Murano's little genius

Chapter 127 I'm not kidding

Chapter 127 I'm not kidding
Seeing this situation, Zhao Tiezhu couldn't calm down no matter how he weathered the storm.

Alone, facing five or six young gangsters in their 20s, it was as if they were practicing Tai Chi, and they all fell down easily.

Facing the bald man holding a knife, he was calm and unhurried, without a trace of fear.

Simple and rude, one punch and one kick, the bald head didn't even have a chance to react.

Looking at the bald head moaning in pain and his younger brothers who were still unable to get up from the pain, Zhao Tiezhu asked cautiously: "Xiaofan, why don't you send them to the hospital?"

The reason why Zhao Tiezhu told the bald head that Zhang Xiaofan was his brother just now was because he wanted to take this risk to make Zhang Xiaofan owe him a favor.

In this way, it will be easier to talk about things later.

In addition, in fact, Zhao Tiezhu has always been unhappy about being bald.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaofan beat them up instead, and the subsequent matters will probably be very troublesome.

Doing something at this moment can also stop the loss in time.

Zhang Xiaofan knew the seriousness when he did it, except for the bald head, the others suffered minor injuries, just go to the hospital and get some medicine.

But the bald head was not so lucky, although Zhang Xiaofan didn't suffer serious injuries, Zhang Xiaofan's blows were enough for him to lie on the bed for several days.

As the saying goes, people with a little skill are not to be feared, but doctors who are capable are scary.

Because he knows which part of you is the most effective and painful.

Zhang Xiaofan is like this.

"You are their friend, you can do whatever you want."

Zhang Xiaofan said in a bad tone.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan's anger still persists.

The sky is bright and the sun is bright, and the world is bright, and he dares to molest the girl in the village committee, and even beats people and draws a knife!
It's really rampant.

It can be seen what kind of people they usually are.

If you think about it, you can see how many people they bullied openly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Tiezhu ordered someone to take the bald men to the hospital.

"Xiaofan, can we go inside and chat?"

Zhao Tiezhu motioned to Zhou Degui's office to speak.

"Okay, I just happen to have something to talk to you about."

"Fangfang, you go back first."


Entering Zhou Degui's humble office, Zhang Xiaofan sat down.

And Zhao Tiezhu also said straight to the point: "I didn't expect Xiaofan to have such skill, I really can't see it.

However, I didn't expect that the bald head didn't give me any face at all, and I wanted to beat him up just now. "

"I heard that you usually have a good relationship, do you really dare to beat him?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled without saying a word, obviously, he didn't want to answer directly.

"I know, the man with the bald head was a crow just now."

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

Suddenly, Zhao Tiezhu's smile froze a bit.

Then he glanced at Zhou Degui.

Zhou Degui shivered in fright.

"It was his little brother who told me yesterday."

In order not to make Zhao Tiezhu suspicious of Zhou Degui, Zhang Xiaofan explained.

"Xiaofan, since you said that, you should understand that it's not easy for us to mess around."

Zhao Tiezhu handed Zhang Xiaofan a Huazi.

But Zhang Xiaofan didn't answer.

"The throat is not very good."

Obviously, Zhang Xiaofan deliberately rejected Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu is not stupid, he can feel it.

"Xiaofan, your skills are pretty good, and the boss is behind you."

"But I have to remind you that if the bald head tells the crow about this, he will really trouble you."

"That's not a joke."

"Even if the boss behind you comes forward, it may not be possible to negotiate."

Zhao Tiezhu lit a cigarette by himself.

I was very displeased.

"Oh? Then what should we do?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"I'll help you with this."

Zhao Tiezhu said with a purposeful smile.

"I beat people like that, can it still be solved?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

"In these days, there is nothing that money can't solve."

"Plus the bald head owed a lot of money because of gambling during this period."

When Zhao Tiezhu said this, Zhang Xiaofan was sure that he had a purpose.

"Unfortunately, I have no money."

Zhang Xiaofan spread his hands.

"You don't have to worry about it, I will pay for it."

Looking at Zhao Tiezhu's already fierce face, Zhang Xiaofan pretended to scratch his forehead: "I'm so sorry, I owe a lot of money, and if I owe you, I don't know when I will pay it off."

"Haha, it's just a little change, nothing, you don't need to pay it back."

Zhao Tiezhu laughed.

"You should have conditions, right?"

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan asked abruptly.

This made Zhao Tiezhu's laughter stop abruptly.

The atmosphere was not very good, but he laughed again immediately: "It's no surprise that Xiaofan has gone to college.

Okay, then I'll just say it straight, I also want to participate in the medicinal material business invested by your boss. "

Finally, Zhao Tiezhu exposed its true nature.

Zhao Tiezhu has already heard about Zhang Xiaofan's expansion of medicinal planting.

Moreover, I heard that the medicinal materials that Zhang Xiaofan and the others planted not long ago are ready to be harvested.

This made Zhao Tiezhu feel a little strange.

Although he didn't know the specific situation, he had an intuition that there should be something behind this.

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan, who looks like a gentleman, has the strength to beat several people by himself.

It's really strange.

There is also the mysterious boss behind him, which makes Zhao Tiezhu really want to "find out".

Otherwise, you will not be able to sleep soundly.

"Yes! As long as you stop the chemical plant."

Without any foreshadowing, Zhang Xiaofan blurted out directly.

Zhang Xiaofan felt that since talking about things, he had to be direct.

"Fuck, what did you say!"

Hearing this, the two younger brothers beside Zhao Tiezhu looked at Zhang Xiaofan angrily.

The reaction was quite large.

Zhao Tiezhu frowned.

Zhang Xiaofan's words are obviously what he doesn't like to hear the most.

Standing Zhou Degui licked his dry lips and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Probably because of worry and fear, his hands trembled a little.

"Xiaofan, my ears twitched just now, but I didn't hear clearly, what did you say?"

Zhao Tiezhu clasped his ears with his fingers and said.

It seems to be saying, I will give you another chance to reorganize the language.

"Shut down your chemical plant, I can think about it."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't answer Zhao Tiezhu's words directly.

However, the words are pressing again.

These words completely changed Zhao Tiezhu's face.

Also, the expression is extremely unnatural.

"Zhang Xiaofan, do you frankly know what you're talking about? You're courting death!"

These words were not said by Zhao Tiezhu, but by the younger brother wearing a white vest beside him.

He clenched his fists and grinned!

Zhao Tiezhu raised his hand to signal the younger brother in the white vest not to speak.

At this moment, the atmosphere in this small office has reached a peak where it is uncomfortable to breathe.

"Let me just say it directly. The toxic pollutants discharged by your chemical factory are very dangerous. They have all polluted the mountain spring water in the mountains near Shitou Village. Some villagers have been poisoned because they often drink mountain spring water."

"Also, the previously polluted water may have polluted other places long ago, causing harm to people, animals and plants in other places."

"So, this chemical plant should be shut down."

Zhang Xiaofan tried to speak in a calm tone.

After all, now I want to talk to Zhao Tiezhu first.

"Clap clap clap!"

"Not bad, really good, you are really good."

Suddenly, Zhao Tiezhu applauded.

"Xiao Fan, you have read so many books, you should know that there are some things you can't joke about, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then I'm sorry, I'm not joking!"

(End of this chapter)

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