Murano's little genius

Chapter 326 Wishful thinking is wrong

Chapter 326 Wishful thinking is wrong

Although the detoxification pill refined with true qi has miraculous effects, it still takes a relatively long time to exert its effect.

But the elixir refined by vitality is different. It not only has excellent effect, but also takes a faster time to exert its effect in the body.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't know this.

Because the elixir refined by vitality endows the elixir with spirituality.

This point is unknown to Zhang Xiaofan.

He only knew that since there was a ready-made detoxification pill, why not use it.

He immediately took a elixir that he had just refined and put it into the patient's mouth.

Then he tore his clothes off.

Quickly find out the acupoints, take out nine black iron silver needles, and pierce the key acupoints.

Protect the internal organs, because the patient's situation is special, he may die due to poisoning at any time.

Just when Zhang Xiaofan wanted to continue operating, something miraculous happened.

Zhang Xiaofan felt that the patient's body was very hot.

Then the whole body began to sweat, and that sweat was not ordinary sweat.

It's black and dirty.

Zhang Xiaofan smelled it.

This is the toxin in the patient's body.

what happened?

Zhang Xiaofan originally wanted to use "Ghost Valley Nine Needles" to force out the toxins in his body bit by bit.

Finally, use vitality and black iron needles to restore the viscera and six internal organs in the body.

But now, the situation is unexpected.

"Could it be related to the pill?"

"The elixir itself has the effect of detoxification, and it has been refined through vitality, could it be?"

Zhang Xiaofan thought of something.

He showed a different smile.

He thought of that bottle of blue "spiritual liquid", which can speed up the growth of medicinal materials, and can also make the medicinal materials have an excellent effect.

These are all given by the "spiritual liquid".

Now, elixir is refined by vitality, and vitality is a magical existence.

It can endow and change the elixir, making its medicinal effect more miraculous.

It is also very reasonable that it will work quickly after entering the human body.

Zhang Xiaofan picked up the pulse, feeling the changes in the patient's body.

The stands.

Liu Honglin had already drunk his tea, now he was going to watch how Zhang Xiaofan failed to put a dying person to death.

"Father, even if Hua Tuo is reborn, Zhang Xiaofan will not be able to save that man."


Liu Jianzhou raised his head and laughed.

"Hmph! Fighting with us, he is still a little tender."

"So what about a cultivator, what about his profound strength, what about being able to refine alchemy with vitality, since you are the enemy of my Liu family, you must die!"

When he said this, Liu Honglin's vitality exploded.

It was enough to see the hatred and anger in his heart.

"Father-in-law, about Hua Chennan."

"This matter cannot be mentioned here!"

Just as Lu Tianhua was about to ask, Liu Honglin's expression changed.

It seems that Liu Honglin may know some inside information.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I will win this round."

"Mr. Shen" smiled triumphantly after taking the medicine for his patient.

His patient is just a common cold and fever, and he can recover after taking some medicine he prepared.

The time is estimated to be about ten minutes.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't pay attention to him at all.

Instead, he focused on the changes in the patient in front of him.

"Mr. Shen" looked at the patient in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

He seemed to have noticed something was wrong.

"Bastard, how could this happen!"

He knew the condition of Zhang Xiaofan's patient.

The poison has penetrated into the bone marrow, the internal organs have already been destroyed by the poison of Alpha, and half of the foot has already stepped into the palace of Hades.

If you want to be cured, even if Zhang is a cultivator, it is impossible to be able to refine alchemy with vitality.

They have estimated the time since the patient was sent here, and the person can live for at most half an hour.

Seeing the black "sweat" flowing out of Zhang Xiaofan's skin pores, "Mr. Shen" also thought of the elixir he had refined just now.

The elixir refined in the competition just now is a detoxification elixir.

But that was only a first-grade detoxification pill, it could cure hundreds of poisons, but it was based on the fact that the poisoning was not deep and the time was short.

In other words, like the case of Zhang Xiaofan's patient, the detoxification pill has already been ineffective.

"No, even the elixir cultivated with vitality cannot have such an effect."

"Mr. Shen" didn't seem to believe that this was the miraculous effect brought about by the alchemy of vitality.

This wishful thinking seems to be wrong.

At this moment, the most calm person in the audience was Su Lingtian.

"Grandpa, what are you laughing at?"

Su Menglan asked.

"The Liu family's wishful thinking seems to have been miscalculated."

"Liu Honglin seems to have forgotten that what Zhang Xiaofan refined just now is the detoxification pill refined with vitality."

"As a cultivator, Liu Honglin should know what this means."

Su Lingtian has long seen that this competition is unfair.

The Liu family was an ordinary patient, but the one given to the Su family was a dying person.

He was going to be furious again, but after seeing Zhang Xiaofan taking the elixir for the patient and seeing the changes in the patient.

Instead, I laughed in my heart.

"Grandpa, do you mean that Doctor Xiaofan will win this round?"

Su Menglan asked.

"Up to 3 minutes, the poisoned person can wake up."

Su Lingtian said.

The patient in front of Zhang Xiaofan was soaked in black "sweat".

There are also places that are invisible from the outside, and the toxins in the body are gradually "cleared up".

"Not right!"

Song Kunshan said in his mouth.

He looked at Liu Honglin.

At the same time, Liu Honglin also saw the problem.

He stared at Zhang Xiaofan fiercely, and gently crushed the ceramic teacup with his fingers.

Liu Honglin knew that he had miscalculated.

He forgot that the elixir refined in the competition just now was detoxification elixir.

As a one-life cultivator, he knows what it means to refine the elixir with vitality.

Vitality is the root of a practitioner, and it is transformed by the practitioner's absorption of the pure energy between heaven and earth—aura.

Why is a pharmacist who can refine elixir with vitality so important.

It is because the elixir they refine is spiritual and has incredible effects.

A specific elixir can restore a cultivator who has suffered serious internal injuries, let alone an ordinary person.

At this time, Liu Honglin also blamed himself a little, and his complacency made him forget himself.

It's not like him at all, pride doesn't make him forget, but hatred, hatred plus pride makes him lose more thinking.

He thought everything was under his control.

Liu Honglin looked at Song Kunshan and nodded.

He hinted at what Song Kunshan was going to do.

On the field, "Mr. Shen" looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

He was also careless, he thought everything was as expected.

But he forgot the elixir that Zhang Xiaofan refined just now.

Although Alpha's Poison is a newly developed poison, it is just an ordinary poison after all.

It's just a little more concealed.

Seeing the progress of Zhang Xiaofan's patient's condition, he knew he had lost this game again.

As the efficacy of the elixir is rapidly exerted in the body.

The patient spit out a mouthful of black blood, and his life was relieved.

In this way, the patient came to life.

He sat up by himself.

The scene caused a sensation!

"It's amazing! People wake up in minutes!"

"Look at his body, there is black sweat all over him, the poison must be very deep in him."

"And his weak appearance. The toxin must have destroyed his body before. When it was delivered just now, I thought he was dead."

"Fortunately, it's a elixir refined from vitality, it's amazing, it's terrifying!"

"If it's a elixir refined with true qi, the effect will definitely not be that fast, and although the effect is much better than that of ordinary elixir, there is definitely a qualitative difference between the effect and the elixir refined with vitality."

This is a compliment from some viewers.

As for the audience belonging to the Liu family and Lu Jia, their complexions were not very good-looking.

The picture of toasting and celebrating before was so quiet that he didn't know how to put it down.

(End of this chapter)

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