Murano's little genius

Chapter 323 Vitality Alchemy

Chapter 323 Vitality Alchemy
As soon as Su Lingtian's words came out, many people discussed them.

Especially those who have a good relationship with the Su family.

My heart has begun to doubt the unfairness of this game.

"Patriarch Su, are you questioning our Martial Arts Bureau?"

Chong Hui, the third member of the Martial Arts Administration, stood up and stared at Su Lingtian.

Although the Martial Arts Management Bureau can't deal with the three major families, Su Lingtian is also the head of the Su family.

What's more, Su Lingtian is one of the five great cultivators in Qingyun City.

Whether it is status or strength, the Martial Arts Administration still has to give it a little bit of light, and it needs to be respected.

But now, Su Lingtian is only questioning the Martial Arts Administration as the referee based on the facts.

A third person from the Martial Arts Administration showed this attitude.

It is enough to see that today's situation is not normal.

"My Su family has never questioned the Martial Arts Bureau, I just speak based on the facts."

Su Ling's momentum is rising, as the head of the Su family, as a master practitioner.

He must find justice for the Su family and Zhang Xiaofan who was playing on the field.

"Mr. Su, we've checked everything, and there's nothing wrong with it."

"If you insist on saying that there is a problem with the medicinal materials, then you are just looking for trouble."

Song Kunshan's last words convinced Su Lingtian that the three of them might already belong to the Liu family.

They who were just and fair in the past no longer exist.

Su Lingtian was very angry, he wanted to know what the Liu family and the Lu family were going to do.

But unexpectedly, even the referee became theirs.

How does this game go?
No wonder Liu Honglin is so proud and confident, perhaps this is where his pride and confidence lie.

"Hahaha! It's so ridiculous that he dares to doubt the referee just based on that kid's words."

"Is this the style of the Su family?"

"This makes me laugh."

Lu Tianhua laughed out loud.

"Old Su, it's okay, since they are unfair, then I will just return the injustice to them."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

This is the territory of the Liu family, not only the referees belong to the Liu family, but most of the audience also belong to the Liu family.

It is quite normal for the Liu family to do some tricks in the game now.

There are many unfair places in this world.

All you can do is use your strength to fight back against injustice.

This is Zhang Xiaofan's way of treating unfairness.

Hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said, Su Lingtian originally wanted to go up to the three referees of the Martial Arts Bureau to make a theory, but he still didn't make a move.

Since Zhang Xiaofan said this, it means that he has the confidence to win the game.

In fact, if the three referees were already members of the Liu family, no matter what Su Lingtian argued, it would be useless.

After all, the referee can decide the outcome of the game.

"Doctor Xiaofan, you must win."

Su Menglan was cheering for Zhang Xiaofan in her heart.

"Hmph! What an arrogant tone."

"I'll see if he can still speak later!"

Liu Honglin said with a sneer.

That gaze is so sinister.

"Zhang Xiaofan, in this round, you will lose no matter what."

The man shook his head and said with a smile.


"Using this method is your confidence to win me?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"I didn't tell them to do that."

"Because you're going to lose whether they do it or not."

The man's confidence has long been bursting.

"Game start!"

Song Kunshan announced the start of the game.

As soon as the voice fell, the man began to operate in an orderly manner.

Turn on the stove and start a fire.

The next step is to put down the medicinal materials one by one in chronological order.

Finally put the stove lid on.

Then turn down the heat, gather the qi in the dantian, and let the palm out.

Control the fire with true energy!

"Wow! Unexpectedly, the people sent by the Liu family are so proficient in controlling fire with true energy!"

"And, his true energy seems to be very strong!"

That's why the game is so exhausting.

Because alchemy not only requires the alchemist to control the fire with true energy.

The consumption of true energy in the process is also very huge.

"Father, I didn't expect Mr. Shen's true energy to control the fire so well. His alchemy skills must have reached the point of perfection."

"Who is Mr. Shen? It is more than enough to practice this kind of ordinary first-grade elixir."

"That kid Zhang Xiaofan, I'm afraid it's just for watching."

"Dad, look at that kid Zhang Xiaofan, he can't put the medicine in the order."


When everyone cheered and praised the so-called Mr. Shen, they also paid attention to Zhang Xiaofan.

However, it was all the sound of ridicule.

Even those people in the stands who don't understand alchemy also ridiculed.

"Haha! I'm dying of laughter, that kid can't even put medicinal ingredients, I guess he can't even start a fire."

"Alchemy, practice a ball."

"Patriarch, Zhang Xiaofan can't practice how to release medicine, he can't make alchemy at all!"

Even some members of Liansu's family couldn't stand it anymore.

Complain directly to Su Lingtian.

Su Lingtian didn't speak, he stared at Zhang Xiaofan.

"We have to trust him!"

Su Lingtian said.

"Patriarch, you"

"Don't say any more, since we have invited someone, we must have trust."

"Until the last moment, you must not talk about boosting others' morale and destroying your own prestige."

Although many Su family members were quite dissatisfied, they were even extremely disappointed with Zhang Xiaofan.

However, if Su Lingtian believed it, they could only believe it.

What's more, it's already the time of the game, and it can only continue.


All three looked up and laughed.

Who is laughing?Naturally it was Zhang Xiaofan.

"Su Lingtian is still yelling that it's not fair, it won't help that boy who is fair!"

"Alchemy like this, he thought it was just playing tricks!"


The person who said this was Song Kunshan.

Zhang Xiaofan on the field didn't pay attention to anyone at all.

Because they are the ones who really don't know how to refine medicine.

This elixir is the simplest that Zhang Xiaofan has practiced.

There is no need to put them in any order at all.

Fire it up and throw it all in.

Qi gathers in the dantian, injects vitality into the fire, changes the properties of the fire, and controls the burning of the fire.

This is vitality alchemy.

Zhang Xiaofan was fooled by the old man before, he said it was because of his strong concentration affecting the fire, but he didn't know that it was actually directly affected by the vitality in his body.

At that time, Zhang Xiaofan was still wondering, is the strong concentration affecting the fire?

This was a bit of nonsense, and if someone else had said it, he couldn't have believed it at the time.

However, the old man taught him too many amazing things.

So, since it is what he said, then begrudgingly believe it.

Up to now, Zhang Xiaofan knows that he is a cultivator, and the mysterious gas in his body is the queen of vitality.

He didn't believe it anymore. The so-called strong concentration affects the fire, but it is actually changing the fire with vitality.

Alchemy with vitality directly.

And this vitality alchemy is much stronger than the so-called true energy alchemy.

True qi is the true qi of ancient warriors, and vitality is the vitality of practitioners.

Both are qi, and they are very different.

The true qi of ancient warriors is a kind of energy gas that is condensed into a kind of energy gas through practice. It becomes stronger with the strength of cultivation base.

The vitality of a cultivator is transformed by the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth. Because of the physique, the practitioner can absorb the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth and transform it into his own vitality.

Reiki is the pure energy of heaven and earth. When Xiu transforms it into vitality, it is naturally much more powerful and advanced than the true qi of ancient warriors.

The medicinal properties of the pills trained by controlling the fire with true energy are different from the pills trained by changing the furnace fire with vitality.

Of course, not every practitioner will.

This requires you to have the talent of alchemy.

Otherwise, failure to practice is a small problem. If you are a little careless, you will be backlashed by vitality, and your vitality will be seriously injured.

When Zhang Xiaofan put his hand on the side of the stove, and the fire at the bottom of the stove turned light blue, the audience suddenly fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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