Chapter 145
"Uncle Zhou, when will that man come?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Zhou Rengui replied: "He said he would come to pick up Shuyi today, so it should be about the time."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was the sound of a car outside.

Then, four or five people rushed in.

Four young men in black clothes, plus an old man smoking a cigarette.

"Little daughter-in-law, shall we go?"

As soon as he came in, the old man stared at Zhou Shuyi with a smirk and said.

Zhou Rengui stood up and said, "Boss, we will accompany you for the damage to the car. My wife will not marry you."

"Haha! 3 yuan, can you take it out?"

The old man laughed.

"It's exactly 3 yuan here, is it okay?"

Zhang Xiaofan took out the 3 yuan.

The old man looked at Zhang Xiaofan with a gloomy face and said: "Boy, who are you! This matter has been discussed before, and it is useless to take money now."

"How can you be like this, can't we just have money now?"

Huang Meilan said.

"Two days ago, you agreed with your own words, and it was your daughter who said that you would marry me. Now you go back? Impossible!"

The old man threw the cigarette butt away.

"Go, take my little wife and take me back."

The old man gestured to several young men in black clothes next to him.

Immediately, several young men in black clothes walked up.

But at this time, Zhou Rengui stood in front of them.

"How can you do this? You are robbing and breaking the law."

The young people didn't care and were going to pull Zhou Rengui away.

"You dare to move, today I will let you lie down and go out!"

Zhang Xiaofan said harshly.

"Boy, I advise you to mind your own business, if you don't want to become a useless person, just get out!"

The old man pointed to Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"I'll give you a chance, take the money and get out, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a serious face.

"Hahaha! Kid, do you like this little daughter-in-law? The 3 yuan is your wife's capital, right? No wonder I have to be afraid of death, so that's how it is."

"But let me tell you, you're just a countryman, you can't afford to offend me, so if you get out now, I'll treat you as ignorant just now."

"Otherwise, I will prevent you from marrying a wife for the rest of your life."

The old man said with a smile.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the old man with a cold look, as if he could freeze everything.

Everything that should be said has been said, since he still insists on this, then no one can be blamed.

Zhang Xiaofan walked towards the old man.

"Boy, it seems that you don't eat a toast and take fine wine"

"Get him for me!"

The old man stared at Zhang Xiaofan and shouted angrily.

It's a pity that as soon as the words finished, Zhang Xiaofan moved his feet, and he was in front of the old man in an instant.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan standing in front of him suddenly, the old man frowned: "Not good!"

Hastily took two steps back.

Huh?so flexible?

Zhang Xiaofan was puzzled, this old man must be 50 years old.

But the feet are very flexible, and the reaction and speed are quite fast.

"Boy, have you practiced?"

Sensing Zhang Xiaofan's speed, the old man asked.

"Hmph!" Zhang Xiaofan snorted coldly.

"Don't force me to take action, or you will be completely destroyed."

"Sorry, I should have said that."

As soon as the words finished, Zhang Xiaofan strode out.

The old man clearly knew that Zhang Xiaofan's fist was coming towards his face.

He also made a dodge, but Naihe still couldn't dodge.



Zhang Xiaofan's fist hit the old man's face.

The moment of concentration, the face contorted.

Immediately there was a scream.


A few teeth fell out and a mouthful of blood was sprayed.

And after those young people reacted.

"Fuck him!"

Pounced on Zhang Xiaofan.

Judging by the shooting speed of a few people, it is still somewhat level.

At least, Zhao Tiezhu's younger brothers can't compare.

Zhang Xiaofan moved his feet, his figure flashed.

"Bang! Bang!"

With one punch and one kick, several people were easily knocked down.

There was still blood on his mouth, and the old man who endured the pain stood up again.

Grinning his teeth, he glared at Zhang Xiaofan, and then shouted: "Boy, you actually spoiled my good deeds and beat me, the price you have to pay is huge!"

"let's go!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly: "Who allowed you to go?"

"What else do you want?"

said the old man.

"You have to apologize for doing something wrong, don't you think?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the old man with death staring eyes and said.

Being watched by Zhang Xiaofan like this, the old man shivered unknowingly.

That kind of look seems to bring endless coldness to people.

Gritting his teeth, the old man could only walk in front of Zhou Rengui.


I want to leave after saying that.

"anything else?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Feeling the threat brought by Zhang Xiaofan, the old man went on to Zhou Shuyi and Huang Meilan and said sorry.

"Boy, you're done! This thing is not over, destroying my good deeds is destroying Jin Lao's good deeds, if Jin Lao takes action, you don't even know how to die!"

When the old man walked out the door, he didn't forget to turn around and threaten.

Gold old?
"Wait? Did I promise to let you go?" Zhang Xiaofan said.

The old man raised his eyebrows, looked at Zhang Xiaofan in fear and said, "What else do you want to do?"

"Tell me, who is Mr. Jin in your mouth? Why do you say that ruining your good deeds is ruining Mr. Jin's good deeds? What does this have to do with him?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

The old man realized that he was talking too much, and quickly explained: "He is only my friend, so I will just say it casually."

The most obvious characteristic of a person talking panic is that his eyes are a little dodgy, and that's what happened to the old man just now.

Zhang Xiaofan had a cold expression, twisted his neck and walked over: "I'm not telling the truth, I don't mind knocking out your other teeth."

Thinking of Zhang Xiaofan's quick, precise and ruthless attack just now, the old man was a little bit afraid, and said quickly: "He is an old gentleman I invited, he has some skills, and he can teach me something."

"Look at me now, I'm in my 50s, and my body is stronger than when I was young."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan narrowed his eyes and said: "What did he teach you?"

Seeing this from Zhang Xiaofan, the old man shivered and said: "He just showed me an ancient book and asked me to practice according to it."

"Then what did you mean by bad and good things just now?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask.

"Practice that thing, and change women every once in a while."

"As for Mr. Jin, because of his proficient skills, he changes more frequently than me."

"I came here two days ago just to find women. The girls in the village are clean and easy to cheat."

The old man looked at Zhang Xiaofan in fear and said.

After listening to the old man's words, Zhang Xiaofan frowned, not only angry, but also puzzled.

Because, the old man Jin is a bit mysterious.

So, Zhang Xiaofan wanted to figure this out.

(End of this chapter)

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