Murano's little genius

Chapter 540 Unexpected Unexpected Unexpected

Chapter 540 Unexpected Unexpected Unexpected
The arc-shaped sword aura is murderous, extremely powerful!

Of course Zhang Xiaofan didn't take it hard, but jumped lightly and dodged it.

However, the sword energy did not stop.

Instead, it returned.

Just know it's not that simple.

The speed of the sword energy is getting faster and faster.

Moreover, the energy and killing intent contained in it are getting stronger and stronger.

The phantom killing sword is the strongest martial skill passed down from the Liu family.

Killing is invisible, so strong that he has no friends.

Zhang Xiaofan felt something was wrong, he couldn't dodge the curved sword energy.

"Since you can't hide, then do it!"

"The dragon swings its tail!"

Zhang Xiaofan used the dragon wagging tail in Tyrant Canglong's nine moves.

Only when it is used in a dangerous moment can the power of this style be brought into play.

And right now, it's a good time.

The Canglong, transformed from vitality, felt his life was threatened, as if he was roaring.

Ferocious attack away.

The arc-shaped sword energy and the dragon flicked their tails to touch each other.

Like Mars hitting the Earth.


Ding Ding Deng!
After all, Shenlong Wailing Tail is no match for Arc Sword Qi.

Zhang Xiaofan was shocked and took a few steps back.

He spat out a little blood and suffered some internal injuries.

Liu Qilin's phantom killing sword is so terrifying!
This is just a sword.

The real phantom killing sword has three superimposed swords.

This kid Liu Qilin has a plan in his heart.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan being injured by Liu Qilin's sword.

Those who supported Liu Qilin laughed excitedly.

Of course, in their eyes, this is what it should be.

"Sure enough, as I expected, when Liu Qilin showed his true strength, Zhang Xiaofan was no match at all."

Zhang Xiaofan gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Just now, Liu Qilin's sword was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, and there was a stronger killing intent hidden in it.

"I said, you are not my opponent."

"Admit defeat now, it should be too late."

Liu Qilin raised the corner of his mouth and said proudly.

"Your sword is somewhat level."

"I was careless."

"However, I will be serious next time."

Zhang Xiaofan said seriously.

"Oh, really!"

"Then take another sword from me!"

Frowning, Liu Qilin raised the sword in his hand.

Quickly swung three swords.

Three arcs of sword energy merged into one.

It seems to be the same as just now, but there is a mystery hidden inside.

The energy and killing intent inside have doubled geometrically.

Looking at Liu Qilin's weird smile.

Although I can't perceive it clearly, this time it's the Three Swords.

Zhang Xiaofan will definitely deal with it with all his strength.

Raising one hand to the sky, turning fists into claws.

The domineering vitality quickly swam through Zhang Xiaofan's body.

"Fire! Get up!"

Zhang Xiaofan skillfully used the hot explosion in Tianyuan's three explosions.

In his hand, it seemed that he was holding a group of extremely hot flames tightly.

In an instant, the temperature here rose a few points.

Air seems to burn.

The hot ball of fire in Zhang Xiaofan's hands is getting bigger and bigger, the air is buzzing.

Immediately, it was smashed hard.

Thousands of worlds were smashed out, and all living things were ruined.

A ball of flames the size of a basketball did not miss Liu Qilin's phantom killing sword.

Instead, he mercilessly killed the other party.

There are skins, tendons, and blood-like hatred.

The fiery explosion in Tianyuan's three explosions is a move that will destroy the boat.

Win or lose, that's the attitude.

Fiery, can quickly increase Zhang Xiaofan's attack.

Double, triple, even quadruple!
But the price is to pay more than 90.00% of the vitality.

Burn vitality in a special way, resonate with the heavens and the earth, and gather all the energy and attacks into a ball of fire laughing like a basketball.

The arc-shaped sword energy melted into the fireball.

The fireball was shaking violently, like a bomb about to explode.


The world seemed to be shaking.

The air seemed to be burning.

I saw a figure flying out of the martial arts field in an instant.

He fell heavily to the ground.

He barely supported himself with his hands.

However, due to the severity of his injuries, he could only lie on the ground.

"Liu Qilin!"

Someone called out the name first.

The person who flew out was not Zhang Xiaofan, but Liu Qilin.

Liu Qilin was already dressed in rags and was in a panic.

Most importantly, he fell to the ground.

It can be seen that he was seriously injured!

How could this be?
Everyone raised such questions.

What happened just now?
How did Liu Qilin lose?

Looking at the Martial Dao Stage, Zhang Xiaofan could no longer stand, he could only kneel on one knee and did not fall down.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan's situation is not very good.

The blow just now consumed almost all of his vitality.

At the same time, Liu Qilin's phantom killing sword was not completely dispelled by the fire.

Instead, he slipped through the net and attacked Zhang Xiaofan.

He looked at Liu Qilin who flew out of the Martial Arts Platform and was lying on the ground.

Zhang Xiaofan was lucky, lucky that he used all his strength to attack, and lucky that Liu Qilin didn't take the initiative to defend at the last moment.

Liu Qilin thought that Zhang Xiaofan's hotness could not resist his real phantom killing sword.

By the time he realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

Zhang Xiaofan's popularity has the potential to destroy everything.

The moment it exploded, the vitality energy attack emitted was simply abnormal!
The fiery attack just touched Liu Qilin's body.

Let him fly out of the Martial Daotai and was seriously injured.

This point, even the referee can not predict.

According to the referee's estimation, Liu Qilin has a great chance that he will not suffer serious injuries.

Therefore, there is no need to intervene.

However, the ending was unexpected and unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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