Murano's little genius

Chapter 500 Small Gathering

Chapter 500 Small Gathering

The next day, Zhang Xiaofan got up early.

I haven't run for a long time, so I ran along a central lake in this villa.

Coincidentally, Bai Bingbing also likes to run.

So, the two ran away together.

After half an hour.

Bai Bingbing was already dripping with sweat.

Breathe in the aroma.

As for Zhang Xiaofan, apart from sweating a little, he couldn't tell at all that he was someone who ran around the lake a few times.

"Xiaofan, you are amazing!"

"After running a few laps, my face didn't turn red and I couldn't breathe."

Bai Bingbing praised.

For Zhang Xiaofan, running now is similar to walking.

After running with Bai Bingbing, Zhang Xiaofan received a call from Cui Dabao.

A noon appointment was confirmed.

I contacted Cui Dabao last night, only to find out that there are several college students working here in Nandu.

In addition, there are two other people from Nandu.

It's just a coincidence.

So Cui Dabao came up with an idea to ask some classmates out for a sit down.

Zhang Xiaofan also has no opinion.

At noon, Zhang Xiaofan drove to BY bar.

Because, Cui Dabao chose the BY bar.

Of course, this is the first time for Zhang Xiaofan to come to this bar.

At the entrance of the bar, Zhang Xiaofan parked the car.

Suddenly found that this bar is not only located in the bustling area of ​​Nandu, but the exterior decoration looks like that kind of high-end bar.

Zhang Xiaofan remembers very clearly that Cui Dabao's family conditions are very average, although he lives in Nandu, but only in Nandu.

Of course, this was what Cui Dabao said himself.

He said that his parents are ordinary people, they don't have fixed jobs, and their family lives in the old town of Nandu. The conditions are very ordinary and they are not rich.

Cui Dabao also said last night that he hasn't found a job yet.

It doesn't fit the setting to come to such a high-end bar for consumption now.

After all, Cui Dabao was a bit stingy when he was in college.

Standing in front of the bar, Zhang Xiaofan hasn't gone in yet, he thinks it's better to wait for Cui Dabao to go in together first.

At this time, a Porsche Cayenne stopped, and then honked its horn at Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan was upset.

"This shit didn't block your way, you press a chicken leg!"

At this moment, a young man got out of the Cayenne.

Zhang Xiaofan knew this person.

It was Pan Changlong, the famous rich second generation in the class at that time.

His family is also in Nandu.

However, the relationship with Zhang Xiaofan is mediocre, not a friend, but a former classmate.

"Ouch! Isn't this Zhang Xiaofan?"

"When I was in college, I wore clothes that cost tens of yuan, but now I wear clothes that cost hundreds of dollars. It's not bad."

Pan Changlong looked at Zhang Xiaofan with strange eyes and said.

"As long as it's suitable."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

He ignored Pan Changlong.

Pan Changlong made fun of himself a lot when he was in college.

If it wasn't for Cui Dabao's sake and knowing that Pan Changlong would come today, Zhang Xiaofan wouldn't have come at all.

"Hmph! A country boy, what a shameful face."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan no longer paying attention to him, Pan Changlong snorted coldly.

He parked the car next to an Audi RS8.

This car belongs to Zhang Xiaofan.

But Pan Changlong didn't know.

At this time, a BMW [-] Series stopped slowly.

Cui Dabao got off the car.

"I'll go, Dabao, what's going on with you, you're driving a BMW?"

"You are not a rich second generation who has been hiding for many years, are you?"

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward and said.

"Hey, I'm really sorry."

"I only found out after graduation."

"It turns out that my parents are charterers and charterers."

"There are hundreds of houses in the family."

Cui Dabao patted his head and said hey.

"Hundreds of sets!?"

Zhang Xiaofan was amazed.

This wave is tough enough.

"You don't have to look for a job anymore, you just drive a BMW to collect rent every day, how cool it is."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

"Hey! It's so annoying to collect rent. I told my parents that I still like to go to work outside."

Cui Dabao said helplessly.

"Dabao, don't be like this, you are too Versailles."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Fanzi, by the way, why are you in the Southern Capital?"

Cui Dabao asked.

"Didn't you say to return to the village after graduation?"

Cui Dabao asked.

"I can't tell for a while, I will tell you slowly later."

This matter is so complicated, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know how to explain it.

In addition, there are many secrets that belong to him. Although he is a good classmate, he can't tell them.

"Dabao, I didn't expect that! You are actually a rich second generation, congratulations!"

Pan Changlong leaned over and said with a smile.

When he was studying, Cui Dabao was often teased by him.

"That's true, how can it compare to our Mr. Pan, who runs a company at home."

"Come on, Fanzi, let's go in and have a good drink today."

Cui Dabao put his hand on Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder, and walked into the bar.

This made Pan Changlong very dissatisfied.

Why is he here today?
That is pretense!

However, he was forced to pretend, but was ignored by Zhang Xiaofan and Cui Dabao.

"The female classmates will come later, so you can look good!"

Pan Changlong gritted his teeth and said.

"Dabao, how many classmates are there?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Besides Pan Changlong, there is one male classmate and three female classmates."

"One of them is our class flower, Lu Menglan."

(End of this chapter)

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