Murano's little genius

Chapter 259 One step at a time

Chapter 259 Step by Step

During the live broadcast just now, Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong tried their best to suppress their inner excitement and happiness in order to maintain their image.

Ten boxes, 50 per box, that is 500 million!

The live broadcast time is less than half an hour.

Earned 500 million in a short period of time!
This is incredible!
In addition, Li Tingting did not have much confidence in setting the price at 50.

No matter how good you say in the live broadcast, no matter how amazing the effect is, but with the price, who would believe it?Who will pay for it?
Not sure at all.

However, it never occurred to me that it was robbed in an instant.

This is really the power of the Internet, any customer will have it, it's too powerful!
While the two were excited, the person who bought it just now called continuously.

After all, it is a 50 product, so it is very understandable to call to confirm after purchase.

Li Tingting, as an internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans, needless to say, must have a lot of hardcore fans.

Three of the people who bought it were die-hard fans, who simply supported Li Tingting, referred to as local tyrant fans.

And the other seven are also fans, but they bought it with an attitude of belief, they have that demand

And Li Tingting also emphasized again on the phone that there are only real things and no fake ones.

After a busy pass.

Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong sat back beside Zhang Xiaofan.

"Brother Xiaofan, in order to thank you, why don't you go back tonight."

Ye Tongtong said.

not going back?
"Maybe not tonight, I have to go back."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Brother Xiaofan, I'm a little worried."

Li Tingting said suddenly.

"worry about what?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Our live broadcast today is so popular, it should have been known by many people."

"I'm afraid that what you worry about will happen."

Li Tingting said with a worried face.

Li Tingting actually didn't know what was going on, she was just guessing.

And Zhang Xiaofan smiled lightly, responded to Li Tingting's gaze and said: "You don't have to worry about it, it's fine."

Li Tingting is a caring girl, Zhang Xiaofan knows this.

Jingle Bell!
Zhang Xiaofan's phone rang.

At first glance, it was Lin Wanrou calling.

Zhang Xiaofan answered the phone.

"Okay, tell me where you are, and I'll pick you up."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan hung up the phone.

"Well, Tingting, I have to go first, I'll come back to you in two days."

Zhang Xiao stood up and said.

Although they were reluctant, Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong couldn't say anything, after all, Zhang Xiaofan said that there was still something to deal with.

Especially Li Tingting, seeing that Zhang Xiaofan is going to leave soon, feels very sad and reluctant.

But she is not the kind of ignorant little girl.

She knows what to do and when to do it.

Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong sent Zhang Xiaofan downstairs, watched Zhang Xiaofan leave on a tricycle before walking back reluctantly.

Zhang Xiaofan went according to the location Lin Wanrou said.

In front of a coffee shop, Lin Wanrou was standing and waiting for Zhang Xiaofan.

However, looking at the expression, it seems that he is not very happy.

Zhang Xiaofan, who had just parked the car, immediately asked, "Wanrou, you look the best when you smile."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't ask Lin Wanrou what happened, but wanted to make her happy.

Lin Wanrou didn't want herself to know who he came to see, so she would definitely not tell what happened.

Since she doesn't want to say it, Zhang Xiaofan can't force her to say it, it's unrealistic.

"You're a real delight."

Lin Wanrou smiled and got on the tricycle.

"To make a beautiful woman happy, why not do it?"

Zhang Xiao said, and then drove away in three rounds.

A man came out of the coffee shop.

He took out the keys to his car.

He silently took a puff of cigarette.

"Driving a broken three-wheeler can meet such a beautiful girl. I drive a Mercedes-Benz with hundreds of thousands of dollars to meet a date, and people say that the car is borrowed. What's the point of this!"

After finishing speaking, he threw the unfinished Huazi on the ground, touched his bald head and his white beard.

On the tricycle.

"Xiaofan, my friend introduced a construction company, so we don't need to look for it."

Lin Wanrou said.

"Okay, our Village Chief Lin still has a lot of contacts."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile on his face.

"Don't say that, I don't have as many contacts as you."

"I don't know who that leader Chen is at Yongjian Construction Company."

"That's the main leader of the administrative department in FY County."

"Not only does he know you, but he is also so polite to you."

"If I hadn't checked your household registration to confirm that you are from Stone Village, I would have thought you were some rich and powerful second generation."

Lin Wanrou said.

"Wanrou, you actually checked my account!"

"Tell me, do you have a crush on me?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"I want to say that I have a crush on you, do you believe it?"

Lin Wanrou said.

Inexplicably, my heart beat faster.

"Of course I believe it."

"Because I knew you had a crush on me a long time ago."

Zhang Xiaofan said.


These words made Lin Wanrou almost unable to react.

His ears became hot and his face turned red.

But Zhang Xiaofan was driving, so he didn't see it.

Isn't Zhang Xiaofan joking?Could it be that he is serious?

Lin Wanrou began to think wildly.

"Just kidding, you don't like boys like me."

"What's more, I'm younger than you, you probably can't accept sibling love."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Hearing this, Lin Wanrou was inexplicably disappointed, but she didn't show it.

She suddenly wanted to say she didn't mind.

But he didn't say it.

"It's hard to say."

Lin Wanrou said.

There is no positive answer.

"Wanrou, have you negotiated the price of the construction company introduced by your friend?"

"It's settled, because it's a friend relationship, the price is [-]% lower than the market price."

"It saved us a ton of money."

Lin Wanrou said.

"Also, because the material is also a relationship between friends, the price is also [-]% lower than the market price."

Lin Wanrou continued.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan actually felt that this matter was not normal.

But since it was a good thing, he didn't say anything.

The labor price is [-]% lower than the market, and the material is also [-]% lower than the market.

That is equivalent to saying that the cost of rebuilding the elementary school is [-]% below the market price.

If the cost required before is 100 million.

If it is less than [-]%, that is [-] less.

That is 90 million.

This is indeed a huge cost savings.

The two chatted all the way.

After returning to Stone Village, Zhang Xiaofan sent Lin Wanrou to the village committee.

I went to see how the construction progress of the farm was going.

After seeing the progress, Zhang Xiaofan was taken aback.

I asked, how long has it been since the progress is almost half way?

This speed is awesome!
Zhang Xiaofan hurried to the small store in the village to buy some cigarettes to reward the workers.

After staying at the farm for a while, Zhang Xiaofan went to the medicinal planting place to check the situation.

After being sprayed with herbicides last time, the growth speed of these medicinal materials seems to be faster.

The "spiritual liquid water" prepared by Zhang Xiaofan before, he estimates that it can be collected after five days of growth.

But now, four days seems to be enough.

This is to put it to death and come back to life, and it's even more fierce!
At this time, Zhang Xiaofan started to plan the next planting.

This time, for ten acres, he estimated that the profit would be less than 100 million after excluding various costs.

Of course, this is estimated based on the price given by Chen Yifa.

Zhang Xiaofan approached Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan, and told them about the land lease.

Zhang Xiaofan hasn't decided how many acres to plant next time, but let Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan prepare to rent land from the villagers.

Zhang Xiaofan actually had an idea in his heart.

Start a pharmaceutical company like Yongchun Pharmaceutical.

Raw materials are grown by themselves and pharmaceuticals are produced by themselves.

Then grow bigger step by step, and gain fame step by step.

It is only a matter of time before becoming a large pharmaceutical company.

It's a pity that the current strength is limited!
To open a pharmaceutical company, the most important thing is money.

The initial capital investment must be very large.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't have this money.

"Things are still coming step by step."

"There are still a lot of things that haven't been done yet."

Zhang Xiaofan planned to pay off the debts owed by the family first after earning money from the ten acres of medicinal materials.

Although the villagers are still not urging, but if they don't pay back the money, the villagers will definitely say something later.

It doesn't matter to me, my grandfather is not good to meet in the village.

(End of this chapter)

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