Murano's little genius

Chapter 561 Explodes in Silence

Chapter 561 Explodes in Silence
In a flash, several days have passed since Zhang Xiaofan returned to Nandu from Longdu.

During this period, under Li Peishan's hard work, the headquarters of Fanxing Group was formally established in Nandu.

The establishment of Fanxing Group in Nandu indicates that the business of Fanxing Group has been launched in Nandu.

When the products of Fanxing Group were launched in Nandu, it immediately caused a sensation.

Because Fanxing Group does not focus on online sales.

Therefore, people in many places could not buy the products of Fanxing Group.

In fact, it's not that Fanxing Group doesn't want it now, but that if it does so, the supply will be in short supply.

After all, production is limited.

Since the supply is in short supply, there is no need to do so for the time being.

In addition, Fanxing Group has now established a catering company.

Plans to open a store are underway.

This is something that Zhang Xiaofan has accepted many people's suggestions and carefully considered.

He had thought about starting a catering company for a long time.

And because of the great success of Taoyuan Hotel.

His desire to set up a catering company is growing.

However, he is also worried that the more branches a catering company opens, the more difficult it is to manage and control.

If you can't achieve the effect you want, Zhang Xiaofan would rather not do it.

Starting a catering company to make money is one aspect, but what is more important is to allow everyone to eat delicious food and food that has a great health effect on the human body.

On the other hand, the restaurants under Zhang Xiaofan Catering Company are actually "hospitals and pharmacies", saving many sub-healthy people.

Now the general manager of Nandu Fanxing Group headquarters is Li Peishan.

There is no good way, Zhang Xiaofan has no better candidate.

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan went back to Stone Village.

The reason is happy event.

Zhao Tieniu's wife, Sun Qian, is pregnant.

Thinking back to the days when he just returned to Stone Village, Zhang Xiaofan broke out in a cold sweat unknowingly.

At that time, due to helplessness, he agreed to Zhao Tieniu's plan to borrow seeds.

Due to various reasons, he and Sun Qian were still unable to complete the seeding task.

It must be a loss, otherwise, it will be a pain in the ass now.

Who would have thought that Zhang Xiaofan was lucky enough to get the Black Tie Silver Needle, this may be God's will.

What was even more unexpected was that Zhang Xiaofan himself was a genius in martial arts.

There is a magical vitality in the body.

It really makes me pregnant with a baby, but I don't know it.

Later, Sun Qian's temperament changed drastically, and she pressed Zhang Xiaofan every step of the way, threatening Zhang Xiaofan.

This made Zhang Xiaofan even more embarrassed.

At the critical moment, Zhang Xiaofan withstood the pressure.

This is the real good life of Zhao Tieniu and Sun Qian today.

At the dinner table, Sun Qian thanked Zhang Xiaofan face to face.

People who don't know think that Sun Qian is thanking Zhang Xiaofan for leading Zhao Tieniu to make a fortune.

In fact, through Sun Qian's expression and words, Zhang Xiaofan knew that it was thanks to Zhang Xiaofan for improving her.

If Zhang Xiaofan had compromised like that at the beginning, the situation today might be unimaginable.

However, who would have known that Zhang Xiaofan got the black iron needle later on, which could cure Zhao Tieniu's incurable disease.

After all, even Zhang Xiaofan didn't dare to think about it.

If he knew that he could find the legendary black iron needle, how could he agree to the plan of borrowing seeds?
Isn't this annoying yourself?

In short, everyone is happy now.

Another major event in Zhao Tieniu's life is finally about to be accomplished.

Zhentian Group.

Office of the Chairman.

"Dad! Zhang Xiaofan's Fanxing Group is more terrifying than we imagined!"

"Their products have occupied the market in Nandu at a sweeping speed."

"It won't be long, Zhengxiu Group may not be able to fight back."

After learning about the Fanxing Group in the past two days, Ye Chen came here to meet his father, Ye Zhentian.

The anger in my heart was almost uncontrollable.

He couldn't see Zhang Xiaofan gaining power like this.

Ye Zhentian didn't reply, and didn't seem to have any mood swings.

Like, don't care.

"Dad, Zhengxiu Group is the Liu family's company after all."

"The Qin family also owns shares, so why not allow Zhang Xiaofan's Fanxing Group to develop so recklessly in Nandu?"

Ye Chen continued.

It is understandable why the Liu family and the Qin family could not kill Zhang Xiaofan.

But in terms of business, it is more than enough to suppress Zhang Xiaofan's Fanxing Group.

Why is everyone indifferent?
"Ah Chen, the Qin family and the Liu family are two super big families."

"They are not fools. If you can see it, of course they can."

"I told you before that the Qin family and Liu family already have a plan against Zhang Xiaofan."

"As long as Zhang Xiaofan disappears from this world."

"The so-called Fanxing Group will naturally fall apart."

"So, why care now?"

Ye Zhentian said with a strange smile.

"Dad, what plan do they have? They still need to join forces."

"Does Zhang Xiaofan have such great abilities?"

Ye Chen asked quickly.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't, I'll let you know if you should know."

"Just remember, you don't have to worry about Zhang Xiaofan's affairs."

"Keep away from him, don't touch him or provoke him."

Ye Zhentian said seriously.

"I see."

After speaking, Ye Chen left.

Mouth full of promise.

However, Ye Chen still couldn't let go and endure it in his heart.

In a short period of time, Zhang Xiaofan really humiliated him too much.

However, after exhausting various methods, Zhang Xiaofan still couldn't be killed.

He hates it!
And he was scolded by his father Ye Zhentian.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's Fanxing Group developing in Nandu these two days, he was even more angry, very upset and uncomfortable.

It's so frustrating!
That's bad food and bad sleep.

As long as he thinks of Zhang Xiaofan, he immediately shrivels up.

If Zhang Xiaofan doesn't get rid of it for a day, Ye Chen will probably be useless in this life.

So, he is very urgent.

He knew that the Qin family and Liu family had plans against Zhang Xiaofan.

But his father didn't reveal any news to him in a daze.

Ye Chen felt even more unwilling.

Because he understood that if his father didn't tell him, it was because he felt that he was unreliable.

"Hmph! If that's the case, then I'll do it myself!"

Zhang Xiaofan clenched his fists.

The nails were sunk into the flesh.

If you don't break out in silence, you die in silence.

Ye Chen was about to explode in silence.

(End of this chapter)

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