Chapter 572
Qin Hai and Liu Qilin didn't respond to Zhang Xiaofan at all.

Including the other two as well.

However, although there is no response.

But their eyes were filled with deep displeasure.

This point cannot escape Zhang Xiaofan's eyes.

After half an hour.

No trace.

Moreover, there are three roads before Zhang Xiaofan and the others.

Everyone stopped.

"Looking at the situation, this group of people seems to have disappeared out of thin air."

Dongfang Zhi inspected the surroundings carefully and said.

Zhang Xiaofan also noticed that along the way, there were traces left by those people.

However, when we got to this intersection, it all disappeared.

As Dongfang Zhi said, it seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

There are three roads in front of you, which one should you take?
At this time, the Xuelong team took out an instrument.

It is this kind of instrument that replaces the police dog.

It has the function of a police dog, and finds the corresponding items or people through smell.

Although the traces are gone.

But just test it with an instrument.
The results were somewhat unexpected.

The instrument can't detect it, that is, it can't detect the corresponding taste or breath in the three ways.

Dongfang Zhi frowned tightly.

Obviously, the other party did this on purpose.

It is to prevent someone from following them, and let their traces disappear here at the three intersections.

In fact, both ancient warriors and practitioners have super perception.

Within a certain period of time, it is possible to perceive which path those people are taking.

But the result is the same, it is impossible to perceive at all.

Either the time has passed, or the breath has been wiped out.

The situation is clearly biased towards the latter.

At this point, things got a bit troublesome.

This was not thought of before.

Unexpectedly, those people wiped out the traces and breath completely.

This is already prepared.

"In this case, why not divide into three teams."

"We have twelve people, a team of four, just right."

At this time, Liu Qilin, who had been silent for a long time, spoke.

"Okay, this is the best way for now."

Dongfang Zhi nodded and said.

"Our intelligence cannot predict the specific strength of the opponent very accurately."

"So, we divided our troops into three groups, and whichever team found the enemy immediately reported the sending location."

"The other two teams rushed over in time."

The Martial Arts Training Bureau came to assist, and the real leader was Dongfang Zhi.

Therefore, as for how to act, generally speaking, it is up to Dongfang Zhi.

Everyone nodded, thinking that this method would work.

After all, there is no better way to think of it.

"Captain Dongfang, let's form a team of four."

Liu Qilin pointed to Qin Hai and the other two and said proactively.

Dongfang Zhi thought for a while and replied, "Okay, yes."

It's just finding the way and finding people, without specific actions, everyone is the same as everyone else.

Of course, this is Dongfang Zhi's own opinion.

In this way, Dongfang Zhi formed a small team with three Xuelong commando members.

And Zhang Xiaofan formed a small team with two members of the Snow Dragon Commando, plus another four-star practitioner from the Martial Arts Training Bureau.

Without staying too long, the three teams headed towards the path they needed to go.

The four-star practitioner of the martial arts training bureau who formed a small team with Zhang Xiaofan is named Ming Lietian.

This is the first time Zhang Xiaofan saw Ming Lietian.

Ming Lie Tian is a man of few words.

In order to ease the awkwardness in the atmosphere, Zhang Xiaofan took the initiative to chat.

But Ming Lietian wasn't very interested, Zhang Xiaofan said a lot, he didn't say more than ten words.

And several of them are repeated.

Perhaps it was the scenery of the primitive deep forest that attracted Zhang Xiaofan, walking, time has passed for an hour.

Many rare animals and plants were found, but there were no traces of those people.

I asked other teams using the unique communicator, but nothing was found.

So, just keep looking.

In fact, there is one thing Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know.

Why do these people from the Tiandao Kingdom take such a big risk to find things in the Hundred Thousand Mountains?

And what is that thing?
Although it is not clear what plants or animals they are looking for when they come to the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

But one thing Zhang Xiaofan knows, that thing is for those Tiandao people.

It must be very, very important.

So important that they could risk their lives.

Going deeper and deeper into the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

When passing through a valley, Zhang Xiaofan actually saw two animals that were said to be on the verge of extinction.

And there are more than a dozen of them.

If it wasn't for the mission requirements, Zhang Xiaofan would have already pulled out his phone.

Then snapped a photo.

Not to mention plants.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as treasures everywhere.

Zhang Xiaofan saw a herb, in the current market, it is simply hard to buy!

So many good things here?

Why not mine it?

Perhaps, this is the last paradise.

As he walked, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly had a surprise discovery.

The aura here is surprisingly strong.

At least, it is several times richer than the outside.

In today's world, aura has long been very thin.

This is also one of the reasons why many people practice slowly.

Now, there is a lot of aura in these hundred thousand mountain peaks, isn't that a treasure land for cultivation?

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan's body greedily absorbed the aura here and transformed it into vitality until it was full.


(End of this chapter)

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