Chapter 321 I Can Do It Alone

Since Su Lingtian was determined to ask Zhang Xiaofan for help, he was already prepared to offend the Liu family and the Lu family at the same time.

This offense is different from the usual competition.

If you offend the Liu family and the Lu family, they will definitely take revenge on the Su family.

Su Lingtian knows this better than anyone else.

However, in recent years, the Su family has been competing with the Liu family and the Lu family at the same time. On the surface, it is still Qingyun who is the three major families.

But the situation has been getting worse day by day.

If this continues, the Su family's century-old heritage will be emptied, and they will lose their competitiveness completely.

reduced to an empty shell.

That being the case, why not give it a go?
As far as Su Lingtian was concerned, he was absolutely unwilling to avenge Qimen Palace's murder of his son.

The appearance of Zhang Xiaofan is an opportunity for the Su family.

An opportunity to strengthen the Su family and deal with Qimen Palace.

"I am the head of the Lu family, Lu Tianhua. I am here to announce on behalf of the Lu family that the Lu family will withdraw from this year's competition."

As soon as everyone was seated, Lu Tianhua from the Lu family announced the news.

This made the people present discuss a lot.

But anyone who understands understands that this should be an agreement between the Liu family and the Lu family.

However, why did the Lu family give up the competition?
Could it be that the Liu family has 100% confidence in winning the first place against the Su family this year?

"Grandpa, why did the Lu family retire?"

Su Menglan asked about Su Lingtian.

"It seems that the Liu family today is indeed very strange. From Liu Honglin's words and deeds just now, to the Lu family announcing their withdrawal from the competition."

"This is enough to show that the Liu family is extremely confident that they can win this year's competition."

"It seems that today's game is not destined to be easy. We have to work hard and don't let the Liu family and the Lu family do any tricks."

Su Lingtian's expression was serious, and he felt a little uneasy. He always felt that something was wrong.

"Old Su, are those three referees?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the three old men sitting on the field and asked.

"Well, on the surface they came here on behalf of the government, but they are actually from Qingyun City Martial Arts Administration."

"The one in the middle is Song Kunshan, the director of the Martial Arts Bureau, the one on the left is Gu Ruochen, the deputy bureau chief, and the one on the right is Chonghui, the third member of the Martial Arts Bureau."

"The three are all ancient warriors, and their strength is not weak."

Su Lingtian said.

The door owner of Qimen Palace could be one of many people present.

Therefore, even these three people from the Martial Arts Management Bureau are very suspicious of Zhang Xiaofan.

Observe carefully to see if there is anything tricky.

"Mr. Su, as referees, can the three of them be fair and just?"

"Will the Liu family reach out to them?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"People from the Martial Arts Administration have been referees for many years, and this situation has never happened."

"Also, they have a rule that people from the Martial Arts Administration cannot have any contact with the three major families in private."

"If found out, the punishment will not be small."

"So, even if the Liu family wants to do something, there is no way to do it."

Su Lingtian answered in the affirmative.

But obviously, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't believe it.

When Liu Honglin had a simple conversation with them just now, his expression and eyes were not right.

It seems to be very familiar at ordinary times.

Even the Liu family of Qimen Palace dared to collude, what else would it not dare to do?
Su Lingtian still trusts the Martial Arts Administration too much.

The world is changing, and people are also changing.

"The competition is ready to start, please come up from the Liu family and the Su family."

Song Kunshan, director of the Martial Arts Administration, said loudly.

"Su Ming, Su Liang, you two will participate in the second and third events respectively."

Su Lingtian said.

"Good homeowner."

The two powerful Su family members answered in unison.

"Old Su, since I promised to help you compete, I can do it alone."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

These words made everyone in the Su family look at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Doctor Xiaofan, this is related to the future of our Su family, you can't boast about it."

Nan Dong couldn't help but sarcasm.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan's words are really too self-righteous.

The three events are played consecutively with no rest in between.

No one has ever dared to participate in three events alone, let alone three events, and no one has participated in two consecutive events.

Because everyone knows that participating in this competition consumes a lot of energy and spirit.

This is no ordinary game.

Su Menglan knows Zhang Xiaofan's strength, but no one has ever participated in three competitions in a row.

Because everyone knows how difficult it is.

It's not as simple as it sounds.

"Doctor Xiaofan, this competition consumes a lot of energy, if you participate in it continuously"

"Doctor Xiaofan, I am really happy to hear you say that."

"With you participating in the three events, why should our Su family not win today!"

However, Su Lingtian's reaction was beyond the expectations of many people.

It's not that Su Lingtian doesn't understand, it's just the opposite, because Su Lingtian understands Zhang Xiaofan better than anyone in the Su family.

The strength of Zhang Xiaofan's cultivator is not weaker than him at all, and Su Lingtian can feel that the vitality in Zhang Xiaofan's body is thick and domineering.

Fully capable of participating in three consecutive competitions.

Just like that, Zhang Xiaofan walked up on behalf of the Su family.

"Master, we don't accept that you let him participate in the three competitions. This is the competition that determines the fate of the Su family."

"It's too hasty to hand over the future fate of the Su family to a kid who doesn't understand."

Nandong looked at the back of Zhang Xiaofan walking up, he gritted his teeth, feeling 1 unhappy.

"You you on the line?"

Su Lingtian glanced at Nandong and said.

This question made Nandong's face turn red, and he couldn't answer.

He possesses military power for nothing, but he knows nothing about medical skills.

I'm afraid that he can't even name the medicinal materials, so it's a fart.

"Although I can't do it, why should he do it?"

"Even if he is a cultivator, does the level of medical skills have to be good?"

Nan Dongqiang said.

"Brother Nandong, Dr. Xiaofan's medical skills are beyond what you and I can imagine."

"In Qingyun City, I'm afraid no one dares to say number one or number two even if he says number three."

Su Menglan said.

"Lan Lan, don't be too superstitious about him, maybe you are all deceived by him."


"Did you hear what I said just now?"

Su Lingtian scolded angrily.

"There are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky."

"Your way of thinking is just watching the sky from a well."

Nan Dong dared not speak.

Su Lingtian is not only the head of the Su family, but also his master.

"I know Master."

There was really no other way, so Nan Dong said this.

But in his heart, he still refused to accept Zhang Xiaofan.

Even with a kind of anger, like hatred.

Especially when seeing Su Menglan defending Zhang Xiaofan like that, I feel as if being cut by a knife.

And his master kept saying how good and powerful Zhang Xiaofan is.

He refuses to accept it, no matter how he refuses to accept it!

After all, his master Su Lingtian called him a genius before.

Even a genius like him can't practice medicine and martial arts side by side, so why Zhang Xiaofan can.

"Wake up, have everything I ordered been arranged?"

Su Lingtian asked.

"Patriarch, the arrangements have been made."

"Nandong, go and secretly inquire about the whereabouts of Liu Jianzhou's daughter, Liu Piaopiao."

"Remember, this is Doctor Xiaofan's request."

Su Lingtian gave orders.

"Good master."

Nan Dong, who apparently agreed, turned around and gritted his teeth.

"Hmph! I want Nandong to work for Zhang Xiaofan, dreaming!"

"Huh? Who is he? Is he someone sent by the Su family?"

"Is there no one in the Su family? Send such a frail scholar?"

"Did the Su family give up too?"

"What about the other people sent by the Su family? Why haven't they played yet?"

"Our Su family only sent one person to the competition.

Su Lingtian stood up and replied to everyone's various suspicions, sarcasm, and ridicule.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Only send one person to the race?

"Hey! It seems that the Su family also knew that they didn't have the strength to win the first place this year, so they chose to give up."

"One person, to participate in three competitions in a row, isn't this a dream?"

"Let's not talk about whether we can win or not, but whether we can finish the game is still the same thing."

"Look, what kind of strength can a boy who looks like a gentleman have?"

"If it were me, it would be better to admit defeat directly, and compare it to nothing."

The people at the scene looked at Zhang Xiaofan, as if they were watching a joke.

"Jianzhou, tell Mr. Shen to come out."

Liu Honglin said.

The confidence on his face seems to be very full.

It was enough for him to have the capital to ridicule Zhang Xiaofan.

"Hmph! So what if you participate in the competition, not only will you lose today, but your life will also be lost here."

Liu Honglin's smile was extremely gloomy.

"My Liu family also sent one person to compete!"

Liu Honglin stood up and said loudly.

There was another uproar at the scene.

Immediately afterwards, a plain-looking man walked out from the crowd.

Walked over to the competition venue.

"What's going on here, why did the Liu family only send one person out to compete?"

"I see, it must be because the Su family only sends one person."

"Since the Su family only sent one person, the Liu family will definitely not send three people out."

"Besides, that kid from the Su Family Sect looks like a frail scholar. Is it obvious that he gave up?"

"As for the person sent by the Liu family now, although he looks mediocre, he may not dare to say how powerful he is at his age, but he is definitely much stronger than the one from the Su family."

"Boy sent by the Su family, get out and admit defeat!"

Suddenly someone in the audience shouted such a voice.

"The Liu family will win!"

"The Liu family will win!"

This is obviously the navy of the Liu family.

After all, this is the territory of the Liu family. According to the character of the Liu family, it is normal to arrange some navy troops.


"Father-in-law, is this kid hurt Shengjie like that?"

Lu Tianhua asked.

"Hmph! Today he will die a miserable death!"

"Being an enemy of my Liu family is like touching the tiger's butt, and I'm tired of working!"

Liu Honglin said with a cold snort.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan, his eyes are full of hatred.

"Father, why did that old guy Su Lingtian and Zhang Xiaofan get together?"

"If Zhang Xiaofan dies here, I'm afraid that old bastard Su Lingtian will not be reconciled."

Liu Jianzhou said.

Liu Honglin smiled mysteriously and said, "That's just right, we even cleaned up the Su family today."

"After all, today is the right time, place and people."


(End of this chapter)

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