Chapter 585
After running for half an hour, we can see the depth of Qilin Cave.

"The air here is very thin, but the aura is more intense."

Dongfang Zhi said.

Indeed, Zhang Xiaofan felt that his breathing was a bit labored.

If you are not a practitioner, you will definitely need an oxygen tank at this time, otherwise you will faint due to lack of oxygen.

"Captain, there is a situation here!"

Several members of the Xuelong commando walking in the front said loudly.

So, everyone quickened their pace and walked over.

I saw a strangely dressed man lying on the ground.

Looking at the clothes, it is obvious that they are from the Tiandao Kingdom.

"Captain, dead."

A member of the Xuelong Commando stepped forward to investigate the situation and said.

"How did you die?"

Dongfang Zhi asked.

"I don't know."

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward and said, "I'm a doctor, let me take a look."

Zhang Xiaofan simply walked over and squatted down, took a few glances.

"This person's strength is a little weaker."

"Not long after the true energy was formed in the body, I walked here with all my strength, and finally fainted and died."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

From the death of this person, it can be seen that when Qilin Cave came here, not to mention ordinary people, even ancient warriors with slightly weaker strength would not be able to survive.

After all, the air is thin and consumes too much energy.

But this place is actually very friendly to practitioners.

Although your air is thin, your aura is even stronger!

Although walking here also consumes vitality, the rich aura here can provide timely replenishment.

It is simply a natural "gas station".

"However, if someone had injected him with some true energy at that time, he would not have died, and he would have been able to continue."

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

"So, those people in Tiandao Kingdom should feel that he is a burden."

"However, this is in line with the style of the Tiandao people."

"Since it is useless and has become a burden, it can be discarded."

Dongfang Zhi said.

For the Tiandao people, Dongfang Zhi has dealt with them many times.

After all, three or four out of ten missions are about the Tiandao Kingdom.

"However... why did you choose such a weak person to enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains?"

"Is it because they have no one available in the island country?"

Dongfang Zhi continued.

A strong person can cut the snake-faced monster in half with a single knife, while the weak one dies in the Qilin Cave just like that.

These days the islanders are making everyone scratch their heads.

This configuration, the gap is too much difference.

"We shouldn't be far from the Kirin fruit."

Ming Lietian frowned and looked deeper into the cave and said.

"Senior Ming, how do you know?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Did you smell a special smell?"


Hearing what Ming Lietian said, everyone focused on the sense of smell.

"This taste is"

Needless to say, Zhang Xiaofan also found out.



Zhang Xiaofan and Dongfang Zhi said in unison.

"That's right, it's magma."

"It is rumored that the place where the Kylin fruit tree grows has magma."

Ming Lietian nodded and said.

Grow in places with magma?

"Senior Ming, didn't you say that the unicorns inside lived under the magma?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"It may or may not be."

Ming Lietian replied.

"How do you understand?"

"Fire Qilin's body is covered with raging flames, and the temperature is terrifying."

"Compared to the temperature of its body, magma is nothing."

"Probably his bathwater."

"Even if he doesn't live in magma, that magma is where he plays."

Liu Lingzhi spoke.

Ming Lie Tian nodded.

Really scary!
This f*cking use of magma as bath water is a thing with thousands of degrees.

Even though he is a practitioner in the realm of aerodynamics, not only his body has been evolved, but also his body is protected by vitality. If he falls into the magma, he will not be as dead as an ordinary person, and he will still be alive.

But it must be a serious injury.

(End of this chapter)

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