Murano's little genius

Chapter 456 Better than one chip

Chapter 456 Even Better

"The auction begins!"

The person in charge on the stage said.

So everyone's attention was diverted.

At this time, Ye Chen's heart was full of anger, and his face turned black with anger.

I thought it would be easy for Zhang Xiaofan to be deflated in today's auction.

However, at the very beginning, I encountered "opening the door black"!
When he saw that relaxed and proud smile on Zhang Xiaofan's face.

Ye Chen wished he could go up and kill Zhang Xiaofan!
And he guessed that Zhang Xiaofan definitely did it on purpose!

No way, today's situation is special!
It is impossible for him to have a violent conflict with Zhang Xiaofan here.

Because those "protector gods" of Zhentian Group can't be exposed casually to deal with Zhang Xiaofan.

These ordinary bodyguards alone can't do anything to him.

Therefore, the current Ye Chen can only force himself to return to normal.

He knew that today Zhang Xiaofan came to take pictures.

That being the case, it is impossible for him to let Zhang Xiaofan take anything today!

He wants to let Zhang Xiaofan know that daring to fight Yechen is like a mantis arm!Hit a rock with an egg!
And, from today onwards, he will make Zhang Xiaofan pay the real price!

There are a total of five items in this auction.

There are antiques, cars, houses.

"I believe that many people come here today for the last thing."

"That's the Meteor Building!"

"This Meteor Building is top-notch both in terms of location and design."

"The main thing is that it's only been built for three years."

"Whoever can capture it will earn it!"

"Although the Meteor Building is a foreclosure building, it is very "clean" and there are no other problems in it."

"Okay, I won't say much, the following is our bidding session!"

"The starting price is 1000 million! Each increase is [-] million!"

said the person in charge.

As soon as the person in charge finished speaking, a potbellied boss bid: "2000 million!"

He directly added 2000 million!

This person is a typical real estate company boss.

If you can take pictures of the Meteor Building, needless to say, you will definitely make a lot of money in the future.

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

None of these people are added according to 1000 million.

Everyone OnePlus is 2000 million.

After all, no one wants to miss the Meteor Building.

"Four hundred million!"

At this time, Ye Chen, who had long been impatient, said loudly.

For Ye Chen, he didn't even bother with the so-called price increase.

As soon as people called 4000 million, he directly called [-] million.

That's the power of money.

Needless to say, Ye Chen stood out when he opened his mouth to bid.

This means that no one will dare to bid with him.

Most of the people present today are the bosses of Nandu Third-rate Company.

How dare you have a competitive relationship with Ye Chen.

Even with that courage, he has no money.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you poor man, don't you want to take a picture of this Meteor Building? Come and grab a picture with me!"

Ye Chen looked at Zhang Xiaofan, his words were full of sarcasm and ridicule.

"It's up to you, let alone [-] million, I don't think even [-] million can come out!"

"I tell you, money is a number to me!"

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhang Xiaofan said calmly, "You are not the only one who has money in this world. Since I dare to come here today, I am very confident to take pictures."

"Five billion!"

Following Zhang Xiaofan's announcement of [-] million, the boss who participated in the auction did not dare to take a breath.

Is this man really so rich?

That's [-] million!

No loan, need to take it out at once!

For ordinary third-rate companies, if they want to take it down, they have to borrow money from other banks to stick it down.

"Six hundred million!"

However, Ye Chen didn't think about it at all, and directly raised the price by [-] million.

"Seven hundred million!"

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Eighty million!"

Ye Chen looked at the phone and said casually.

Everyone watched the two bid for the auction like this.

They all took a breath.

Adding one hundred million to one hundred million, is this not treating money as money?
It is estimated that if this continues, the bank will make a lot of money this time.

Finally, Ye Chen called one billion!
He looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

There was a little pride in his eyes.

It seems that his purpose has been achieved.

Ye Chen guessed that the reason why Zhang Xiaofan dared to challenge him.

It's nothing more than wanting to rely on the Changhui Group behind.

And Ye Chen knew the situation of Changhui Group.

Let it take out a cash flow of 80.00 billion, that is to break [-]% of the capital chain.

It is very dangerous for the entire Changhui Group.

At this time, in order to help Zhang Xiaofan, Changhui Group will definitely help Zhang Xiaofan raise [-] billion in the form of loans.

At that time, Ye Chen will use Zhentian Group's connections in Nandu.

Let the bank not lend to Changhui Group.

If Changhui Group can't borrow money from the bank, it won't be able to help Zhang Xiaofan at that time.

And Zhang Xiaofan couldn't come up with [-] billion.

At that time, his small companies and small foundations will cease to exist.

And will be prosecuted in court!

For this reason, Zhang Xiaofan will encounter a lot of troubles.

Ye Chen really wanted to see Zhang Xiaofan become a lost dog.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen felt that he was very smart and very proud.

He was sure that Zhang Xiaofan would call out [-] billion!

Because he still behaves very casually.

As long as Zhang Xiaofan calls out [-] billion, he will stop being afraid.

At that time, let's see how Zhang Xiaofan can get the [-] billion!


After Zhang Xiaofan said two words, he looked at Ye Chen.

Suddenly, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ye Chen looked at it and felt something was wrong.

"I can't afford [-] billion."

"No way, I can only give it to Mr. Ye."

Zhang Xiaofan stood up, made a gesture of congratulations to Ye Chen and said.

"No way, in fact, I can't even get [-] million."

"Just now I saw Mr. Ye raised the price so happily, so I'll play with you."

"Because I know that money is just a number to Mr. Ye."

"No matter what, it will take more than one billion to let Mr. Ye win it."

"Only in this way can you be worthy of your identity."

Sorry, Zhang Xiaofan is not bidding anymore.

I will give it to you, Ye Chen.

In fact, when the price was called [-] million.

Zhang Xiaofan is no longer interested in Meteor Building.

The market price is the market price, in Zhang Xiaofan's mind Meteor Building is worth [-] million.

Not one more point.

After all, if you want to use a lot of money, you have to borrow most of it from Changhui Group.

My own group is in its infancy and has little money.

Borrowing too much is not good for the developing Changhui Group.

Then, I heard that Ye Chen had bid for the Meteor Building.

Many people stepped forward to congratulate.

How flattering that is, how flattering it is.

All flattering.

As far as Ye Chen is concerned, how can he listen to it.

He thought he wanted to plot against Zhang Xiaofan.

Now he was plotted against by Zhang Xiaofan, so he was so angry that his nose could spit fire.

Ye Chen looked at Zhang Xiaofan's cocked legs, clenched his fists tightly!Gritting teeth!

(End of this chapter)

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