Murano's little genius

Chapter 132 Where Do You Live?

Chapter 132 Where Do You Live?

Killing a chicken is not difficult for Zhang Xiaofan.

Smeared the neck, bled, boiled water, plucked the hair, and opened the stomach.
Zhang Xiaofan is busy in the kitchen.

Miao Yuchen walked in.

"Well, it smells so good, it looks like Grandpa Zhang said, today is a lucky day."

After entering, Miao Yuchen closed his eyes and smelled it and said.

Zhang Xiaofan turned his head and said to Miao Yuchen: "Doctor Miao, is there any purpose for you to come to my house today? We don't seem to be friends?"

Miao Yuchen's delicate eyes widened slightly, and she said innocently: "Don't get me wrong, although you and I are not friends, we are still friends. When I saw your grandfather just now, I just said that casually."


These words are too perfunctory in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, he doesn't believe it.

"Doctor Miao, you and I are both adults and doctors, so please tell the truth."

Zhang Xiaofan said skillfully while frying the chicken in the pot.

Miao Yuchen squatted down and put some firewood into the stove.

It seems that she also cooks with this stove.

"Actually, there is no purpose. I just feel that you are a bit mysterious. I want to discuss medical skills with you and really make friends."

Miao Yuchen spoke seriously.

"Hehe, I'm just a village doctor in a village clinic. I'm an ordinary villager in Shitou Village. There's nothing mysterious about my medical skills. You're a doctor in a county hospital, and I'm just a small village doctor."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Miao Yuchen who squatted down and licked firewood into the stove.

There are some close feelings in my heart.

Miao Yuchen's complexion is snow-white, and the overall image and temperament can tell that she is a child who grew up in the city.

Now he actually took the initiative to help him fuel the fire, it seemed that he was not afraid of choking at all.

"Don't forget, I'm also a doctor. I can see how good your medical skills are that day."

"Also, Grandpa Zhang told me everything about you. Although you are from Shitou Village and grew up in Shitou Village, you are not ordinary in my opinion."

Miao Yuchen looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said seriously.

Zhang Xiaofan smiled wryly in his heart, why did his grandfather tell others about himself when he saw a girl.

He doesn't know when he will sell his grandson.

After Miao Yuchen finished speaking, she walked out with a mysterious smile.

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head helplessly, then continued to stir fry with the spatula.

After half an hour.

There are three dishes and one soup on the simple table.

"Hmm! It smells really good!"

Seeing the delicious food on the table, Miao Yuchen couldn't help but praise it.

Zhang Dalei used a pair of unused chopsticks.

After putting a few pieces of chicken into Miao Yuchen's bowl, he smiled and said, "Dr. Miao, you must be hungry, come and eat chicken."

And Miao Yuchen was very polite, she said softly, "Grandpa Zhang, you eat first."

After speaking, he also put a piece of meat into his bowl.

Zhang Dalei nodded, smiling very satisfied.

"It's all a family, you're welcome, let's eat together."

Zhang Xiaofan.
Miao Yuchen.
As the so-called rejuvenation, it should be regarded as "children's speech without restraint".

As long as the old man is happy.

Miao Yuchen knew the heart of the old man, because her grandfather was also like this.

Zhang Xiaofan's cooking is really good, Miao Yuchen usually controls the rice and meat in each meal in order to keep in shape.

In addition, she is a doctor herself, so she knows which things can be eaten more and which things need to be eaten less.

But now, knowing that the dinner table is basically full of meat, she is still full.

Miao Yuchen's food intake was beyond Zhang Xiaofan's expectations.

It seems that the movements are elegant, and they are eating slowly, but Miao Yuchen is the one who eats the most.

After 10 minutes, the three dishes and one soup were all gone.

"Doctor Miao, do you like the dishes cooked by Xiaofan?"

Zhang Dalei asked.

"I like it, it tastes delicious."

Miao Yuchen gently wiped her lips with a tissue and said.

She ate happily and satiated.

"Xiaofan, Dr. Miao came here today to ask you for business. You and her had a good chat. I promised Uncle Yu to play chess, so I left first."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Dalei took the cattail fan and walked out happily while fanning it.

Zhang Xiaofan said in his heart: Master Yu?Isn't Uncle Yu blind?Still playing chess, not to mention, Uncle Yu can't play chess either!

"Xiao Fan, your grandfather's after-dinner activities are really rich."

Miao Yuchen said with a smile.

Zhang Xiaofan smiled awkwardly, he knew what kind of medicine was sold in his grandfather's gourd.

"Xiaofan, I heard from your grandfather that you didn't study medicine in college, so where did you learn your medical skills?"

Miao Yuchen asked with interest.


Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Don't lie to me, your grandfather said you were taught."

Zhang Xiaofan smiled wryly, how much did his naughty grandfather tell Miao Yuchen!
"Mostly I taught myself."

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

"You are amazing!"

Miao Yuchen suddenly looked at Zhang Xiaofan with adoring eyes.

Zhang Xiaofan took her admiring gaze and said: What aspect are you referring to? "

which aspect?
Miao Yuchen froze for a moment, then realized that she was a little embarrassed.

"It's getting late, you haven't gone back yet?"

Immediately, Zhang Xiaofan changed the subject in order to alleviate the embarrassment of his joking.

"I'm not going back tonight. I'll go back with the doctor who came with me tomorrow."

Miao Yuchen replied.

"No? No, where do you live?"

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly looked at Miao Yuchen.

"Doesn't your village committee have a place to live?"

"Who told you that?"

"Doesn't the village committees in general villages have rooms for outsiders to stay overnight?"

"Our village doesn't have any."

Zhang Xiaofan spread his hands and said.

"Ah! This"

From Miao Yuchen's reaction, it was beyond her expectation.

In a place like Shitou Village, the houses of the village committee are all dilapidated, and there are rooms for receiving outsiders?

Miao Yuchen probably thinks that Stone Village is some kind of well-off model village.

"Do you have a spare room in your house?"

Miao Yuchen asked.

Zhang Xiaofan pointed to his room and said: "My house is only this big, unless you want to sleep in the same room as me."

Seeing that Miao Yuchen was embarrassed by his words, Zhang Xiaofan continued: "It's just a joke, there won't be any extra rooms."

"But if you insist on staying in Stone Village for one night, I have other places for you to stay."

Zhang Xiaofan is also a caring person, Miao Yuchen is a free doctor after all.

She wanted to stay in Shitou Village for one night, so she would definitely help if she could.

The premise is that Miao Yuchen really wants to.

"It's getting late now, the transportation here is inconvenient, and there are no cars, so I can only stay here for one night."

Listening to Miao Yuchen's words, she seemed a bit reluctant, but looking at her expression, she really wanted to stay here for one night.

"It's okay, I can drive you back on the motorcycle."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"My home is in the county seat."

Zhang Xiaofan: "Well, let's consider living here."

"Where are you talking about?"

Miao Yuchen asked softly.

"My clinic."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.


Miao Yuchen covered her mouth, but the reaction was not particularly strong.

Probably just unexpected.

"That's right. After all, you are from the city. It is unrealistic to commit yourself to living in a place like a clinic."

After seeing Miao Yuchen's reaction, Zhang Xiaofan said.

"I look down on anyone, I'm also a doctor anyway."

Miao Yuchen herself is not squeamish, because she has never been that kind of person.

It's just that she didn't expect that the place where she was going to live was a clinic.

(End of this chapter)

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