After the ascent failed

Chapter 693 Suppression

Chapter 693 Suppression
Above the midair, the sword array was as dense as rain, and it quickly slashed down with an incomparably astonishing power of lightning!
Venerable Xiao looked shocked, under this sword array, as if he had encountered an old enemy, the magic power in his body could not be exerted.

"Tianlei Wood!"

As the sword array approached, Venerable Xiao saw something, and his pupils shrank violently, "This kind of spiritual wood has been completely destroyed by our clan's power, how can it still appear?"

The Sky Thunder Wood is the nemesis of evil spirits and ghosts, and it also has the effect of suppressing the devil energy. Because of this, there has long been a great power in the devil world to use great supernatural powers to destroy all the Sky Thunder Wood in the world. Can't help but be shocked.

But he didn't want to think too much at this time, and hurriedly urged with his mana, the black giant sword's demonic light surged, and he greeted the sword formation in the sky.

Thunder and thunder intersected in the void, and when the two touched, there was only a roar of rain hitting plantains, and the raging thunder and lightning struck the black magic sword, and the magic energy collapsed without a trace in an instant, and the sword shattered inch by inch .

Venerable Xiao shrank his pupils, and immediately changed the formula, covering his body with a thick layer of black mist, and his figure turned into a faint light and disappeared out of thin air.

Countless dense lightning fell crazily, and the entire attic trembled crazily, almost collapsing. At the same time, a figure appeared in midair.

Dressed in black and expressionless, it was Ye Chunyang!

He looked down at the ground, with a gloomy look in his eyes. The Daqian Sword Formation has been tempered by the Mahayana sword intent of the Immortal Hall of the Abyss Realm, and its power is already different from what it used to be. Killing a monk of the same rank is like crushing ants.

The opponent's realm is also in the late stage of transformation, but he can escape under his sword array, which shows his supernatural power.

The arena fell into silence for a moment.

Everyone looked at this scene with disbelief on their faces.

Venerable Fang Caixiao knocked Ye Xiaobao back with a blow, and Fanjin Shenglian almost fell into his hands, but at this time Ye Chunyang was able to suppress the opponent with a sword formation, causing him to retreat in embarrassment. What kind of magical power is this?
"Where did Yu Feiyu invite such a master?" Shock flashed across Yu Teng's face, the surprise of the sword just now, if it were him, he might not be able to take it with much confidence.

The black-clothed monk was indistinguishable from Yu Feiyu's side, yet he was such a blockbuster.

Everyone's expressions were also secretly dignified, and the eyes they looked at Ye Chunyang seemed a little complicated.

At this moment, there was a soft sound somewhere in the void, and the black mist shrouded in the attic quickly gathered, and the next moment, the figure of Venerable Xiao appeared out of thin air!
Without any warning, he made a backhanded tactic, and the black mist boiled like a tide, turning into a python-like chain, and went straight to Ye Chunyang's back and strangled him.

Complacency flashed in Venerable Xiao's eyes, he made a surprise move, even the Void Returning cultivator may not be able to escape here, once the chain comes, what awaits Ye Chunyang is almost certain death!

But Venerable Xiao just had a smile on his face, and his face suddenly froze. Ye Chunyang seemed to have eyes behind his back, and 81 perishing swords shot up into the sky, releasing a piercing sword energy.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw an extremely shocking scene.

The eighty flying swords gathered together and turned into a towering giant sword, carrying violent thunder and slashing on the chain, the chain exploded with a sound, and then the giant sword circled again, and went straight to Venerable Xiao's throat.

"He has such amazing perception?"

Venerable Xiao's surprise was no small matter!
What he just performed was a mysterious concealment technique in the demon world. Even the Void Returning cultivators might not be able to detect his aura here, but Ye Chunyang didn't even look at it, and directly strangled him with his sword. Such a speed of perception and reaction is simply inconceivable.

However, although Venerable Xiao was surprised, there was no panic on his face, but he looked at Ye Chunyang with great interest, "You, a human monk, have some supernatural powers, but this alone is not enough to make an enemy of this Venerable."

The sneer fell, Venerable Xiao's figure flickered, and the surrounding demon clouds rose up, disappearing without a trace again, and the giant sword that Ye Chunyang slashed fell into the air again.

Ye Chunyang frowned, feeling a little surprised.

Judging from the supernatural powers displayed by the other party, it doesn't look like what a monk in the late stage of transformation should have. However, only monks of this level can enter the Kunpeng Divine Realm. The origin and means of this person are indeed beyond his expectations.

Withdrawing the perishing sword, Ye Chunyang unleashed his spiritual sense perception, with his powerful power of soul, no matter how strange the opponent's movement is, he would not be able to escape his search.

No matter where this person came from, as long as his realm is still in the late stage of transformation, Ye Chunyang can kill him with a snap of his fingers.

"I didn't expect Brother Ye to be able to compete with this mysterious person. It seems that his supernatural power is still higher than that of his senior fellow Daoist Xiaobao." Yu Feiyu secretly shocked.

"Brother Ye is indeed supernatural. I thought he was only talented in alchemy and perception, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful in fighting." Zhang Yunqing also said in amazement.

As soon as Venerable Xiao defeated Ye Xiaobao just now, they realized the power of the other party. Zhang Yunqing asked himself that if it wasn't for a life-and-death struggle, he might not be able to compete with Venerable Xiao.

However, Ye Chunyang was able to suppress the opponent twice in a row, which made him shocked.

On the other side, Yu Duoduo also showed surprise on her face.

She formed an alliance with Yu Feiyu and his party, and along the way, she had never seen Ye Chunyang make a move. In her impression, this ordinary-looking young man in black was not outstanding, and people almost ignored his existence.

But at this time, she was deeply shocked by the supernatural power shown from Ye Chunyang.

"Feiyu, it's really surprising that your friend has such supernatural powers." Yu Duoduo looked at Yu Feiyu, this human youth gave her too much shock.

Yu Feiyu opened his mouth and smiled wryly.

In fact, he did not expect Ye Chunyang to have such strength, but it seems that the stronger Ye Chunyang is, the greater his advantage will be!

"Brother Zhang, let's grab the real spirit stone!" Yu Feiyu said to Zhang Yunqing.

"Now that the power of the formation is weakening, it is indeed a good time to snatch the real spirit stone. Don't worry, Mr. Yu, Zhang and sister-in-law will stop others for you." Zhang Yunqing responded spiritually.

The two quickly reached a tacit understanding, and Yu Feiyu immediately set off and flew away, turning into a startling rainbow and heading straight for the real spirit stone.

"Hmph! If you want to seize the true spirit stone, I'm afraid you are not qualified enough!"

As soon as Yu Feiyu left, a cold voice sounded beside him, Yu Teng also flew towards the True Spirit Stone with a sarcasm on his face.

He has made several shots, but none of them succeeded. Now the situation is becoming more and more chaotic, how can he watch Yu Feiyu take the opportunity to take away the true spirit stone?
"Young Master Yu Teng wants to stop Young Master Fei Yu, first ask my brother and sister if they agree." Zhang Yunqing appeared in front of Yu Teng with a faint smile.

On the side, Zhang Ling'er was gearing up, looking as if she had already made a big effort.

"Go away!"

Yu Teng shouted loudly, his wings flickered on his back, and he rushed directly to the two. At the same time, the old man beside him also flickered, using his magical powers to attack the two brothers and sisters.

The scuffle broke out again, and as the demon energy weakened, everyone who had originally fled back turned back one after another.

"Let's do it too!"

Yu Duoduo said to the woman in black robe beside her, the latter nodded, and the two women immediately joined in the fight.

Ye Chunyang didn't pay attention to the battle in the field. His spiritual consciousness scanned his complexion carefully, but his complexion was slightly ugly. After the disappearance of Venerable Xiao, it seemed that the world had evaporated, and there was no trace of it.

This made Ye Chunyang feel a little strange. When ordinary people cast hidden supernatural powers, under the glance of his divine sense, some traces would be noticed, but the demon had completely disappeared, which seemed strange.

He looked at the other side, the armored man Yun Mo and the other two demon monks were urging the spirit formation. Although he had manipulated Ye Xiaobao to destroy most of the formation with the Brahma Golden Lotus, these spirit beads were absorbing After a lot of monks' essence, the demonic energy seemed to have increased by a few points, and at this time the formation was restored.

And under the crowd fighting for the true spirit stone, the three demon monks didn't panic at all, instead they looked confident.

Ye Chunyang frowned inwardly. Including Venerable Xiao, there were only four people on the other side, but it seemed that they had the chance to win. The matter was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.


At this moment, Ye Chunyang suddenly sensed something, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The next moment, his face turned cold, and the 81 flying swords in his body made a sound of thunder, which suddenly burst out from his body, and slashed down towards a place with the force of wind and thunder!

The sound of "chi chi" rose loudly!
Where the sword array landed was the true spirit stone suspended in mid-air. Yu Teng and the others who were approaching were shocked, and looked at Ye Chunyang with cold eyes.

But before they asked why, the True Spirit Stone suddenly changed dramatically.

The two spirit orbs surrounding the true spirit stone made a loud buzzing noise, and a thick layer of magic mist flowed up from the whole body, rolling towards the true spirit stone and blocking Ye Chunyang's sword formation at the same time.

At this time, everyone clearly saw something wriggling in the magic mist, which made people's scalp tingle. After a while, a figure suddenly appeared inside, it was Venerable Xiao.

"Bang bang bang..."

The 81 flying swords were like pear blossoms in a rainstorm, and fell towards Venerable Xiao who appeared without hesitation. He raised his head, but a sneer flashed in his eyes, and then he urged the magic formula with one hand, and a strange breath came from him Let it out.


The sound of a volcanic eruption resounded, Venerable Xiao's aura suddenly rose, as if some kind of restriction on his body had been broken by him, his breath was like an abyss like a sea, and the surrounding void became violently fluctuating, turning into waves of heaven and earth vitality into its body.

"The power to return to the void!"

"He is actually a Void Returning cultivator!"

Seeing this scene, the faces of the people running towards the True Spirit Stone changed wildly.

Being able to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth from the void space is a supernatural power that only monks who return to the void can possess!
Obviously, the other party is a strong man in the early stage of Void Return!
"It turns out that this person actually hid his cultivation and sneaked into the Kunpeng God Realm!"

Yu Feiyu and the others were shocked.

Ye Chunyang was also shocked, but he didn't show much surprise. Seeing the aura of Venerable Xiao's cultivation burst out, the sword array was still surging down!

Void-returning cultivator, it's not that he hasn't killed before!
(End of this chapter)

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