Chapter 483
Several Long family members present, except for Long Teng and Long Fei, saw Zhang Xiaofan for the first time.

Although he already knew that it was not easy to heal Long Teng's fatal injury.

But seeing it now, I am still a little shocked!

A total of three members of the Long family entered the martial arts training bureau.

And all three are Long Teng's sons.

The strongest one has reached the aerodynamic realm.

It turned out that the well-known cultivation genius of the Martial Arts Training Bureau was his father's lifesaver.

This is really a coincidence.

At this time, the other two sons of Long Teng, Long Tian and Long Ao, both came forward to greet Zhang Xiaofan, and express their inner gratitude.

Not to mention that he was his father's savior, but just as a genius in the martial arts training bureau, Long Teng's three sons would all express their respect for him.

In this world, not all people are proud, and they don't see other people's excellence.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, is going to the black market going well?"

Long Teng asked.

"It's okay, but I encountered a little trouble."

Zhang Xiaofan said.


"Did those bastards in the black market attack you, Doctor Xiaofan?"

Hearing this, Long Teng frowned.

"I thought the black market was just a shady transaction, but it turns out that people are also black."

"Now, it can be regarded as a breakup with the black market."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, don't worry, you don't dare to be presumptuous in the black market in Nandu!"

"If he dares to lay a black hand on you, my Long family will be the first to refuse!"

Long Teng said angrily.

Long Teng is not a fool, the strength of the black market is not inferior to the Long family.

Will he really confront the black market for Zhang Xiaofan?
First, Zhang Xiaofan is his savior, and his medical skills are unpredictable!

Second, Zhang Xiaofan is really a good person, the type he admires.

Thirdly, Zhang Xiaofan's strength is outstanding at such a young age, and he is also a cultivation genius in the Martial Arts Training Bureau.

If you don't associate with this kind of person, do you associate with the black market?
Long Teng is an old guy, he knows that the closer he gets to Zhang Xiaofan, the more advantages than disadvantages.

Of course, the original intention to get acquainted with Zhang Xiaofan was purely because of Zhang Xiaofan.

There is no scheming in it.

And when Long Teng asked just now, Zhang Xiaofan also answered that way on purpose.

Needless to say, the current him must have benefited from the influence of the black market.

In the place of Nandu, he already got involved with the Zhentian Group.

Not to mention the Liu family and Qin family in the future.

And now suddenly the black market.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan is only himself, if there is no helper, it will be really tiring.

That is either the way of being messed with by others, or the way of messing with others.

"Then I am here to thank Old Long."

Zhang Xiaofan cupped his hands and said.

The appearance of a modest gentleman.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, don't be so polite."

"You are my Long Teng's savior. I, Long Teng, can do everything I can, and I will do my best."

Long Teng quickly stood up and said.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, the black market is a force that sees its end but never sees its end in Nandu."

"Although you are a member of the Martial Arts Training Bureau, if they really want to make a move, they will not be afraid. They will definitely use some very vicious methods."

"However, with my Long family here, I will definitely not give them a chance."

From the appearance, Long Fei is the most like Long Teng among the three.

Including the tone of the speech, it is very similar.

"Yes, with my Long family, there is no need to be afraid!"

Both Long Tian and Long Aoye agreed.

This family is pretty good.

It suits Zhang Xiaofan's appetite.

The headquarters of the black market.

Located in a mysterious place in Nandu.

Gu Teng found Disha in the black market.

The news about Zhang Xiaofan abolishing Brother Huan has already spread to the black market Disha protector.

It was a coincidence that Gu Teng found Di Sha at this moment.

"Zhang Xiaofan!"

Hearing the name Zhang Xiaofan again, Di Sha seemed to exude a black market murderous aura!
That black air seems to be able to strangle a person's throat.

"Di Sha, this person is handed over to your black market."

"I shouldn't stay here for too long, let's go first."

After speaking, the masked Guteng disappeared like a gust of wind.

"Hmph! Someone related to Qin Feng?"


"One word, die!"

Disha clenched his fist, and the air seemed to explode.

The current Disha, because of getting the "baby", its strength has skyrocketed!
It has already reached the late stage of Xuan level.

It's no longer the level that can only be split with Tang Fei at a [-]-[-] level.

Now meeting Tang Fei, one move could kill him.

But helplessly, the palace master's order back then was never to touch Tang Fei.

Otherwise, you will violate the order and be killed without mercy!

But now, when he thinks about what happened back then, Di Shaxin is unwilling.

Back then, he was punished by the most severe "ice" by the palace master for making claims without authorization.

In the ice cave, he stayed for half a month.

During those half months, he lived like a year, and was tortured to the point where life was like death.

However, Tang Fei, who blatantly violated the rules of the black market by killing his brother in the black market.

He was set free!
Earth is unwilling!

The anger in his heart accumulated little by little, and today it has already become a volcano.

Even, he now has the idea of ​​killing Tang Fei.

It means that he is no longer afraid of disobeying the order of the Palace Master back then.

Because he already has enough strength.

He has ambitions, he wants to sit in the position of the palace master!

(End of this chapter)

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