Murano's little genius

Chapter 588 Dongfang Zhi Was Seriously Injured

Chapter 588 Dongfang Zhi Was Seriously Injured
Ito Kamisho is not tall, and looks like an old man in appearance.

However, from him, Zhang Xiaofan felt more and more that powerful and infinite power.

Just a look from God General Ito is enough to make Zhang Xiaofan unable to move.

As if, as long as General Ito thought about it, one look could make him fall to the ground and die.

Therefore, Ito God will have the capital to ignore them.

"You are the general of the Heavenly Island Kingdom!"

Dongfang Zhi's eyes widened and he forced himself to calm down.

There are ten great generals in Tiandao country, as the captain of Xuelong Commando, Dongfang Zhi certainly knows.

And what is an obvious characteristic of the top ten gods of Tiandao Kingdom?
That is the samurai sword in his hand.

On their scabbards, there is a symbol of a blood-red sun.

"I came here this time just to get the Qilin fruit."

"I don't want to hurt the people of Kyushu."

"So you now have a chance to get out of here safely."

"What happened just now, I act as if it never happened."

Kami Ito did not answer Dongfang Zhi's question directly.

In his eyes, Dongfang Zhi didn't seem to have the qualifications for him to answer the question directly.

Liu Lingzhi and Qin Hu's hearts changed drastically.

The Liu family and the Qin family couldn't think of it at all.

This time, the people from the Tiandao Kingdom who came to the Hundred Thousand Mountains actually have the guardian gods of the Tiandao Kingdom!
Is the intelligence so bad?
In front of the generals of Tiandao Kingdom, their plan is useful.

But the backup plan left to them was useless.

Because, the ending may also be death.

"You trespassed on our Kyushu country, and even entered the restricted area of ​​the Hundred Thousand Mountains to pick the unicorn fruit."

"Our order is to capture you, and we want us to retreat without a fight!"


Dongfang Zhi said firmly.

As a soldier, the captain of Xuelong Commando.

Dongfang Zhi's responsibility and mission told himself that no matter how strong the opponent is, he cannot back down.


Ito Kamisho waved his hand lightly.

Dongfang Zhi immediately flew backwards.

In front of General Ito, Dongfang Zhi, an ancient martial artist and soldier at the peak of the mysterious level, was completely vulnerable.

Like a piece of paper, you can crush it by blowing on it.

Dongfang Zhi, who fell heavily to the ground, had a sweet throat, and sprayed a mouthful of blood mist.

His face became extremely pale.

With the support of several Xuelong commando members, Dongfang Zhi barely stood up.

The team leader was under attack, of course the team members couldn't stand by and watch, not to mention that the person on the other side was someone from the Tiandao Kingdom who trespassed in Kyushu.

As a result, they raised their weapons and pointed them at General Ito.

The weapons in the hands of the members of the Xuelong Commando burst into pieces instantly.

Why is this happening?
Of course Kamisho Ito would do it.

With a casual wave and fist, the Xuelong commando instantly lost its combat effectiveness.

This level of strength is truly terrifying!
"I am patient."

"In my eyes, you are even worse than ants."

General Ito said coldly.

"This is the territory of our Kyushu Kingdom, I know you are very powerful."

"But now you want to leave Kyushu with the kirin fruit, it is impossible."

"Because your identity as a general has been exposed."

"Our Martial Arts Training Bureau has arranged for masters to rush over."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Since I dare to come here, I have planned everything."

"Besides, even if Mo Canghai from the Southern Metropolis Martial Arts Bureau came, he wouldn't be able to touch me at all."

For today, General Ito has indeed made sufficient preparations.

Many things are basically under his control.

Including Zhang Xiaofan's current appearance.


Dongfang Zhi suddenly coughed heavily and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"team leader!"

Several members of the Xuelong commando said loudly.

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward immediately.

As a doctor, he saw that Dongfang Zhi was seriously injured.

The true qi in the body was disordered, and the internal organs were severely damaged.

This is just a slight wave of Ito Kamisho!
Without further ado, Zhang Xiaofan directly tapped Dongfang Zhi's specific acupuncture points a few times.

Then put your hands on his back.

Slowly inject vitality.

Temporarily helped him repair some injuries.

I want to heal the wound left by Ito Kamisho.

Of course it won't work in the usual way to heal others.

Perhaps, this requires the use of the so-called elixir.

"Thank you."

Dongfang Zhi, who had recovered by [-]%, said.

For Zhang Xiaofan's medical skills, Ming Lietian was amazed.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaofan's control over vitality has reached such a level.

Obviously, Zhang Xiaofan is that kind of rare existence - vitality alchemy.

Because only in this way can we use vitality to repair the injured body in others.

This has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation.

It's only about talent.

In the hands of 90.00% [-] practitioners, vitality can only be used to hurt people.

It can't be used to save people at all.

But in the hands of people like Zhang Xiaofan, it can hurt or save people.

(End of this chapter)

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