Murano's little genius

Chapter 318 Helpless

Chapter 318 Helpless
However, desire is desire, Zhou Zimei knows how to control herself.

If you didn't know how to control yourself, you would have been looking for a man outside these years.

That night in Muzu City, in order to earn more money, Zhou Zimei had to make up her mind to cook the meat-skin set meal.

If it wasn't for Zhang Xiaofan, she would have confessed the first time.

It can be seen from this that Zhou Zimei is actually a woman with more traditional thinking.

After all, he was born in Stone Village and grew up in Stone Village.

Some ideas have long been formed in Stone Village.

Zhou Zimei placed both hands gently on Zhang Xiaofan's shoulders.

Massage rhythmically from light to heavy.

Needless to say, it's a bit technical.

Although in the eyes of Zhang Xiaofan, a massage master, it is just average, but after all, Zhou Zimei has never learned it.

It is not easy to achieve such a level.

"Xiaofan, is this strength appropriate?"

Zhou Zimei asked.

"Well, just right."

Zhang Xiaofan lying on the bed closed his eyes and enjoyed the answer.

"Sister Zimei, how long have you been working in that Muzu City?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"It's been a while, I can't remember exactly how long."

Zhou Zimei replied.

"Sister Zimei, do you want to stay in Qingyun City?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask.

Zhou Zimei thought for a while and said, "Actually, I don't like big cities. I like small, quiet places."

"I came here to treat Kangkang, and then I can take care of him while working part-time to make money."

"Sister Zimei, you have divorced Qian Feng, go back to Stone Village."

"The current stone village is no longer the stone village of the past, and it will become better and better."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Xiaofan, you know the situation in Stone Village. I, a married person, cannot go back to live here, even if I get divorced."

"In my situation, I will definitely be pointed behind my back when I go back."

"It may even be driven out by some villagers as an unknown person."

"I don't care, but what about my parents?"

"And my younger brother, they are just ordinary villagers, they won't be able to bear it."

"I didn't tell them what happened here before. First, I didn't want them to worry. Second, I was afraid of breaking their peaceful life. After all, I'm already a married person."

Speaking of this, Zhou Zimei's hands trembled a little.

Suddenly, a crystal tear fell on Zhang Xiaofan's back.

Immediately, Zhang Xiaofan opened his eyes and turned around.

He saw Zhou Zimei's red eyes.

"Sister Zimei, these are not problems, I will help you solve them."

Zhang Xiaofan said comfortingly.

Indeed, with Zhang Xiaofan's current prestige in the village, he does have the ability to deal with this feudal thought problem.

Of course, processing requires a process.

Especially the older generation of villagers, their thinking is very deep-rooted.

Zhou Zimei suddenly became very sad. She didn't cry very hard, but the tears flowed unconsciously.

It was as if the heart had been poked.

"Sister Zimei, if you need anything, you can tell me, and I can help you."

Zhang Xiaofan put his arms around Zhou Zimei's waist, comforting him.

"Xiaofan, my heart suddenly hurts, it really hurts."

"Since my parents married me to Qian Feng in exchange for a gift money in order to marry my younger brother, in their hearts I have become the water thrown out by a married daughter."

"My future has nothing to do with them."

Zhou Zimei said with tears.

"Sister Zimei, you are their daughter, no way."

Zhang Xiaofan continued to comfort him.

However, I actually understand it in my heart.

In order to be able to marry a daughter-in-law for his son, he married off his young daughter in exchange for gifts.

The parents were really not that good.

"Xiaofan, Stone Village is no longer my home. In the eyes of my parents, I have long since lost my daughter."

"I can not go back."

Zhou Zi looked at Zhang Xiaofan with tears in his eyes.

"Sister Zimei, Shitou Village will always be your home, no matter how they treat you, you are still from Shitou Village."

"I promise you here, as long as you go back, none of the things you worry about will happen."

Zhou Zimei took Kangkang by herself, and had no relatives or reasons in this big city.

And no special abilities, go for a massage?

Zhang Xiaofan would not let her go.

Now that Stone Village is being vigorously developed, Zhou Zimei will not only have something to do when she goes back, she will not be a lonely person.

And Kangkang is no longer taken care of by herself.

"Thank you Xiaofan, I'll think about it again."

Zhou Zimei wiped away her tears.

My heart is full of emotion.

When a woman is sad, a man says such comforting words to her.

How not to be moved.

Zhang Xiaofan did not continue to force Zhou Zimei, because he believed that Zhou Zimei would want to go back.

Next, Zhou Zimei continued to massage Zhang Xiaofan.

After pressing the shoulders, press the back, after pressing the back, press the waist, press the waist, press.
"Sister Zimei, you don't need to press this one, do you?"

When Zhou Zimei was about to take off Zhang Xiaofan's pants, Zhang Xiaofan hurriedly stopped her.

As a doctor, Zhang Xiaofan certainly knows.

But suddenly I can't let go!
"Sister Zimei, is this the first time you massage someone like this?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked suddenly.

"Of course, I used to help people massage their feet in Muzu City."

"The reason why I made that set meal that night was because I wanted to earn more money for Kangkang's medical treatment."

Zhou Zimei answered truthfully.

"Miss Zimei, in that case
"Xiaofan, you have helped sister Zimei so much, I just want to give you a good massage."

"You don't have to twitch, I know what you're worried about."

"But let me tell you, I've seen you bathe without clothes when you were a child."

Zhou Meimei said.

Zhou Zimei's words are true. In the past, the children in the village liked to run around naked while taking a bath in summer.

"'s different from when I was a child."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"It's no different. Sister Zimei is divorced and a single woman, and you
Speaking of this, Zhou Zimei suddenly thought of something.

"That Xiaofan, do you have a girlfriend?"

Now that Zhang Xiaofan is so good, so handsome, and so resistant to helping him massage there, he must have a girlfriend.

"The relationship hasn't been formalized yet."

The person Zhang Xiaofan was talking about was Li Tingting.

Although the relationship between the two has not been officially confirmed, it will be officially announced.

But in the hearts of Zhang Xiaofan and Li Tingting, both of them already have that kind of relationship.

For some reason, Zhou Zimei suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Although she knew she couldn't be uncomfortable, it was out of her control.

"She must be beautiful and excellent, right?"

Zhou Zimei said.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

Zhou Zimei smiled unnaturally.

Just to cover up the sudden sadness in my heart.

"Sister Zimei, you are beautiful too."

Zhang Xiaofan knows that when a woman takes the initiative to praise another woman, it is likely to feel uncomfortable.

"Xiaofan, there's no need to coax sister Zimei to be happy, I'm already a daylily woman."

Zhou Zimei said.

Day lily?
Zhang Xiaofan didn't think so.

Zhou Zimei's face is indeed ordinary, but her proud figure is there, as well as her fair skin.

This kind of woman is the ideal of many otaku.

What's more, Zhou Zimei is still a virgin, of course, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know this yet.

"Okay, since I have a girlfriend, I won't press it for you."

Zhou Zimei said.

"Sister Zimei, it's actually fine, just press it."

I can feel that Zhou Zimei feels a little uncomfortable.

"You have a girlfriend. If your girlfriend knows that I'll help you press there, something big will happen."

"It's okay, it's nothing, it's just a massage."

"What's more, she knows I'm a doctor."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Hehe, that's fine, then I'll press it for you."

In an instant, Zhou Zimei smiled.

May be really happy.

10 minute later.

Zhang Xiaofan was pressed so comfortably that he almost fell asleep.

And Zhou Zimei didn't know why, and walked out without saying a word after pressing the button.

Zhang Xiaofan waited for a few minutes but Zhou Zimei did not come back.

So he also walked out of the room.

"Sister Zimei!"

Zhang Xiaofan shouted.

Zhang Xiaofan yelled several times in succession but got no answer.

She tidied up and walked out of the bathroom.

And Zhang Xiaofan is not far from the door.

When Zhou Zimei saw Zhang Xiaofan, she knew that Zhang Xiaofan knew what she was doing inside.

"Xiaofan, I made you laugh."

Zhou Zimei told Zhang Xiaofan that Qian Feng was not good at it.

"Xiaofan, I can't help it, I'm a normal woman after all."

Since Zhang Xiaofan already knew, Zhou Zimei had nothing to hide.

And Zhang Xiaofan also understands and sympathizes with Zhou Zimei.

However, he couldn't do anything.
(End of this chapter)

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