was darting wildly, and his speed was astonishingly fast. As the number one arrogance of the younger generation of the Tianpeng Clan, he possessed a wind attribute root, and in terms of body skills and supernatural powers, he was gifted beyond ordinary people. Appeared above the True Spirit Stone.

"Hahaha... the true spirit stone belongs to me after all!"

Yu Teng let out a long laugh, and grabbed down with his big hand, shrouded in terrifying magic power, he wanted to hold the real spirit stone in his hand.

"call out!"

Suddenly, there was a sharp wind, and dense wind blades appeared in front of Yu Teng, slashing at him with lightning speed.

Yu Teng paused, and when he looked up, a charming woman appeared. It was Yu Duoduo, the proud girl of heaven who had the same wind attribute as him.

"Looking for death." Looking at the wind blade coming to kill, Yu Teng's face showed anger, and he quickly swung his backhand.

A violent hurricane filled the air, and the surrounding winds were violent, like overwhelming mountains and seas, and all the wind blades cast by Yu Duoduo were swept inside.

The sound of "噗噗" was loud!
As the terrifying storm spread, Yu Duoduo couldn't help snorting, and stepped back. Seeing this, Yu Teng sneered again and flicked his fingers. The vitality in the world violently rioted, turning into a wind wall and trapping Yu Duoduo inside.

Although she also has a wind attribute alien spirit root, in terms of mana and supernatural powers, Yu Duoduo is still much inferior to Yu Teng!

Yu Teng didn't even look at Yu Duoduo, and continued to grab the real spirit stone.

But at this time, a black shadow appeared beside Yu Duoduo like a ghost, and an invisible wave surrounded her, and the wind wall that imprisoned Yu Duoduo dissipated without a sound.

"Go and grab the spirit stone!" the black-robed woman said to Yu Duoduo.

Yu Duoduo nodded without saying anything, her figure flashed like a breeze.

"Soul power?"

Yu Teng looked at the black-robed woman at this time, but her eyes were fixed. The black-robed woman was using soul magic power just now, and she is a soul cultivator!
Ye Chunyang's eyes were also attracted by this, and he looked at the woman in black robe with a little surprise. The movement of the other party's soul when she just cast the supernatural power made him feel very familiar.

Just as he was looking at the woman in black robe, a roar came suddenly.

On the True Spirit Stone, a dazzling halo spread, and before Yu Teng could get close, his face turned pale suddenly, as if he had been hit by a huge impact, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body was shaken back.

Everyone raised their heads unanimously, with astonishment on their faces.

I saw the real spirit stone trembling, and a strange light flowed out of the whole body, rolling out like a wave.


Zhang Yunqing stood in front of Zhang Linger, his soft armor glowed with spiritual light, and Ye Chunyang burst out a round of sword energy, protecting Ye Xiaobao and Yu Feiyu together in the sword array, and the light waves immediately split to both sides.

Others were not so lucky. Many nearby monks were shocked by the light wave, and they all vomited blood and retreated.

"what happened?"

The old man who was fighting with other foreign monks retreated to Yu Teng's side and asked in surprise.

"This true spirit stone is weird!" Yu Teng said gloomyly.

"Could it be that after the fall of Kunpeng, there are still restrictions left in the true spirit stone?" The old man frowned.

"It's very possible." Yu Teng nodded, and hastily took out a Qi Hui Pill and took it. He was the closest to him just now, and he was almost one step away from getting the real spirit stone, and the impact he received was the strongest.

"What should we do now?" The old man looked up at the floating true spirit stone and asked.

Judging from the fluctuations that erupted from the True Spirit Stone, no one present could resist it. If we forcibly seize it, we don't know what the consequences will be.

Yu Teng's expression was gloomy and uncertain. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough just now, he might have been seriously injured by now.

But the real spirit stone was right in front of him, how could he give up willingly.

After a while, he stepped forward and said, "No matter what, I will definitely order the real spirit stone!"

And when Yu Teng was talking to the old man, there was commotion in the crowd.

Under the terrifying wave of light, everyone was secretly terrified, and no one dared to act rashly.

"Brother Ye, Brother Zhang, can you see what kind of weirdness is contained in this real spirit stone?" Yu Feiyu took a deep breath, looked at Ye Chunyang and Zhang Yunqing and asked.

He couldn't help but rejoice, fortunately, he didn't act rashly after hearing Ye Chunyang's words just now, otherwise it would be unpredictable.

Zhang Yunqing stared at the real spirit stone, with deep vigilance in his eyes.

Although his body was protected by soft armor, the true essence in his body was still boiling under the impact of the light waves. From this point of view, this true spirit stone was by no means simple.

"Brother Ye, your perception is the strongest, can you see the clues?" Zhang Yunqing glanced at Ye Chunyang. Ye Chunyang didn't let them participate in the competition before, but there was a change in the next moment, and Zhang Yunqing had to admire his perception.

Yu Feiyu and Zhang Linger also looked at Ye Chunyang together. When Ye Chunyang blocked them, he was still a little dubious, but now he admired him deeply.

Does she really have the power of foresight?
Facing the questioning gazes of the three, Ye Chunyang did not answer.

He looked at the true spirit stone, his eyes narrowed slightly, his expression was a little deep, and he said slowly after a while: "What's weird about this true spirit stone, I can't be sure at the moment, but there are other things besides the normal ones. There seems to be something else besides spiritual power."

"Other things?" Zhang Yunqing was surprised when he heard this.

Yu Feiyu also had some doubts on his face, and said: "With the induction of the power of the blood, I can only feel the breath left by the ancestor Kunpeng in the true spirit stone, nothing else?"

Ye Chunyang looked at the True Spirit Stone, and then at the two of them.

Just as he was about to speak, there was a sudden vibration in the attic, followed by a burst of wild laughter from outside.

"Hahaha... The True Spirit Stone has finally been activated, God is helping me!"

A thick cloud flashed wildly from outside the attic, and several figures walked out from both sides, exuding a gloomy and cold aura, which made people shudder.

The leader was a tall middle-aged man with a cold face and a faint black light around him. The aura in the entire attic fluctuated violently because of his appearance.

This middle-aged man is none other than Venerable Xiao.

Then came two very familiar figures, namely the armored man Yun Mo and Yu Chengyun.

Seeing Yu Chengyun, all the Tianpeng disciples were a little surprised, because Yu Chengyun was a little different from usual at this time, his body was covered with a black mist, his eyes were empty, his face was expressionless, like a puppet, standing with the man in armor Behind Venerable Xiao.

"Who are they? They didn't seem to have been seen before when they were sent in from the Holy Land?"

"The man in armor seems to be Yu Chengyun's foreign aid, but who are these people?"


All the Tianpeng disciples looked at Venerable Xiao and his party, feeling strange in their hearts, but they were more vigilant.

Judging from the momentum of the group, it was obvious that the visitors were not good.

"The situation of Yu Chengyun is not quite right." Yu Feiyu stared at Yu Chengyun and said in a low voice.

"It's indeed a bit strange. The breath on his body is quite different from what I saw in the temple before." Zhang Yunqing raised his eyebrows, and also saw the abnormality.

Just when the two were secretly suspicious, Ye Chunyang said lightly: "He has been imprisoned by someone, and he has become a puppet."

(End of this chapter)

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