Murano's little genius

Chapter 528 Kill or not kill

Chapter 528 Kill or not kill
"You all get out!"

"Stop Zhang Xiaofan for me."

Ye Chen said to the dozen or so elite bodyguards in front of him.

These bodyguards are all warrior level.

The strength is far from comparable to that of ordinary security guards.

"Gucun, are you ready?"

Ye Chen looked at the ancient village and asked.

"Master Ye, I'm ready."

"As long as Zhang Xiaofan dares to attack you today, he will never leave here alive."

Gu Cun said in a deep voice.

Both Gucun and Ye Chen knew that these dozen bodyguards would definitely not be Zhang Xiaofan's opponents when they went out.

And why call them out?

The first is to test Zhang Xiaofan's strength.

The second is to let Zhang Xiaofan fall into the trap they set up.

Soon, Zhang Xiaofan walked into the fountain of Ye Chen's villa.

And at this moment, more than a dozen bodyguards in suits with sharp eyes and stern faces surrounded Zhang Xiaofan.

Good guy, everyone's got a dick in their hands.

This is the rhythm to kill Zhang Xiaofan.

These bodyguards received the order from Ye Chen: stop Zhang Xiaofan at all costs.

Even if it is killed, it's okay.

At this moment, facing Zhang Xiaofan, they are like hungry wolves.

In the next second, they all rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan, wanting to tear Zhang Xiaofan apart.

"Boy, you really ate a bear's heart and a leopard's courage! How dare you break into Mr. Ye's villa."

"He said that there is no way to go to heaven, and there is no way to go to hell."

However, what happened next made these so-called elite bodyguards regret it.

Zhang Xiaofan who looks like just a quiet and handsome man.

With one punch and one kick, he simply and neatly knocked down more than a dozen elite bodyguards on the market that would cost 10,000+ a month to hire.

And, each of them has a dick in their hand.

For ordinary people, the fighting power is simply beyond the charts!
Every time Zhang Xiaofan punches or kicks, there are screams.

The bodyguard who fell down would definitely not be able to stand up within an hour or two.

Zhang Xiaofan's attack, if anyone saw it, it would be like an adult abusing a child.

It was so easy.

It only took half a minute.

A dozen bodyguards all lay on the ground.

For these bodyguards, Zhang Xiaofan did not deal very harshly.

Just let them lie in the hospital for ten days and half a month.

At this time, inside the villa.

Zhang Xiaofan's move was clearly seen by Ye Chen and Gu Cun.

"What is his strength?"

"Are you confident to kill him today?"

Ye Chen asked about the ancient village.

"I still can't see clearly, judging from his shot, he is indeed a master."

"But Mr. Ye, don't worry, if I really want to make a move, I will definitely have the confidence to destroy him."

Gu Cun said confidently.

After all the bodyguards fell down, Zhang Xiaofan was about to walk into the villa.

At this moment, Ye Chen and Gu Cun came out.

Looking at the dozen bodyguards who fell on the ground, Ye Chen was very calm.

So calm that he was still sneering.

"Ye Chen!"

Seeing Ye Chen, Zhang Xiaofan's anger erupted over the years and this time.

He kicked an electric baton on the ground, and the baton flew towards Ye Chen.

Extremely fast.

Anyway, it was impossible for Ye Chen himself to escape.

The moment the stick was about to hit Ye Chen, Gu Cun reached out and grabbed it.

"Zhang Xiaofan, I really didn't expect you to really come, and come so fast."

"That's right, it's exactly what I want."

Ye Chen said with a cold gaze.

There was a weird smile on his face.

There seems to be a conspiracy.

"Ye Chen, I didn't expect you to use this method to deal with me and Changhui Group."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Haha! Zhang Xiaofan, do you really want to avenge Lin Huachi?"

"Do you really want to snatch the agreement in my hand and tear it up?"

A smug smile appeared on the corner of Ye Chen's mouth.

It looks like a beating.

"Let me tell you, this is the way to deal with people like you."

Ye Chen continued.

"However, I also like your method."

"Otherwise, I'm still thinking about how to deal with you."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a half-smile.


"What are you going to do with me?"

"Do you want to kill me?"

Ye Chen sneered.

"Yes and no."

Zhang Xiaofan said vaguely.

Although Zhang Xiaofan who came here today was extremely angry.

He also wanted to kill Ye Chen very much.

But reason told him that now was not the time.

"Your answer is a bit confused. Do you want to do it or not?"

Ye Chen said with a sneer.

"I'm here to ask you to personally tear up the agreement with Changhui Group."

"Then apologize to Lin Huachi."

"This is not to kill."

"But if you want to kill me during this process, then I will kill you!"

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at Ye Chen and Gucun.

Especially in Gucun, Zhang Xiaofan felt a very strong zhenqi from him.

He is a master of ancient warriors.

As Zhang Xiaofan said, coming here today is to solve the problem.

If Ye Chen wanted to kill him, then he would definitely fight back.

This is reasonable.

At that time, Zhang Xiaofan will also have a reason that Zhentian Group cannot refute.

"What? You still want to kill us?"


Hearing this, Ye Chen laughed out loud.

It feels like Zhang Xiaofan is dreaming.

(End of this chapter)

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