Murano's little genius

Chapter 522 Plan Failed

Chapter 522 Plan Failed
On the Internet, Du Xiaomei already has many fans.

This vote fits her fans.

Therefore, the number of votes easily met the prescribed requirements.

In this way, Du Xiaomei got the debut spot. '

It is also reasonable.

Because everyone knows that in terms of temperament and strength, Du Xiaomei made her No.1 debut.

Now it's just about giving her what she deserves.

So no one thinks it's unfair.

For this result, many people gave Changhui Entertainment a big praise.

the other side.

Ye Chen, who was playing with mandarin ducks in the villa, was very happy.

Just because the two things yesterday made him happy.

The first thing is that he must make Changhui Entertainment the headline of today's scandal, and then suffer a devastating blow.

The second thing is about Du Xiaomei.

Seeing Du Xiaomei, whom Zhang Xiaofan cared most about, passed out last night and lost her debut qualification, he finally saw Zhang Xiaofan's deflated side.

Ye Chen hugged the beauty with one arm, and drank red wine with the other.

He felt that this was the beginning of his attack on Zhang Xiaofan, including the Changhui Group.

Although he can't kill Zhang Xiaofan, he has the means to destroy Zhang Xiaofan bit by bit.

In addition, he wanted to let his father see that he was also very good!
He must inherit the Zhentian Group in the future.

"Young Master Ye, something happened."

Ye Chen was just happy, and his secretary hurried to say this.

"What, what happened."

Maybe he was overjoyed, but Ye Chen wasn't particularly angry.

"Changhui Entertainment has found the person who framed Du Xiaomei."

"Now Du Xiaomei's online approval rate is too high, and the debut spot has been given to her again."

Ye Chen's secretary said.


This news made Ye Chen's face darken, quite unhappy.

"Fuck! Zhang Xiaofan is lucky."

However, this is not what Ye Chen cares most about.

"How is Changhui Entertainment doing now?"

Ye Chen asked lightly.

"Young Master Ye, this is the important thing I want to tell you."

"The few people we bought, all said today that they didn't dare."

"Without them, our plan to make big news would have been ruined."

Hearing this, Ye Chen became furious.

Something went wrong with his perfect plan?
Originally, he bought several important figures in Changhui Entertainment and asked them to provide some ironclad evidence, which went viral on the Internet.

All the shady things in the Goddess Creation Camp were revealed.

In this way, if the Goddess Creation Camp is gone, Changhui Entertainment will lose both hands and feet.

Basically the rhythm of declaring the end.

At this moment, Ye Chen was extremely angry.

He quickly made a phone call to someone who was the vice president of Changhui Entertainment.

"Wei Dabao, what the hell did you charge me for so much money!"

"Are you going to break the agreement?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Ye Chen roared loudly.

"Young Master Ye, I can't help it either!"

"My relationship with you has been discovered!"

"Young Master Ye, stop talking, I have to run away, or I'll be finished if I get caught."

After speaking, Wei Dabao hung up the phone.

At this time, Ye Chen was furious, and the perfect plan he thought had failed.

"Cao Nima put on!"

Ye Chen smashed things on the ground.

The plan was so hidden that it was discovered.

How not to make him angry.

"This bunch of useless things!"

Ye Chen could only blame Wei Dabao and others for his anger.

"It must be those useless things who did not do things cleanly and were discovered."

"Young Master Ye, calm down, it is said that this matter is related to Zhang Xiaofan."

Ye Chen's secretary said.

"Zhang Xiaofan? What the hell is Zhang Xiaofan."

"How the hell did he find out!"

Ye Chen was furious, and when it came to Zhang Xiaofan, it added fuel to the fire.

"It is said that Changhui Entertainment secretly carried out a "mopping up operation" within the company yesterday."

It turned out that Ye Chen went to Changhui Group, including what Zhang Xiaofan saw in Changhui Group.

He asked Peng Shui to secretly conduct a secret investigation against all employees of the company.

It took only one night to find out several people with problems.

Most importantly, it was discovered that a few people headed by the vice president cooperated with Ye Chen to ruin the reputation of Changhui Entertainment.

The last time the Changhui Group was comprehensively suppressed economically, the Long family came out to rescue the siege.

At this moment, Ye Chen wants to use various tactics to deal with Changhui Entertainment first.

The result still failed.

"The method of killing people by hand failed, and the method of commercial use also failed."

"Is the little Zhang Xiaofan really capable?"

"I, Ye Chen, don't believe it!"

Ye Chen clenched his fists tightly.

"Gucun, can you really not make a move?"

Ye Chen said to the ancient village beside him.

"Young Master Ye, not only your father has orders, but we also have our own restrictions."

"It's not necessary, I can't attack Zhang Xiaofan."

Gu Cun said lightly.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll start with Lin Huachi from Changhui Group."

"I just forced Zhang Xiaofan to kill me, so you can make a move, right?"

Ye Chen said to Gucun calmly.

"Young Master Ye, as long as Zhang Xiaofan kills you, then of course I can."

"There is no doubt about it."

Gu Cun said while playing with the throwing knife in his hand.

"Okay! If that's the case, then I know what to do."

Ye Chen sneered.

Zhentian Group Building.

Office of the Chairman.

Ye Zhentian looked out of the window with serious eyes.

"Ye Dong, the black market plan has failed."

Gu Teng reported to Ye Zhentian.

(End of this chapter)

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