Murano's little genius

Chapter 510 Mr. Xiaofan

Chapter 510 Mr. Xiaofan
"Zhang Xiaofan!"

"You poor bastard, mangy dog, why are you following me?"

Lu Menglan said loudly.

"This Changhui company is not yours, not to mention there are so many people here, why do you say that I follow you?"

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Aren't you following me, what are you doing here?"

"Is this kind of place you can come to?"

Lu Menglan said unhappily.

"You can come, why can't I?"

Zhang Xiaofan spread his hands and said calmly.

"Hmph, I think you want to take advantage of the crowds today and come here to be a thief."

"Get out of the way, don't hinder me from finding someone, and delay my bright future,"

Lu Menglan said coldly.

"Are you looking for a boss?"

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Stinky dick, dead country bumpkin, what business do I have with you?"

Lu Menglan scolded Zhang Xiaofan.

"Let me tell you, what I'm looking for is a big man, the major shareholder of Changhui Group."

"As long as I find him, I can fly on a branch and become a phoenix."

Lu Menglan continued.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan moved closer to Lu Menglan.

And Lu Menglan took a few steps back.

This startled Lu Menglan.

"Zhang Xiaofan, in broad daylight, the sky is bright, what are you going to do?"

"If you dare to touch me, I will call the police!"

Lu Menglan's reaction was like a pure girl being raped by hooligans.

What an irony.

"Don't yell, tell me to take you to Fa-rectification on the spot."

Zhang Xiaofan stared at Lu Menglan and said coldly.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan's cold eyes, Lu Menglan felt scared.

She was shaking.

"Are you really narcissistic, or do you have hallucinations?"

"What kind of guy are you, think I'll fall in love with you, and still follow you?"

"It's fine if you don't give me a good face, if you still scold me, if you keep yelling, I'll kill you"

"What's wrong with me going here for a stroll? Did I offend you?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"This is Changhui Entertainment Company. You are not from here, and this is not your home. Why are you shopping?"

Lu Menglan plucked up her courage, she just looked down on Zhang Xiaofan.

"Indeed, this is not my home, nor am I from here, but as long as I think about this company, I have the final say."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a light smile.

"You shameless dick, do you think you are the major shareholder of Changhui Group who came here today?"

Lu Menglan said with a dry face.

"Oh? It seems that you are looking for the major shareholder and then trying to seduce him?"

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at Lu Menglan's clothes and said with a smile.

From Peng Shui, Zhang Xiaofan knew the unspoken rules.

"Zhang Xiaofan, it's not up to you to tell me what I do, you stinky country bumpkin, you dick, even if you come to a big city, you won't be able to change it!"

Lu Menglan looked at Zhang Xiaofan with disdainful eyes and said.

"You come to me, of course I can say, don't you want to seduce me?"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a half-smile.

Hearing this, Lu Meilan froze for a moment, then said with a sneer: "Zhang Xiaofan, you have been in college for four years, who are you and what are the conditions in your family?"

"Still pretending in front of me, do you think I will believe you?"

"Let me tell you, a man like you who is handsome but has no money has something to do."

"A man who is handsome but has no money chases after me a lot, and you are not missing."

Zhang Xiaofan:
I wipe!Zhang Xiaofan is really completely speechless!

This woman Lu Menglan is so narcissistic to the sea.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

"You'll know then."

Zhang Xiaofan discovered that talking to this woman Lu Menglan really lowered his IQ.

As for this woman, even if you take off your clothes and lie on the bed, Zhang Xiaofan won't take a second look.

"You are not only good at pretending, but also daydreaming."

"Let me tell you, get out of Changhui Entertainment immediately, or you will be thrown out if you really see Mr. Peng or that major shareholder later!"

Facing Lu Menglan's cynicism and that disdainful face.

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head, ready to leave.

However, hurried footsteps came from the corridor, and a figure appeared.

After seeing the identity of this person, Lu Menglan was overjoyed.

Then stood up the proud thing in front.

Just wanted to speak.

Peng Shui frowned and looked at Lu Menglan: "Lu Menglan? You're not staying in the preparation room, what are you doing here?"

"Are you going to harass Mr. Xiaofan?"

Mr. Xiaofan?

How could the general manager of Tangtang Changhui Entertainment Company call Zhang Xiaofan Mr. Xiaofan?

"Mr. Xiaofan, she didn't harass you, did she?"

Peng Shui said to Zhang Xiaofan very respectfully.


Lu Menglan's head seemed to be bombed.

The whole person stared blankly at Zhang Xiaofan.

Why did Peng Shui call him Mr. Xiaofan, and why did he have such a respectful attitude?

What is Zhang Xiaofan's identity?
What the hell is he?

However, this is simply impossible!

Lu Menglan knew Zhang Xiaofan's identity, but he came from the countryside.

I just graduated this year, so where would I have any honorable status?

"To be precise, she wanted to harass me, but he didn't believe that I was the one she wanted to harass."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

Peng Shui's expression darkened immediately, and he looked at Lu Menglan fixedly and said in a deep voice, "Lu Menglan, you are so bold! Do you know the identity of Mr. Xiaofan?"

"You want to play tricks like that on him."

"He is the major shareholder of our Changhui Group!"

The major shareholder of Changhui Group!

Lu Menglan's eyes almost fell out.

"Mr. Peng, you mean he is the major shareholder?"

"Nonsense! Mr. Xiaofan is the major shareholder of our Changhui Group!"

Peng Shui said angrily.


Peng Shui's words were like a doomsday bomb.

Let Lu Menglan's mind go blank.

Feeling hopeless.

Before, she couldn't believe that Zhang Xiaofan would be the major shareholder of Changhui Group even if she was killed.

However, now that Peng Shui said it himself, there would be no falsehood.

"Mr. Xiaofan, I still have something to rush to the meeting, so I'm leaving first."

Peng Shui said respectfully.

"Well, go get busy."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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