Murano's little genius

Chapter 141 Get rid of the village tyrant

Chapter 141 Get rid of the village tyrant
Zhao Tiezhu and Zhao Qiang, father and son of village tyrants, stared at Wang Qianren who fell to the ground with a broken leg.

Wang Qianren, he had stayed in a martial arts school, knew martial arts, won a grand prize in a martial arts competition in the city, and he was able to split a brick with one hand.

However, in front of Zhang Xiaofan, he was like a clay figurine, vulnerable to a single blow.

In less than half a minute, he was also knocked to the ground and had a broken leg.

"Everyone do it for me, it doesn't matter how powerful he is, everyone do it together, he can be crippled with sticks!"

At this time, Zhao Qiang shouted loudly.

The voice just fell.

"Fuck him!"

"Fuck him!"

"Whoever dares to come up will definitely end up the same as him!" Zhang Xiaofan pointed at Wang Qianren on the ground and shouted angrily.

Zhang Xiaofan's voice is like the roar of a Lion in the River East, loud and powerful.

The rushing one stopped abruptly.

You look at me, I look at you.

A look of panic.

"Everyone, don't be afraid! Who can abolish him, 10 yuan!"

Zhao Qiang continued to shout.

The lure of money is great.

Everyone continued to rush towards Zhang Xiaofan.


Zhang Xiaofan snorted coldly, but he didn't intend to waste time with so many people.

With a force under his feet, the person rushed out like an arrow.

As if it could cut through the air, there was a whirring sound.

Quickly rushed through the crowd.

It seemed that in an instant, Zhang Xiaofan arrived in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

The sudden appearance of Zhang Xiaofan startled Zhao Tiezhu a lot, he instinctively took two steps back in fear.

Unprepared, in fear and panic, Zhao Qiang took out a dagger.

Then he pointed to Zhang Xiaofan: "Zhang Xiaofan, how dare you touch me to kill you!"

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head slightly, said lightly: "Just with this small knife?"

Zhao Qiang was furious: "I'll kill you!"


Zhao Qiang really stabbed Zhang Xiaofan with a knife.

However, Zhang Xiaofan's fist was a pain he couldn't bear.

With one punch, Zhao Qiang flew out directly.

He vomited blood, lost two teeth, and yelled on the ground in embarrassment.

"Zhang Xiaofan, I'll kill you!"

Zhao Tiezhu, who had no way to retreat, took out a handful of black things from behind.

Although it looks ugly, it is obvious that it is a pistol, and it is also a homemade pistol.

Zhang Xiaofan reacted very quickly, so there was no chance for Zhao Tiezhu to point a gun at him.

He quickly grabbed Zhao Tiezhu's hand and twisted it lightly!

Just like that, Zhao Tiezhu's wrist was broken.

That is not daring to move half a step.

"Zhang Xiaofan, let me tell you, unless you beat me to death today, you will never think of shutting down my factory."

Zhao Tiezhu grinned in pain, but still endured the severe pain and said to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Woohoo! Woohoo~"

Suddenly, the police car sounded outside.

When the police car rang, they panicked completely. They all dropped the water pipes in their hands and ran away in a hurry.

Unfortunately, this factory has only one entrance, the gate.

But several police cars stopped at the gate, how could they escape.

Zhao Tiezhu's face was livid.

"How could there be police, how could it be possible!"

Zhang Xiaofan sneered: "Don't you know I have a backstage?"

With these words, Zhang Xiaofan just wanted to scare Zhao Tiezhu.

In fact, this is Zhang Xiaofan's plan.

About Zhao Tiezhu and Zhao Qiang, Zhang Xiaofan had already told Director Gao.

Director Gao has sent someone to investigate in private.

The matter of the factory is no exception, and Director Gao has already been informed.

When he came to the factory just now, Zhang Xiaofan called Director Gao.

Tell them it's time to act.

When the moment comes, it is time to destroy Zhao Tiezhu's hegemony in the village and level the factory.

These are enough for Zhao Tiezhu to drink a pot.

"Zhang Xiaofan, do you think this is the end?"

"Today the factory is finished, and that's when you will be finished!"


Suddenly, Zhao Tiezhu laughed out loud.

Zhang Xiaofan said: "I know there are people behind you, don't worry, as long as he dares to make a move, he will be finished."

"Zhang Xiaofan, the strength and power of the people behind is an existence that you cannot touch."

"You're finished!"

All the police surrounded the factory.

Several policemen headed by Director Gao walked in.

"Everyone kneel down!"

Director Gao shouted with the majesty of a policeman.

Helpless, seeing that there was no way to retreat, all Zhao Tiezhu's younger brothers squatted down with their heads in their hands.

"Director Gao, you have a gun."

After Director Gao came over, Zhang Xiaofan handed the homemade pistol to Director Gao.

"Zhao Tiezhu, we have already mastered the evidence of your crime as a bully and this unknown chemical plant. With the homemade guns, it is enough for you to drink a pot!"

Director Gao said seriously.

Zhao Tiezhu just laughed, looked at Zhang Xiaofan fiercely, and didn't speak.

"Take everyone away!"

Director Gao continued.

In this way, the Shitou Cunba group headed by Zhao Tiezhu was all taken away.

"Xiaofan, did you beat those people?"

Director Gao looked at Wang Qianren lying on the ground, and several other young people who were also lying on the ground moaning in pain, and asked suspiciously.

"Director Gao, I can't help it. I'm self-defense. If they want to depose me, I have to fight back, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan said helplessly.

"It's not a question of self-defense, but how can you defeat so many people."

Director Gao continued.

Zhang Xiaofan pretended to scratch his head: "Zhao Tiezhu grabbed my grandfather and wanted to threaten me, I did it in a fit of anger."

"You boy, I have been a policeman for 20 years, do you think you can fool me?"

"Forget it, I won't force you to say it."

"You also have to go back to the police station with me and make a record."

"Okay, but I have to find my grandfather first."

So, Zhang Xiaofan asked Zhao Qiang who was still lying on the ground covering his face and couldn't get up.

In Zhao Qiang's eyes, Zhang Xiaofan is a devil, who beats people when he disagrees with him.

Now the police are here too, knowing that he and his father Zhao Tiezhu are going to be finished.

I can only tell where Zhang Dalei was closed.

Zhang Xiaofan quickly ran towards a small room.

Opening the door, I saw my grandfather sitting inside watching TV.

"Tunnel Warfare" was playing on TV.

It was a joy to watch.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan let go of his hanging heart.

I thought Zhao Tiezhu would tie up his grandfather.

His bones are already old, Zhang Xiaofan is still worried that he will be injured.

Zhang Xiaofan made everything clear to Zhang Dalei.

And Zhang Dalei is also an old man who has gone through the incident, and he didn't overreact when he heard this.

Just concerned that Zhang Xiaofan, the grandson, is fine.

When Director Gao saw Zhang Dalei, he immediately exaggerated Zhang Xiaofan.

It was a joy to hear Zhang Dalei laughing.

What a great thing that my grandson took such a risk to eradicate the village tyrant who had done so many bad things.

Grandpa Zhang Dalei should be proud.

After sending my grandfather home.

Zhang Xiaofan followed Director Gao to the police station.

(End of this chapter)

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