Murano's little genius

Chapter 565 One death?

Chapter 565 Die together?

Although Pan Shengmei still has her last breath.

But the reality is that the poison has already spread to every part of her body.

It is extremely difficult to save.

Although Zhang Xiaofan used "Ghost Valley Nine Needles" to seal Pan Shengmei's last breath.

But the time cannot be too long, it is estimated to be 5 minutes.

If after these 5 minutes, Pan Shengmei still cannot be revived.

Then she is really dead.

There is no other way but to give it a try.

Zhang Xiaofan put his hand on Pan Shengmei's Tianling Cap, and injected more vitality into her body.

He wanted to remove the poison deeply buried in Pan Shengmei's body within 5 minutes.

And let her life continue proudly.

This can only be done.

But doing so is also very risky.

Pan Shengmei is just an ordinary person.

Zhang Xiaofan's domineering vitality is in her body for a second longer, and the danger is more dangerous for one second longer.

A little more, more danger.

And what is the danger?
The danger is that Pan Shengmei will die under Zhang Xiaofan's domineering vitality.

With his ordinary body, he couldn't bear the domineering vitality.

It depends on Zhang Xiaofan's skillful control of vitality.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan's forehead was covered with sweat.

3 minutes later.

He let out a foul breath.

This kind of poison basically only exists in books.

Ordinary people can't get it at all.

And how did Pan Shengmei fall into this kind of poison that can't be seen in reality?
Pan Shengmei was ordered by Ye Chen.

Now she is poisoned.

This association is none other than Ye Chen.

But, why did that bastard Ye Chen poison Pan Shengmei like this?

Doesn't this mean that she should die here immediately?

Shouldn't he let Pan Shengmei drug him?
Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan still couldn't figure it out.

There is no way, it depends on whether I can get any news from Pan Shengmei.

After the critical 3 minutes just now, Zhang Xiaofan allowed Pan Shengmei's life to continue.

This took a lot of Zhang Xiaofan's energy.

If it wasn't for stepping into the dynamic environment, it would be almost impossible to save Pan Shengmei today.

Moreover, Zhang Xiaofan determined that ordinary ancient warriors and cultivators were poisoned by this poison.

If you can't get timely treatment, it will not work to rely on your own true energy and vitality to resolve it.

As a result, it was neither dead nor disabled.

You can see the horror of this poison.

At this time, Pan Shengmei, who was already lying on the bed, opened her eyes with difficulty.

Although she is fine, Pan Shengmei is very weak.

She saw Zhang Xiaofan at first sight.

Pan Shengmei knew that she had walked through the gate of hell just now.

The feeling of death, she could feel it.

"Xiaofan, what happened to me just now?"

Pan Shengmei asked Zhang Xiaofan weakly.

"Ye Chen told you to poison me, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked in a deep voice.

He saved Pan Shengmei not because he forgave her, but because he did it as a doctor.

Moreover, Pan Shengmei is not dead yet.

"Xiaofan, there is no such thing."

Pan Shengmei grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's hand and said aggrievedly.

But Zhang Xiaofan stood up and said coldly: "Just now, the glass of water you gave me to drink is poisonous, and it is extremely poisonous, don't tell me you don't know?"


"Impossible, that's not poison."

"Young Master Ye can't poison me."

Hearing this, Pan Shengmei's expression changed, and she quickly explained.

"He didn't give it to you, could it be your own?"

Zhang Xiaofan said indifferently.

"I don't understand why he poisoned you to death."

"If it didn't happen that I know medical skills, you would be dead by now."

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

"Poison me! You mean... I was poisoned just now!"

The weak Pan Shengmei sat up with her hands, because this incident shocked her.

"The poison in the poison is the same as the water you are going to drink for me."

Looking at Pan Shengmei's unacted instinctive reaction, Zhang Xiaofan seemed to understand something.

It seems that in Ye Chen's plan, Pan Shengmei is also poisoned to death.

This is a typical killing without leaving any evidence.

"No, it's impossible!"

"Young Master Ye won't poison me to death."

Pan Shengmei shook her head, she didn't believe it.

However, she did eat what Ye Chen gave her.

Pan Shengmei is not stupid, even though she said she didn't believe it, she probably understood something.

"Pan Shengmei, you should be aware of Ye Chen's behavior. Killing people is not a strange thing for him."

"After all, this is not the first time."

"Looking at your reaction, you are just a tool in her plan."

"Poisoning you to death should also be part of his plan."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Why did he poison me to death? I used to have that kind of relationship with him."

Pan Shengmei asked in disbelief.

"I just said that you are just a tool man."

"To deal with me, your death is worth it to Ye Chen."

"And, he won't have any hesitation."

Zhang Xiaofan guessed that Ye Chen's plan was to poison himself, and after poisoning himself, Pan Shengmei, who knew the inside story, would not be able to live.

But, why did I have an attack without even drinking Pan Shengmei's poison?
Could it be Ye Chen's poor planning?

"No wonder he gave me 1000 million for such a simple matter."

"Ask him what he is and he won't say anything."

"It turned out that he wanted me to die together."

Pan Shengmei could no longer lie to herself, Ye Chen specially ordered her to drink poison.

He wants to poison himself!

Unfortunately, Pan Shengmei only guessed half right.

Because, from the very beginning, Ye Chen never expected that Pan Shengmei could poison Zhang Xiaofan to death.

Ye Chen's initial plan was to let Pan Shengmei die, that's all.

At this moment, several policemen have arrived at the door of the hotel.

Heading to room 9527.

Pan Shengmei died, Zhang Xiaofan was in the room, and poison was found in the water.

This series is enough to make Zhang Xiaofan speechless.

"One thing makes me wonder why your poison takes effect so quickly. It stands to reason that I have to drink the water you gave me."

Zhang Xiaofan was puzzled.

"I don't know, he only asked me to drink that thing a few minutes before you entered the room, and then give you another drink when I get a chance."

"There's nothing else."

Pan Shengmei put her head in her hands.

She was very scared at the moment, thinking that she almost died just now.

That fear is spontaneous.

In the face of death, a woman like Pan Shengmei is just an ordinary person.

(End of this chapter)

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