Murano's little genius

Chapter 143 Zhou Shuyi Wants to Marry?

Chapter 143 Zhou Shuyi Wants to Marry?

It turned out that Zhou Degui was afraid that the people behind the chemical plant and the crows would come to Shitou Village for revenge.

Zhang Xiaofan also said a lot to reassure him.

After listening to it, I was relieved a bit, but I was still a little absent-minded.

Ask again, about the position of his village head.

Zhou Degui said that he himself has been sorry to the villagers of Shitou Village in recent years.

As the head of the village, I am ashamed of them.

Now that Zhao Tiezhu was arrested, it was time for him to take the initiative to retreat.

Zhang Xiaofan wanted to say something, but he also knew that he couldn't control this matter.

Moreover, Zhou Degui has already submitted a report to the higher authorities.

There should be results in two days.

However, if Zhou Degui resigns from the position of village chief, he must first determine the candidate for a new village chief.

In terms of ability, Zhou Degui has the ability to be a good village head.

But in the past two years, I really didn't do anything for the villagers.

Although everyone still elected him as the village head during the election, it was because of Zhao Tiezhu.

At that time, because Zhao Tiezhu asked Zhou Degui to be the village head.

Who would dare not choose?

Although everyone knew that he had to do this because he was threatened by Zhao Tiezhu.

However, you are the village head after all.

If you did not do what you should do as a village chief, then you are wrong.

This is the principle.

Wrong is wrong, there is no reason.

Zhou Degui said that in this case the new village head may be directly transferred from outside, of course, it may also be selected from within the village.

"Village chief, what about Dr. Miao and the others?"

Zhang Xiaofan changed the subject.

"I went to the village, and they want to conduct a simple door-to-door inspection of the elderly over 60 years old in the village, for fear of missing something."

So, maybe this is the real meaning of free clinic.

Zhang Xiaofan opened a clinic in the village, and he appealed to everyone to come and see if they had any health problems.

These days, I have also helped many villagers with minor physical problems to solve their old problems.

However, there are still some older villagers, perhaps because they have limited mobility, or they don't want to come at all.

Zhang Xiaofan also wanted this.

Originally, I wanted to say that he would also come to visit one by one when he had some time.

But now Miao Yuchen's free clinic has done this.

Zhang Xiaofan left the village committee and rushed back home.

Although he went to the police station to take notes, as an old man, he was still worried.

So I have to go back and report to him.

Zhang Xiaofan bought some good food in the town.

Maybe it was because he was happy, so he drank two sips with his grandfather.

When drinking with my grandfather, I accidentally mentioned Li Yulan.

Because it was when Li Yulan came to find her and found that her grandfather was taken away by Zhao Tiezhu.

Is there something wrong with Li Yulan coming to see her?
So, after drinking a few sips with his grandfather, Zhang Xiaofan rushed to Li Yulan's house.

When he left, Zhang Xiaofan was still thinking, it's time to think of a way to justify Li Yulan's name.

After all, she is indeed not the kind of woman that many villagers say.

Maybe because he drank a little wine, Zhang Xiaofan's pace was a little faster.

Soon, they arrived at Li Yulan's house.

After entering Li Yulan's house, Zhang Xiaofan saw Li Guangsheng and Wu Shufen, that is, saw Li Guangsheng.

After patting his head, he realized that Li Guangsheng was actually going to be given a third injection last night.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan, Wu Shufen supported Li Guangsheng and walked up.

Now Li Guangsheng is more than half healed.

With the support of others, I can go a long way.

And in terms of mental outlook, it was much better than last time.

When Wu Shufen and Li Guangsheng saw Zhang Xiaofan, they were so happy.

That attitude is not just a lifesaver.

It's like treating Zhang Xiaofan like a family.

What bloomed in the eyes was a vision like a parent looking at a son.

Li Yulan heard the sound from inside the kitchen.

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan, he also showed a smile.

It seems that all the unhappiness after seeing Zhang Xiaofan can be completely forgotten.

Zhang Xiaofan apologized to Li Guangsheng for not being able to come last night, because something happened last night.

But what happened specifically, Zhang Xiaofan didn't say.

Last night, I was so busy "dealing with" Miao Yuchen that I really forgot about Li Guangsheng.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's apology, Li Guangsheng and Wu Shufen reacted greatly.

Quickly told him not to apologize.

For Zhang Xiaofan, they are full of gratitude in their hearts.

Although Zhang Xiaofan didn't come yesterday.

But they didn't mean to be angry or blame Zhang Xiaofan at all.

Next, Zhang Xiaofan gave Li Guangsheng the third acupuncture treatment.

It took another half an hour.

After finishing acupuncture, Wu Shufen wanted to ask Zhang Xiaofan to stay for dinner.

But Zhang Xiaofan politely refused.

Because he is really not hungry.

Moreover, he now wants to go to the medicinal planting place to have a look.

Let's see what happened to those lands under Zhao Tiezhu's handling.

Hearing that Zhang Xiaofan didn't stay for dinner, Li Yulan was not surprised.

But there will be a little disappointment and sadness in my heart.

Of course, it was instinctive, an emotion she couldn't control.

Seeing the complicated expression on her daughter's face, Wu Shufen stepped forward.

"Yulan, there are still two days left, are you sure you want to do that?"

"Mom, what I'm sure of won't change."

Go to the medicinal planting place.

Zhang Xiaofan saw ten or twenty villagers working hard in the field.

And Zhao Tiezhu and Zhang Quandan were among them.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan coming, the two put down the farm tools in their hands and ran up.

"Brother Tieniu, your efficiency is quite high! Give you a thumbs up."

Zhang Xiaofan's boast is not in vain.

From finding someone to starting work now, Zhao Tieniu's work efficiency is indeed very high.

Looking at the situation inside the ground, one-third of the work has been done.

"Hehe, so-so."

Zhao Tiezhu grinned.

It must be happy to get Zhang Xiaofan's affirmation.

"Quantan, I haven't seen you for two days, I see you are in good spirits! How is your marriage with Cuihua going?"

Zhang Xiaofan laughed.

"It's been confirmed, this month's No. 12 will have wine."

Zhang Quandan touched his head and laughed.

"Xiaofan, you don't know, this guy Quan Dan is working so hard now!"

"Not even me."

Zhao Tieniu laughed.

Zhang Xiaofan continued to laugh and said: "From a literary point of view, this is the power of love."

"Brother Tieniu, Quandan, take it."

"This is the money from the sale of that batch of medicinal materials. Brother Chen has already sold them. There is still [-] yuan left for us to share."

"Now, we have [-] each."

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan took out a wad of money from the bag for no one.

Seeing the 1 yuan in his hand, Zhao Tieniu's eyes widened.

"Quantan, the money for the wine should be enough, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Enough! I discussed with my parents and Cuihua's parents, and this time the wine list will be smaller."

"Maybe there are only twenty tables, and it doesn't cost much."

"After all, save as much as you can."

Zhang Quandan said in relief.

Since both parents agreed, Zhang Xiaofan didn't say anything.

When it comes to marriage, family happiness is the most important thing.

But to Zhang Xiaofan's surprise, Cuihua's parents would agree to the banquet.

Presumably, Zhang Quandan has done a lot of work these two days.

"But Xiaofan, I can't take your money."

"That's right, Xiao Fan, I can't take your money either."

Suddenly, Zhang Quandan and Zhao Tiezhu put the money into Zhang Xiaofan's hands again.


"The previous [-] yuan was enough, and if we want another [-] yuan, we really feel sorry for it."

Zhang Xiaofan paused and said: "Okay, but if you need money, you can tell me."

Zhang Xiaofan understands the behavior of Zhao Tiezhu and Zhang Quandan.

So, don't force yourself at the moment.

"By the way, Xiaofan, I have something to tell you. Widow Zhou left her child with your sister Qian for two days, and she hasn't come back from her mother's house yet."

Zhao Tieniu said.

"It must be something happened to my mother's family. It's not convenient to go back with such a small child."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"She said that before she went back, but when she first said it, she came back within a day at most."

"But it's been two days now."

"Your elder sister Qian is inexperienced in taking care of children, which made her miserable, but after all, she promised Widow Zhou to take care of her at that time, so she must do what she says."

Zhao Tiezhu said.

Zhang Xiaofan frowned and said, "Is there a phone call?"

"She left one when she left. We called, and Widow Zhou also received it, but she said that the family affairs have not been dealt with, and it may take some time."

Zhang Xiaofan frowned.

What kind of event made Zhou Shuyi leave her child behind for so long?
To Zhou Shuyi, a child is her life.

"You call me, I'll call her."

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Zhao Tieniu took out his mobile phone.

Give Zhang Xiaofan the number left by Widow Zhou.

Zhang Xiaofan dialed the number with his mobile phone.

After a few beeps, someone answered over there.

"Hello, I'm looking for Zhou Shuyi."

"Don't look for her anymore, she's getting married."


"Who is she going to marry?"

"A rich big boss!"

After speaking, the other side hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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