Murano's little genius

Chapter 451 Liu Qilin

Chapter 451 Liu Qilin

The old man laughed: "Why, don't you believe me?"

"trust you?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan wanted to laugh.

The behavior just now has fully exposed the old man's distrustful behavior.

Still talking about trust with me?

"Do you think your trust is still there?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

The old man smiled and said nothing.

"You are very discerning and know how to choose the most suitable martial arts for you to practice."

"This Tyrant Canglong Nine Styles is indeed very suitable for your domineering vitality."

"It can only exert more than [-]% of its attack power if it is cultivated in your hands."

The old thing said suddenly.

"Then you give it to me."

Zhang Xiaofan stretched out his hand and said.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet."

"Although this Tyrant Canglong Nine Styles is suitable for you, it is only a mortal high-level martial skill after all."

"Now you have entered the aerodynamic realm."

"The real masters in the pneumatic realm, the real duel between them, no one uses ordinary martial arts."

"And you, as a martial arts genius who is rare in a hundred years, what you want to practice now is at least a spiritual level martial skill."

said the old thing.

After listening, Zhang Xiaofan said: "That means you can replace me with a spirit-level martial skill?"

"Of course not."

The old man stroked his beard and said.

"You can't say a hammer!"

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan guessed, he knew that the old man was talking nonsense.

I guess I don't know what to play.

It's like it says on the head: This person can't be trusted.

"What I mean by this is to ask you to work harder and get more points in exchange for martial skills at the door spirit level."

said the old thing.

This shit talked a lot of nonsense, who doesn't know that spirit-level martial arts are better than mortal-level martial arts.

You have to have points first!
"It's the same as if you didn't say it."

"An elementary martial skill at the spiritual level requires [-] points."

"Where can I find [-] points now?"

Zhang Xiaofan said loudly.

"So I have something to give you."

said the old thing.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan frowned slightly.

Does this old thing really give something away?

But just thinking about it, I don't believe him at all.

"Then you will give it away!"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Don't worry, wait for me to finish."

"All you have to do is one thing."

said the old thing.

"what's up?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Beat someone, and you can get it."


"Liu Qilin from the Martial Arts Training Bureau."

Liu Qilin?
"He is from the Liu family in Nandu."


"What strength is he?"

"Pneumatic Realm Triple Layer."


Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan knew that this old thing was tricking him again.

"I'm only at the first level of Qi Momentum, but he's at the third level, and he's still from the Liu family in Nandu. The martial arts and martial arts on him are probably enough for me to watch for a long time."

It's not that Zhang Xiaofan is cowardly.

Last time, if it weren't for the Tianyuan Triple Explosion that he barely used, he couldn't even defeat Qin Hai.

At that time, Qin Hai was only one weight taller than himself.

Now that he has just entered the Pneumatic Realm, his vitality is not yet stable, so he has to challenge a person who is in the third level of the Pneumatic Realm.

And this person is still from the Liu family in Nandu.

The odds are not very optimistic.

"Just like you, he is also a genius among martial arts geniuses."

"The age should be three or four years older than you."

"If you beat him, I will give you [-] points."

said the old thing.

"Farewell, I'm not strong enough now, and it's not suitable for me to have something bad happen to the Liu family in the Martial Arts Training Bureau."

For Zhang Xiaofan, now is indeed not a good time.

"you sure?"


"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't agree now, Liu Qilin will let you agree."

The old man said with a meaningful smile.

"what do you mean?"

Zhang Xiaofan frowned and asked.


As soon as the words fell, the Tyrant Canglong Nine Styles flew towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan took it.

"work hard."

The old thing continued to lie down and closed his eyes.

Zhang Xiaofan wanted to say something again, but he didn't say it after all.

This old thing is really weird.

So, Zhang Xiaofan took the elevator and left.

After coming out, Zhang Xiaofan specifically asked Gu Le to ask about the identity of that old thing.

But Gu Le did not say.

Then, Zhang Xiaofan talked about Liu Qilin again.

Gu Le still didn't say much.

It's as if the old thing doesn't tell him.

Knowing that there would be no result, Zhang Xiaofan left.

However, when he was about to leave.

Finally, the Liu Qilin that the old man mentioned suddenly appeared.

The first thing he said when he saw Zhang Xiaofan was: I want to compete with you, do you dare?
Liu Qilin was tall and long-armed, with a burly figure and a fierce face.

One can tell that this person is not simple.

Unfortunately, Zhang Xiaofan directly refused.

It's not that I don't want to compare, it's not the time yet.

"What? Are you afraid?"

Liu Qilin said.

Zhang Xiaofan ignored it.

"I know your background and details. Everyone says you are a rare genius in the Martial Arts Training Bureau."

"Especially when you single-handedly killed Xing Yelang, known as one of the top ten generals of the Dongguchi Society."

"Not only a genius in cultivation, but also a hero in battle."

"But I, Liu Qilin, don't agree."

"Isn't it Hoshinoro?"

"I can kill him with one hand!"

Liu Qilin showed his unicorn arms and said loudly.

"and then?"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

"In the Martial Arts Training Bureau, I am Liu Qilin, not you, the genius who is said to be once in a hundred years!"

"Your strength is completely vulnerable in front of me."

"If you don't believe me, let's see the truth on the field!"

Liu Qilin pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and said confidently and proudly.

"Not interested in."

Zhang Xiaofan replied coldly.

"Count one!"

Liu Qilin laughed and said.

(End of this chapter)

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