Murano's little genius

Chapter 466 Tang Fei

Chapter 466 Tang Fei
According to the address given by Long Teng, Zhang Xiaofan came to a community outside the third ring road of Nandu.

Looking at the name of the community, Zhang Xiaofan knew at a guess that it was a real estate company under the Changhui Group.

"Changhui Jinxiu District."

According to the detailed address, Zhang Xiaofan came to the tenth floor of one of the buildings.

"Boom boom boom!"

knocked on the door.

However, after knocking several times in a row, no one opened the door.

"who are you?"

Suddenly, a middle-aged man's voice sounded from behind.

Zhang Xiaofan hastily turned around.

A man wearing a white shirt, the shirt is a little yellow, and looks haggard stands behind Zhang Xiaofan.

What attracted Zhang Xiaofan's attention the most was his left hand.

The sleeves are empty, and the left hand is clearly gone.

"Are you Tang Fei?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked lightly.

Hearing this, Tang Fei's eyes flashed with hostility.

He stared at Zhang Xiaofan and said in a deep voice: "If Hu Liu found you, get out of here immediately!"

"Otherwise, Hu Liu's end will be your end!"

"Hey! Tang Fei, what a big tone!"

Before Zhang Xiaofan could speak, the elevator door opened.

Five or six people in security uniforms walked out.

One of the burly men without security uniform said loudly.

"Hu Liu! Is this what you mean by revenge?"

Tang Fei said without fear.

A security guard wearing a security uniform but with a bruised nose and a swollen face pointed at Tang Fei and said loudly, "Fucking Tang Fei, how dare you hit me!"

"I'm telling you, today I'm going to maim your other foot! Then break your other arm!"

Tang Fei said without changing his face: "I said, don't mess with me! You asked for this!"

"Just you disabled man, do you deserve my respect?"

"Let me tell you, if I call you a handicapped man, that's because I, Hu Liu, think highly of you!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you, the general manager of Changhui Real Estate Company is my brother-in-law!"

"Not only did I cripple your other foot today, I will make it impossible for you to live here any longer!"

The security guard named Hu Liu grinned and said.

"Boy, who the hell are you!"

"Don't be an eyesore here, get out of here immediately!"

At this moment, Hu Liu glanced at Zhang Xiaofan, and cursed loudly.

"I am an employee of Changhui Real Estate."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"It turned out to be someone from Changhui Real Estate."

"Then keep your eyes open, I am the brother-in-law of your general manager!"

After Hu Liu finished speaking, he made a gesture to pinch a cigarette.

This means to ask Zhang Xiaofan to pass him cigarettes.

"Is there something wrong with your hand?"

"Do you want to see a doctor?"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Hu Liu was furious: "Are you so ignorant?"

"Do you still want to work in Changhui Real Estate!"

"Believe it or not, as long as I tell my brother-in-law, you will have to leave Changhui Real Estate tomorrow!"

In Hu Liu's eyes, this young Zhang Xiaofan is the new employee of Changhui Real Estate.

After all, he has met all the executives of Changhui Real Estate.

There is no one like Zhang Xiaofan.

"I do not believe."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Fuck Nima!"

"What's your name!"

Hu Liu was aroused by Zhang Xiaofan, his bruised nose and swollen face looked particularly ferocious.

Zhang Xiaofan replied lightly: "Zhang Xiaofan."

"Okay! I remember you!"

Hu Liu stared at Zhang Xiaofan and said.


"Tang Fei, did I let you go?"

Seeing Tang Fei stepping forward, Hu Liu said angrily.

However, Tang Fei ignored him.

Take out the key and prepare to open the door.

"Da Niu! Get him for me!"

Hu Liu said loudly, and signaled the burly man next to him to go up and beat Tang Fei.

The burly man was visible to the naked eye and was almost 1.9 meters tall.

For ordinary people, seeing such a person would be afraid of three points.

Not only because of his tall height, but also because of several scars on his hands.

At first glance, he is not a good person.

Apart from anything else, the burly man swung his fist very fast!
Reached the level of professional boxing players.

Moreover, the strength is impressive, and ordinary people may have to go to the hospital if they are hit.

Just when Zhang Xiaofan wanted to stop him, he discovered that Tang Fei was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Tang Fei bowed his head and avoided the punch of the burly man.

The punch hit the door.

There was a hole in the door.

It can be seen how powerful this punch is.

Seeing that this punch was in vain, the burly man punched again.

Tigers are windy!

Relying on his extremely quick reaction, Tang Fei dodged the punch again.

Seeing that the two punches hit nothing.

Hu Liu on the side shouted: "Da Niu, did I spend 2000 yuan to call you here to eat shit? You can't even hit anyone!"

The big cow was completely agitated.

"You forced me! Don't blame me!"

Daniel twisted his neck, clenched his fists, and made a sound of knuckles.

He took a big step and rushed towards Tang Fei.

Soon he was in front of Tang Fei.

Then the fist hit Tang Fei twice as fast as before.

Tang Fei's eyes narrowed, and the already clenched fists were also punched out.

This time he didn't dodge, he wanted to catch Daniel's fist.


Unexpectedly, the injured person was Daniel.

Tang Fei's punch directly dislocated Daniel's arm.

Daniel held his hand and yelled.

You can't judge by appearance, Tang Fei is a master.

Easily dodged Daniel's fist, and then directly dislocated Daniel's arm.

Whether it's reaction, speed, or strength.

Tang Fei is already a big bull who can crush professional boxing players.

"It turned out to be an ancient warrior."

Just now, Tang Fei used his true energy that he hadn't used for many years with that punch.

He exposed his identity as an ancient warrior in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

Seeing that Daniu had one hand crippled by Tang Fei.

Hu Liu couldn't believe it, he quickly hid behind several security guards.

"Tang Fei! Let me tell you, don't be complacent! You can't live here anymore!"

"Give it to me!"

Hu Liu asked the five or six security guards to go up.

However, these security guards come here to work for a living, and it's okay to support the scene, but it's okay to fight.

And they have seen Tang Fei's skills, even Daniel's hand was dislocated, and they probably died or were disabled when they went up.


All ran towards the stairs, not even the elevator.

But Hu Liubian stepped back and said, "Tang Fei, let me tell you! You can't live here any longer!"

"And you, I told my brother-in-law, you have to get out tomorrow!"

After speaking, he hurriedly ran towards the stairs.

"Aren't you afraid that they won't let you have a peaceful day?"

Seeing Tang Fei's calm look, Zhang Xiaofan asked calmly.

"It doesn't matter, they can't beat me, and I'm going to sell this house today."

"It's you, Hu Liu is not trying to scare you, his brother-in-law is really the general manager of Changhui Group."

"If you offend him now, you will lose your job."

Tang Fei looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"I don't care, I don't care about the job anyway."

"Salary is too low."

Zhang Xiaofan spread his hands and said calmly.

"What did you come to do with me?"

Tang Fei asked.

It's no longer the attitude I saw at the beginning.

Tang Fei saw Zhang Xiaofan's attitude towards Hu Liu just now.

It's someone he admires a lot.

Ding Ding Ding!
Just as he finished speaking, Tang Fei's phone rang.

"Okay, I'll take Yanyan there right now."

After listening to the phone call, Tang Fei's haggard face showed joy, as if he had heard some good news in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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