Murano's little genius

Chapter 103 Chapter 103 Believe in fate, you will lose?

Chapter 103 Chapter 103 Believe in fate, you will lose?
"Aunt Lihe, Uncle Quande is in this state now, you and Fangfang should stay by her bedside more, even if he doesn't want to talk, you should chat with him more."

Looking at Wang Quande lying on the bed, Zhang Xiaofan was still very worried.

Both eyes are open, but empty and lifeless, just like the vegetative person.

It can be seen that the loss of his legs is a big blow to Wang Quande.

"Drive him out" and do rituals for a day?This is basically to push him to the abyss of death.

"Aunt Lihe, Uncle Quande's body hasn't fully recovered yet, I'll go back and prescribe some medicine for his health."

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

"Xiaofan, you have a heart. Aunt Lihe doesn't know what to say if I thank you so much. Fangfang and I will always remember your kindness in our hearts."

Liu Lihe bowed lightly to Zhang Xiaofan.

The current Zhang Xiaofan is no longer the brat he was back then.

In Liu Lihe's eyes, if Wang Fang can marry Zhang Xiaofan.

That's the good fortune I cultivated in my previous life.

Whether a woman will be happy or not in her next life depends to a large extent on the man she marries.

Especially in places like Stone Village.

If you marry a man you don't like, who is lazy, has domestic violence, and bad gambling.

Then the happiness of this woman in this life may be completely gone.


In a place like Shitou Village, how many women dare to propose a divorce?
Zhang Xiaofan remembers when he heard Sun Qian "threatened" him that if he didn't agree, he would divorce Zhao Tieniu.

His first reaction was actually to "admire" her boldness and courage.

Although it's just an idea, it's just said, it hasn't been made yet.

But it takes a lot of courage to say it.

Therefore, marrying the right man is really important for women.

And Liu Lihe felt that if Wang Fang married Zhang Xiaofan, then Wang Fang should live a very happy life for the rest of her life.

It's hard to imagine how happy she is, but it is conceivable that, at least, she will be happier than herself.

Liu Lihe didn't think Wang Quande was bad, nor did she regret marrying Wang Quande.

I just feel that she has been married to Wang Quande for so many years.

Wang Quande loves her, and she loves Wang Quande too, but which woman doesn't want her man to stay by her side more.

Bringing up the children at home and living alone will be somewhat lonely, lonely, and uncomfortable.

Therefore, there is no regret or anything, and some are just lamenting the helplessness of life.

After staying for a while, Zhang Xiaofan also felt that he should leave.

No way, Wang Quande still did not speak.

And the more people stay here, the greater the "pressure" on Wang Quande.

Since psychological "treatment" is needed, Liu Lihe and Wang Fang must be with her.

From Zhang Xiaofan's point of view, whether Wang Quande can recover now depends on Liu Lihe and Wang Fang.

"Brother Xiaofan, do you believe in fate?"

Wang Fang suddenly asked Zhang Xiaofan.

"It's a belief, but what I believe is that my destiny is in my own hands."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Wang Fang's eyes with somewhat complicated emotions.

"Fangfang, you don't have to think too much, it's just an accident that Uncle Quande became like this."

"If there is a saying of fate, then no one will doubt the truth of the saying that good people are rewarded."

"Fate is just a reason for us ordinary people to look for."

"Fate is just an accident."

"All we can do is to be ourselves and do everything well."

"Some people say that accident and tomorrow don't know which will come first."

"Since you don't know, live in the moment."

"Believe in fate? Then you will lose."

(End of this chapter)

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