Murano's little genius

Chapter 307 Su Menglan's Invitation

Chapter 307 Su Menglan's Invitation

Hearing that Ma Dong was punished like this, Zhou Zimei was very happy.

And she also knew that all this was because of Zhang Xiaofan.

Su Menglan in front of her looked like a rich lady, with gorgeous clothes and noble temperament.

How could Zhang Xiaofan know such a girl?

Moreover, this is still Qingyun City.

Zhou Zimei couldn't figure it out, and at the same time, she didn't think about it.

Because that's not what she should think about.

"Miss Su, the child's condition is relatively serious, and problems may arise at any time."

"I'm going to practice medicine here, don't you mind?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Dean Jia, Doctor Xiaofan needs to treat illnesses and save lives here, do you agree?"

Su Menglan said.

"Okay, sure, Doctor Xiaofan, if you need anything, just ask."

How dare Dean Jia say no!
He was still uneasy, fearing that Ma Dong's end would be his end.

Now he just wants to greet Zhang Xiaofan well.

When Zhang Xiaofan is happy, Su Menglan is also happy.

Dean Jia understands this point very well.

"Sister Zimei, you and them wait for me outside, and I will treat Kangkang."

Zhang Xiaofan put his hand on Zhou Zimei's shoulder and said.


Zhou Zimei nodded.

For medical treatment, Zhang Xiaofan needs to be quiet.

"Miss Su, please go out and wait."

Zhang Xiaofan said to Su Menglan.

"Okay, then I'll wait for Doctor Xiaofan outside the door."

Su Menglan smiled lightly.

outside the ward.

Zhou Zimei and Su Menglan were sitting on the stools in the corridor.

Dean Jia stood motionless.

"Hello, my name is Su Menglan."

Su Menglan took the initiative to greet Zhou Zimei.

"That. Hello, my name is Zhou Zimei."

Zhou Zimei didn't expect Su Menglan to greet her.

After all, in Zhou Zimei's understanding, a girl from a rich family who dresses luxuriously and has a dignified temperament will not initiate a conversation with a person dressed in ordinary clothes like herself.

"Actually, Dr. Xiaofan and I are not friends, we have only met twice."

"I don't know, what is your relationship with him?"

The Su family has specially investigated Zhang Xiaofan's identity and background.

On the surface, he is indeed a country commoner.

However, no one believed it.

The Su family thought it was not that simple.

Possesses magical and superb medical skills.

Last time, it took [-] million to buy the stove from the three major families.

Then he left Qingyun City safely.

And, according to the news obtained by the Su family.

Liu Shengjie was abolished by Zhang Xiaofan.

Su Menglan really wanted to know and get in touch with this kind of miraculous character.

What if it is of great benefit to the Su family?

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan obviously has a very familiar relationship with Zhou Zimei.

Su Menglan naturally wanted to know and understand.

As the saying goes, if you want to know a person, you can use the people and things around him.

"We are from the same village."

Zhou Zimei replied.

Su Menglan is gorgeously dressed, has a noble temperament, has a slender figure, and an intoxicatingly beautiful appearance, just like a fairy in the world.

Zhou Zimei, on the other hand, has an average appearance, although her figure is plump and round, but compared with Su Menglan, this advantage seems to be gone.

Because, Su Menglan also has a proud figure.

As a woman, Zhou Zimei also loves beauty.

She definitely doesn't want to have a woman who is more beautiful than herself and has a better figure than herself.

But now, this situation is appearing.

Zhou Zimei has no inferiority complex.

She acts confident.

Because in the bottom of my heart, she is the one who has a close relationship with Zhang Xiaofan.

"Doctor Xiaofan is nice, what do you think?"

Su Menglan said.


Zhou Zimei nodded, but didn't say much else.

In the ward.

Zhang Xiaofan is seriously treating Kangkang.

The reason why Kangkang got myocarditis was caused by drug poisoning.

The toxin causes myocardial cell necrosis.

What Zhang Xiaofan has to do is to get rid of the toxin and restore the necrotic cardiomyocytes.

The black iron needle enters.

Things were not as simple as Zhang Xiaofan thought.

There is something wrong with this toxin.

This is by no means an ordinary toxin.

The probability of drug poisoning causing myocarditis is relatively small.

But at this moment, the toxin is extremely tenacious, as if it is alive.

Moreover, Zhang Xiaofan remembered that he had never seen this kind of drug toxin in the "Book of Ten Thousand Poisons".

"Toxic drugs by chemical synthesis."

This is Zhang Xiaofan's judgment.

Zhang Xiaofan wondered how Kangkang would take this type of poisonous drug.

"Even black iron and silver needles can't completely remove it."

Zhang Xiaofan mobilized his vitality, and entered his body through the black iron needle.

The vitality enters the body, burning like a raging fire.

The toxin passed through and adsorbed on the black iron needle at an extremely fast speed.

Zhang Xiaofan took out the silver needle and used his vitality to dissolve the toxins.

The black iron needle itself has a good anti-virus effect, but it has no effect on these toxins.

This is very difficult.

If Zhang Xiaofan hadn't used his vitality, this would have been difficult to solve.

Toxins from cardiomyocytes are removed.

Zhang Xiaofan's next step is to use black iron and silver needles to restore necrotic cardiomyocytes.

The place where Zhang Xiaofan performs acupuncture is the heart.

The requirements for acupuncture and moxibustion are very high.

Almost no one dares to do it.

In fact, rather than acupuncture, it might be better to say that Zhang Xiaofan uses silver needles to perform special "surgery."

The difficulty of this can be imagined.

Of course, with Zhang Xiaofan in "Ghost Valley Nine Needles", his acupuncture techniques have long been superb and proficient.

This is nothing to him.

After half an hour.

Kangkang's heart returned to normal.

People also woke up.

Zhang Xiaofan called Zhou Zimei in.

The moment I saw Kangkang sitting on the bed.

Zhou Zimei was so excited that tears welled up.

She hurried up and hugged Kangkang tightly.

Although Kang Kang was not born to Zhou Zimei, in her eyes, it was better than not being her own.

The moment Dean Jia saw Kangkang sitting on the hospital bed, he was dumbfounded and in a daze.

I was terrified.

He knew about Kangkang's condition. His heart condition was very bad. If he didn't receive a heart transplant, he might die from shock and heart failure at any time.

But now, the whole person is alive and kicking.

Su Menglan didn't react too much, she just smiled slightly.

It seems that this is a very normal thing.

"Sister Zimei, do you still remember what special food Kangkang ate before he had health problems?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked about Zhou Zimei.

Zhou Zimei thought for a while and replied, "It seems nothing."

"It's just strange one day. Qian Feng has always been disgusted with Kangkang. Let alone giving him something to eat, it's a blessing not to beat him. However, that day he suddenly gave Kangkang a pack of snacks."

"Xiaofan, why are you asking this?"

Zhang Xiaofan replied: "Kangkang's myocarditis was caused by taking a poisonous drug."

"I wonder if he ate it by mistake."

Hearing this, Zhou Zimei quickly said, "That must be Qian Feng!"

"I remember one day he said he would poison Kangkang to death."

"This bastard, I can't imagine how inhumane he is."

"Sister Zimei, I will ask him about this matter. If it is really him, I will not let it go."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Hearing what Zhou Zimei said, Zhang Xiaofan also felt that it was most likely Qian Feng.

But where does a bad gambler get this strange poison?

Zhang Xiaofan decided that he had to ask about this matter.

"Sister Zimei, help Kangkang clean up, I'll pay the fee and help Kangkang get out of the hospital."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Doctor Xiaofan, I'll do it, I don't need to trouble you."

"This child's medical expenses here will be reimbursed by our hospital."

At this time, Dean Jia knew that it was his time to perform.

said quickly.

"Hospital reimbursement?"

"Dean Jia, is it wrong for you to say this in front of Miss Su?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Dean Jia realized that what he said was indeed wrong, so he quickly changed his words.

"Doctor Xiaofan, I will pay for the child's medical expenses myself, so you don't have to worry."

Just 2 to [-] yuan, which is nothing to Dean Jia.

And if he can still perform in front of Ms. Su, that is also a profit.

"Doctor Xiaofan, you and I are actually very destined."

"We have met three times in a short period of time."

"I didn't have time to invite you last time. I wonder if I can give you a face this time."

"I have something to ask."

Su Menglan's words did indeed mean a sincere invitation.

Zhang Xiaofan thought for a while: "Eight o'clock in the evening, you can arrange the place."

Hearing this, Su Menglan's delicate eyes flashed.

Quite a surprise.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaofan agreed so quickly and so simply.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan's refusal last time caught her off guard.

"Okay, then eight o'clock at the S&M Bar."

"See you soon."

Su Menglan did not expect Zhang Xiaofan to agree.

She's going to tell her grandpa about it.

Coming out of the hospital, Zhang Xiaofan called Driver Xiao Liu several times, but he still couldn't get through.

This made Zhang Xiaofan a little angry.

Why are you so unreliable when you need it?

I had no choice but to take a taxi.

In the car.

"Sister Zimei, you've moved out from today on."

"I will help you deal with your divorce."

"I'll take you and Kangkang to a place first."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

He wanted to take Zhou Zimei to the villa for a day or two, after dealing with her and Qian Feng.

Make another arrangement.

"Xiaofan, are you familiar with that Miss Su?

Zhou Zimei finally asked this question.

"It's not considered familiar, in fact, I have only met her a few times."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.

The reason why I agreed to meet Su Menglan tonight.

That's because Zhang Xiaofan has his own plan.

Zhou Zimei originally wanted to ask Zhang Xiaofan why he agreed to her invitation since he was not familiar with her.

But she knew that she couldn't ask such a question.

She felt that she was not qualified to ask.

at the villa.

Zhang Xiaofan temporarily put Zhou Zimei and Kang Kang'an here.

"Mom, what is this place? It's so beautiful."

The innocent voice of a child asked about Zhou Zimei.

"This is Uncle Xiaofan's villa."

Zhou Zimei replied.

"Mom, Kangkang will live in such a beautiful place for you when he grows up."

Kangkang has a pair of big eyes, very cute.

"Okay, Kangkang is the best."

Zhou Zimei patted Kangkang's head happily.

When a mother hears her child say this, no matter whether he is sensible or not, she must be very happy to hear this.

Zhang Xiaofan wants to say that this villa is not his own.

But thinking that if she said it, Zhou Zimei might not be able to let go.

Simply do not say.

"Sister Zimei, Kangkang has just recovered, take him here to rest."

"I'll go to Qian Feng to deal with your matter."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Xiaofan, be careful."

When Zhang Xiaofan went out, Zhou Zimei was a little worried.

Although she doesn't know much about Zhang Xiaofan today, she knows that he has the ability to solve it.

However, there is still a trace of worry.

Qian Feng is a gambler, he knows a lot of people who are out of society.

(End of this chapter)

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