Chapter 557

"Young people are indeed courageous, but the probability of you winning this bet is almost non-existent."

Bai Zeen said in a deep voice after taking a sip of tea.

"It's too early to say so, don't worry, I will let you down."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Xiaofan, thank you!"

Bai Bingbing took Zhang Xiaofan's hand and said softly.

"Bingbing, don't say thank you to me, this is what I should, no, this is what I have to do."

Zhang Xiaofan gently patted the back of Bai Bingbing's hand and said.

Seeing this scene, Bai Bingbing's parents dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

After all, Bai Zeen is here.

This is the tradition of the Bai family.

"Doing this in front of my face, doesn't it take me seriously?"

Bai Zeen said in a deep voice with displeasure.

"Bingbing and I are boyfriend and girlfriend, it's our right to do this."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

This made Bai Zeen lose his temper for a while.

Who made Zhang Xiaofan a well-known genius in the Southern Metropolis Martial Arts Training Bureau.

Of course he didn't dare to do anything.

If you change to another identity.

Zhang Xiaofan was already rushed in and dragged out by outsiders.

Today's Quande Gathering has long been taken over by the Bai family, and all the outside guests were arranged by Bai Zeen.

With one command, they will come in and arrest Zhang Xiaofan.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

This was Bai Zeen's momentary helplessness.

"Mr. Bai, in the past six months, I have a request. I can't force Bingbing to do what she doesn't want to do."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Bai Zeen and said in a deep voice.

Bai Zeen sneered and said, "You don't have the right to ask me."

"Bai Bingbing is my granddaughter. I never forced her to do anything except marriage."

"It's you, I have a request."

"For the past six months, you can't see Bingbing again, and Bingbing must stay in Longdu for the past six months."

"If you can't agree, then the bet just now will be void."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan frowned slightly.

He looked at Bai Bingbing.

From Bai Bingbing's expression, Zhang Xiaofan could see her reluctance.

However, Bai Bingbing still nodded.

Originally, she and Zhang Xiaofan were not boyfriend and girlfriend.

It is actually normal not to be able to meet each other, and there is no embarrassment at all.

After all, this can be exchanged for opportunities.

But Bai Bingbing suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Bingbing, wait for me, within half a year, I can let you live the life you want, and have the right to decide your own happiness."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded and said, his tone was extremely firm.

seems confident.

Although it is acting, there are three points of truth in it.

The reason why Bai Zeen did this.

The most important thing is not to let accidents happen.

What accident?
If Zhang Xiaofan is allowed to continue with Bai Bingbing like this, if he becomes pregnant, then this matter will be over.

The Wang family will definitely be furious!
The fire must have burned to the Bai family.

The Bai family was finished faster.

Bai Zeen couldn't let this happen by accident.

"Okay, I promise this."

Zhang Xiaofan said loudly.

"Now you leave Longdu."

The impatient Bai Zeen now wishes Zhang Xiaofan to leave Longdu immediately.

"I can leave now, but I have something else to do."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

Then he looked at Bai Bingbing's mother.

"Anything else?"

"You can't raise any conditions with me!"

Bai Zeen said coldly.

"Bingbing, your mother has some serious physical problems, ask her to find a better Chinese medicine doctor in Longdu."

I didn't want to talk about Zhang Xiaofan at first, but after thinking about it, she is also Bai Bingbing's mother.

In addition, he is a doctor, so he kindly reminded him.

"Xiaofan, what you said is true?"

Bai Bingbing asked in shock.

"Well, the situation is serious."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

"Zhang Xiaofan, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Hearing this, Bai Xiangyang was furious.

But Bai Bingbing's mother, Zhao Yahui, was surprised.

"How did you see it?"

About her own body, Zhao Yahui planned to tell Bai Xiangyang in the next few days.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiaofan actually knows about her body.

How did he know?
Zhao Yahui was very curious.

"Auntie, I'm a Chinese medicine doctor. I can tell at a glance if there is a big problem with a person."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Yahui, what's wrong with your body, why don't I know?"

Bai Xiangyang asked quickly.

"I was going to tell you these few days, but since he said it now, let's say it now."

"One day I didn't feel well, so I asked Dr. Xue to have a look."

"However, the situation is not good."

"He said that there is an evil cold in my body, and it is located in the chest."

"If I can't get rid of that evil cold air, it will slowly invade my heart."


Having said that, Zhao Yahui stopped.

We all know what the consequences will be.

"Mom, why didn't you tell us!"

After all, it was my mother who heard what happened.

Of course Bai Bingbing was anxious and worried.

And Bai Xiangyang next to him quickly said: "Master Xue's medical skills are so good, he can definitely cure it!"

In Longdu, Divine Doctor Xue is indeed a very famous divine doctor.

Even if the Bai family wants to ask him to see a doctor, they have to be polite.

(End of this chapter)

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