Murano's little genius

Chapter 281 I Can Show You a Dance

Chapter 281 I Can Show You a Dance

Skin care products made with secret recipes not only allow the skin to recover quickly after use.

It can also form a "protective film" on the skin surface.

Therefore, although the blue "ointment" was put into the substance by the man in the vest, it could quickly erode the skin.

But Zhang Xiaofan used a normal miraculous "ointment" before this.

Naturally, it did not damage Zhang Xiaofan's face.

Want to do something in front of Zhang Xiaofan?

Zhang Xiaofan's feet were like stepping on a hurricane, he rushed towards the dozen or so rambunctious gangsters.

It's as easy as cutting melons and vegetables to knock down all the people.

The man in the vest stared at Zhang Xiaofan incredulously, and stepped back quickly.

It is impossible to say that there is no fear in the heart.

When he took this task, he didn't say that he might meet such a person!
What a perfect thing, now it is the rhythm to break here.

"Boy, I don't care who you are, but if you don't let me go today, I'll kill you!"

Zhang Xiaofan ruined his perfect plan, which already made him furious.

However, he also knew that he would not be Zhang Xiaofan's opponent.

Although he has practiced some three-legged cat kung fu.

"Tingting, take these reporter friends out."

Zhang Xiaofan said to Li Tingting.

Li Tingting didn't say anything.

Together with Ye Tongtong, they took several reporters out.

"Okay, there is no one now, tell me, who asked you to make trouble."

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

"Hmph! I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I say it!"

"Xu Lang, the new chairman of Yongchun Pharmaceutical, can you offend me?"

"In his eyes, you are probably not as good as an ant!"

Speaking of Yongchun Pharmaceutical, the man in the vest seemed to have punched something to embolden him.

Yongchun Pharmaceutical?

"Do you know why Xu Lang became the new chairman of Yongchun Pharmaceutical?"

"That's because I abolished Cai Delong and gave him a chance."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Xu Lang and Zhang Xiaofan have never seen each other before, but he knows that Liu Piaopiao must be the one who asked him to take over Cai Dehu's chairman position.

To put it simply, this Xu Lang is Liu Piaopiao's new pawn in Yongchun Pharmaceutical.

Zhao Tieniu's brother-in-law is now Li Tingting and Ye Tongtong.

These seemingly irrelevant things were all done by Xu Lang according to Liu Piaopiao's will.

Thinking of what Liu Piaopiao said, Zhang Xiaofan knew that these were all "revenge".

Liu Piaopiao's move is to destroy a person while destroying the people and things around him first.

I have to say that Liu Piaopiao's move is very unique.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan felt that he had to do something more.

Otherwise, the people around him will definitely be destroyed by Xu Lang without knowing what method to use.

Zhang Xiaofan warned Liu Piaopiao, telling her not to touch the people around her.

It seems that she didn't understand Zhang Xiaofan's real meaning.

He thought there was only one person Zhang Xiaofan was talking about, and that was Zhang Xiaofan's grandfather.

However, what Zhang Xiaofan said included all the relatives, brothers and friends around him.

"How is it possible, depending on you, it is absolutely impossible!"

The man in the vest didn't believe Zhang Xiaofan's words.

Anyway, he is also a little boss who has been messing around for more than ten years.

He has seen Cai Delong before. He is not only the chairman of Yongchun Pharmaceutical, but also a master of brutality.

He used to call the wind and call the rain in FY County, doing everything.

However, for some reason, the news of being beaten and disabled came out.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan said that he did it.

How could the man in the vest believe that this was an insult to his IQ.

"Did you make this girl's face?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the shivering woman squatting next to the man in the vest and asked.

"What is it, what is it not!"

The man in the vest answered fearlessly.

"Hehe, if so, then your face will become like this."

"If not, it will become like this."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a sneer.

"Impossible! If you dare to touch me, don't even think about messing around in FY County."

The man in the vest was furious.

"Are you coming by yourself, or am I?"

Zhang Xiaofan stared at the man in the vest with cold eyes.

He felt Zhang Xiaofan's cold eyes and that uncomfortable breath.

He wanted to run outside.

high speed
Zhang Xiaofan blocked in front of him with a stride.

"Go away!"

The man in the vest roared angrily, then swung his fist towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan kicked lightly.

The man in the vest immediately fell back and rolled several meters.

Abdominal pain as if bursting.

Zhang Xiaofan walked over.

Apply the "ointment" in question to his face.

Ah~! !
One minute later, the man in the vest screamed miserably.

He covered his face and rolled on the ground.

The skin on the face seemed to be eroded by something, festering a little bit.

That kind of pain makes life worse than death.

It can be seen how much pain the woman endured.

Zhang Xiaofan gave Li Yang a phone call, asking him to arrange someone to deal with all the gangsters headed by the man in the vest.

ten minutes later.

The people sent by Li Yang took away more than a dozen people.

Including the man in the vest whose face was destroyed.

The moment he was taken away, he looked at Zhang Xiaofan in fear.

Under the polite appearance, he never expected that Zhang Xiaofan would make him fall into the abyss like this.

Perhaps, Cai Delong was really abolished by him!

The man in the vest suddenly felt lucky for such an outcome.

At least, he was just disfigured and taken away.

If it is abolished, what is the difference between this and death.

Zhang Xiaofan retrieved several reporters and told them that this matter is not easy.

So several reporters deleted the things they had photographed one after another, and promised not to mention anything about today's incident.

Although they are reporters, they are also ordinary people.

The relevant departments came to take people away, but they all noticed it.

And the people who come are not easy.

As journalists, they knew it was not going to be easy.

The water inside is not something they can wade through.

Otherwise, who will call the shots if the job is not guaranteed?
In addition, the woman was disfigured by the man in the vest, Zhang Xiaofan used "ointment" to restore her appearance.

Seeing that her face had returned to normal, the woman knelt down to thank her, she was so excited that she shed tears.

This woman is married and has two children.

She was just an ordinary supermarket employee, but she was unlucky and was threatened by the man in the vest and turned into a disfigured "actor".

If you don't cooperate, the child will be retaliated by cruel means by the man in the vest.

What can a woman do in this situation?

He could only cooperate obediently, even if he endured the pain of being disfigured, he didn't dare to resist.

"Ye Tongtong, who has always been bold, stopped talking today?"

Seeing that Ye Tongtong was still a little scared, Zhang Xiaofan joked.

"That... I just... don't want to say it."

"Otherwise you think I'm talking too much."

Ye Tongtong answered quickly.

Ye Tongtong herself belongs to the kind of girl who usually looks open and bold, but reveals her true colors whenever she encounters something.

What's more, after she was almost forced to marry Qin Feng last time, she became even more timid.

"Actually, I'm here to say sorry to both of you."

"The reason why those people came here to make trouble just now was caused by me."

Zhang Xiaofan's words were full of apology.

If he hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Brother Xiaofan, don't say that."

"Actually, Tongtong and I also thought that someone would deliberately "slander" after selling that "skin care product", but we didn't expect the method to be so violent."

Li Tingting stared at Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"Tingting is right, brother Xiaofan, you don't need to say sorry."

"On the contrary, I want to thank you."

"thank you for helping me."

"If it weren't for you, Tingting and I wouldn't be able to earn the 1000 million in a month."

"Really thank you very much."

Saying thank you is not enough in Ye Tongtong's heart to express her gratitude to Zhang Xiaofan.

But she didn't have a better way to express it.

"Just saying thank you is not enough, what I want is actual action."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

The smile on the face means a lot.

"How about I treat you to dinner?"

Ye Tongtong said.

"If you want to dismiss me after a meal, you can't."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

"Then I'll buy you a present."

Ye Tongtong continued.

"No, it's too materialistic."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head again.

Hearing that Zhang Xiaofan refused, Ye Tongtong pouted.

It seemed a little anxious.

"Brother Xiaofan, stop teasing Tongtong."

Li Tingting said.

Ye Tongtong knew that Zhang Xiaofan might be joking, but he wanted to take it seriously even if it was a joke.

"Brother Fan, do you like to watch dancing?"

"I can show you a dance."

Ye Tongtong said.

(End of this chapter)

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