Murano's little genius

Chapter 253 Young people are very energetic

Chapter 253 Young people are very energetic
"Xiaofan, I."

Zhou Shuyi looked at Zhang Xiaofan with fiery eyes, but only half-spoken.

"Sister Shuyi, what's wrong?"

Zhang Xiaofan put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand and asked.

"Tonight. Can you stay here?"

Zhou Shuyi asked in a soft voice, her voice was slightly shy.

Zhang Xiaofan thought for a while and said, "Yes."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't say this answer casually.

It is thought through the brain.

Because of herself, Zhou Shuyi was arrested by Cai Delong, and almost had an accident.

This must have caused more or less shadows in Zhou Shuyi's heart.

Zhang Xiaofan once said to himself that he should do his best to protect Zhou Shuyi.

However, he can't do well now.

This kind of thing happened just now, so it's only natural to accompany Zhou Shuyi well.

"Xiaofan, can you carry me there?"

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's answer, Zhou Shuyi felt like eating honey.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan immediately hugged Zhou Shuyi.

Go to the bed and put it gently on the bed.

Then, he unbuttoned his clothes.

Showing a thin and muscular figure without taking off his clothes.

Zhou Shuyi stared intently, and then said: "Xiaofan, you are...
"Miss Shuyi, didn't you just say that you were going to go.
Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan realized that he had misunderstood.

Slightly embarrassing.

Scratching his head, he tried to put his clothes back on.

"If you take it off, don't put it on again, actually. That's what I mean."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Shuyi's face turned crimson.

Then he grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's hand directly.

Zhang Xiaofan followed the trend.

Zhou Shuyi kissed Zhang Xiaofan directly.

Zhang Xiaofan also responded.

In this way, a good night starts from this moment.

After an unknown period of time, the strange sound in the room also disappeared. .

Zhang Xiaofan took a long breath.

And Zhou Shuyi rested her head on Zhang Xiaofan's chest in satisfaction.

Flushing face, so alluring.

"Xiaofan, I like the feeling of being with you."

Zhou Shuyi said.

Zhang Xiaofan also said with satisfaction: "If you like it, I will come here often in the future."

It may be that Zhou Shuyi has been alone for a long time, and she kissed Zhang Xiaofan again
Zhang Xiaofan may also be too energetic.
Finally, an hour later.

Zhou Shuyi fell asleep in happiness and fatigue.

Zhang Xiaofan also hugged Zhou Shuyi in his arms, and fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, fish belly just turned white in the east.

Zhang Xiaofan got up.

This is Stone Village after all, if the villagers saw him leaving Zhou Shuyi's house in the morning.

How much will be gossip.

Zhang Xiaofan doesn't care about other people's gossip.

But people's words are terrible, especially in rural areas.

In the current situation, if there is less trouble, then there will be less trouble.

Back home, Zhang Xiaofan wanted to explain to his grandfather where he spent the night last night.

But what Zhang Dalei said made him give up the idea of ​​explaining, because he felt that it was unnecessary.

"Xiaofan, did you go to Village Chief Lin last night?"

"Hehe, it's okay, grandpa understands."

"Young people are very energetic."

"However, you should also be careful not to go too frequently."

"After all, you are not married yet."

Hearing such words, Zhang Xiaofan could only smile wryly.

My grandfather had already arranged a "story" for himself.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't say much, nor did he explain too much, he just simply said that's not the case.

And Zhang Changlei didn't believe it.

Especially seeing the hickey on the neck.

"Stinky boy, look at your neck, and you still want to hide it from me, an old man."

When Zhang Xiaofan looked in the mirror, it was difficult not to be misunderstood.

No, actually there was no misunderstanding at all, Zhang Xiaofan did indeed do that kind of thing.

It's just that the target is not Lin Wanrou.

After breakfast, with a happy smile on his face, Zhang Dalei went to the bullpen and led the old cow out.

And Zhang Xiaofan also has important things to do.

He promised Li Tingting that he would hand over the finished skin care products he said to her in these two days.

Speaking of this, it is really Zhang Xiaofan's personal research and development patent.

When studying with the old gentleman, Zhang Xiaofan used the occasional free time to study some special things.

This includes "skin care products".

When I was young, especially those in rural areas, it was inevitable to have scars on the feet, hands or body due to injuries.

And Zhang Xiaofan is no exception.

At the age of six, he fell from a tree and accidentally cut his thigh.

At that time, blood was flowing, and the wound was more than ten centimeters long.

Since then, the scar on her leg has followed her all the time.

Boys, it's normal to have some scars on your body.

Zhang Xiaofan never cared about it.

At that time, the so-called "skin care products" were studied.

Zhang Xiaofan thought about his scars, and wondered if he could develop a special "skin care product" to remove the scars.

In less than three days, under the guidance of the old man, Zhang Xiaofan successfully developed a "skin care product" that can perfectly restore the natural skin.

It can not only remove scars, but also remove macula, dark spots, etc. Of course, it also has a very basic function, that is, whitening.

Because of material problems, Zhang Xiaofan first went to the town to buy materials.

After returning, I stayed in the clinic directly.

In his spare time helping people to see a doctor, Zhang Xiaofan produced a lot of "skin care products".

I plan to give it to Li Tingting today or tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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