Chapter 555
Bai Ze'en looks kindly, but at the moment Zhang Xiaofan looks like those feudal rulers.


"It's just your understanding."

"The situation of the Bai family, Bingbing should have told you, right?"

"Do you think you are comparable to the Wang family?"

"Can you give Bingbing the happiness she deserves?"

"Can you save the Bai family?"

Bai Zeen said coldly.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan smiled.

"Could it be that you just use Bingbing as a tool for your transactions?"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

"Tools? Young man, don't be naive."

"This world does not live in fantasy."

"Some people are born different."

"If you want to violate it, the consequences will be unbearable for you."

"Just like you, do you think it's an honor for you to offend the Liu family and the Qin family in Nandu?"

"I gain face for a while, but I will never have peace for the rest of my life."

"For Bingbing, since she was born in the Bai family, she has to take such a responsibility!"

"There is no such thing as a deal, just a responsibility."

"If she is self-willed, it will not only destroy her happiness, but also the future of the Bai family."

Zhang Xiaofan disagrees with Bai Zeen's understanding.

"It's ridiculous to let Bingbing ruin a lifetime of happiness to make up for your incompetence."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a sneer.

The former Bai family was a first-class family in Longdu.

But after decades, it became a second-rate family.

Now, even the second rate cannot be kept.

It is estimated that it won't be long before I can't stay in Longdu.

And why?
After all, the reason is still because of the incompetence of the current group of Bai family.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Bai Xiangyang stood up.

Pointing at Zhang Xiaofan angrily.

And Bai Zeen motioned for his son Bai Xiangyang to sit down.

"The world ebbs and flows, if other families rise, there must be a family's decline."

"I admit that the Bai family has indeed gone from bad to worse these years under my leadership."

"However, it's not up to me to decide."

"What I have to do is to protect the foundation and inheritance of the Bai family for hundreds of years."

"And Bingbing is the key."

"As the Bai family, she has that responsibility."

As the saying goes, when an old guy has a thick skin, it really doesn't matter to anyone else.

What Bai Zeen said just now, his face was neither red nor out of breath, but his face was thicker than that wall.

"Bingbing is indeed from the Bai family, but at the same time, she is also a person, and she has the right to choose her own marriage happiness."

"Associate her happiness with the so-called responsibility. Isn't this a thief at night and shouting like a thief during the day? What kind of good person do you pretend to be!"

"Put all the responsibility on Bingbing, you guys are really thick-skinned!"

"How to be a parent, how to be an elder!"

Zhang Xiaofan was eloquent.

The worst thing to see is such a family.

Mouthful of responsibilities, but what about their own responsibilities?
Are they doing their due responsibilities?

"What are you! What do you know! What's more, Bingbing is our daughter, so what we do, you can make irresponsible remarks!"

Bai Xiangyang said angrily.

"I'm Bingbing's boyfriend! You want to ruin her happiness, of course I can say so."

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.


"Okay, then let's talk about happiness, how do you give Bingbing happiness?"

"Will Bingbing be happy with you?"

"You can't protect yourself, and you dare to say that you will give Bingbing happiness in front of me, it's ridiculous!"

Bai Zeen asked in a cold voice.

"I know, you must have learned some information about me through the Nandu Martial Arts Training Bureau, but do you think you really know me?"

"My future is bright, and Bingbing loves me, she will be happy with me."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

Indeed, Bai Zeen knew that Zhang Xiaofan's future was indeed bright because of his status as a genius in the Southern Metropolis Martial Arts Bureau.

It is more than enough to be the son-in-law of the Bai family.

However, Zhang Xiaofan offended Liu family and Qin family in Nandu.

Although I dare not do anything on the surface.

But in the future, Zhang Xiaofan is destined to have a bumpy journey, and even be ruined by the Liu family or the Qin family in the southern capital.

"Okay, even if you can give Bingbing happiness."

"But can you save our Bai family?"

"And as long as Bingbing marries Wang Lin, our Bai family can keep our current position in Longdu, and we may restore the glory of the past."

Bai Zeen has always talked about the future of the Bai family.

After all, in his eyes, Bai Bingbing is a deal.

As long as Bai Bingbing can exchange for the future of the Bai family, why care about happiness or not.

"So, if I had the ability to keep the Bai family's position in Longdu, you wouldn't let Bingbing marry Wang Lin?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked coldly.

"Maybe it's possible, but you don't have that ability."

"In addition, I have agreed to this marriage on behalf of Bingbing and the Bai family."

"Even if you are capable, do you think you are an opponent of the Wang family?"

Bai Zeen said in a deep voice.

"Do you dare to make a bet with me?"

"If I can make the Wang family and Wang Lin give up their marriage, then you can no longer force Bingbing. Her marriage is free and she decides for herself."

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaofan said.

(End of this chapter)

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