Chapter 591

Even, General Ito felt that as long as he stepped into the extraordinary realm.

Then it is very possible to have the strength to fight against the water unicorn!
Why does he feel this way?

Just because the strength of the extraordinary realm is the real extraordinary existence.

Possibly, it is a fairy-like existence in the eyes of mortals.

In Ito's plan, he was going to eat the unicorn fruit and then find a place to retreat.

After all, he didn't know exactly what would happen after eating the unicorn fruit.

As soon as he ate the unicorn fruit, an incomparably hot energy filled the body of Ito Kamisho.

His body suddenly became flickering.

That's why, kirin fruit needs to be eaten by practitioners who have reached a certain level.

If the fiery energy just now happened to a cultivator in the separation and reunion state, the Qi movement state.

Will instantly explode and die.

And at this time, Zhang Xiaofan and the others just came to the entrance of Qilin Cave.

As soon as he came out, he saw Kamisho Ito, whose body had undergone strange changes, and Shui Qilin, who made the air chilly.

Just out of the cave.

The first thing Dongfang Zhi did was to contact the Nandu Military Region.

The situation at this time must be known to the military region.

However, the most powerful communicator still doesn't work.

This made Dongfang Zhi very helpless and anxious.

And the moment he saw the water unicorn, he seemed to understand something instantly.

For such a magical thing as the water unicorn, the special cold air emitted from its body has already changed the air and medium here.

"Senior Ming, what's going on with him?"

Looking at the flickering body of Ito God General, Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"It should be eating the unicorn fruit."

Ming Lietian said.


The water unicorn opened its mouth wide and let out a long roar.

It seems to be expressing something.

This sound seemed to make the air explode.

Zhang Xiaofan, who was covering his ears, seemed to feel that the ground was moving and the mountains were shaking.

The divine beast is worthy of being a divine beast, and it can achieve such power with just a single call.

It's just as loud as the sky.

The water in Shenglong Lake seems to be boiling.

A huge whirlpool is said and done.

Suddenly, Shui Qilin jumped in.


This situation surprised everyone.

What does it mean?
What happened to Shenglong Lake, how did Shui Qilin jump back to Shenglong Lake?

General Ito who opened his eyes was also surprised.

Of course he didn't understand why Shui Qilin would do such a thing.

However, he probably understood what the sound of Shui Qilin just now represented.

Immediately, continue to refine the Qilin fruit that has been eaten into the body.

The mystery brought by the kirin fruit really surprised General Ito!
No loss is a godlike existence.

His spiritual consciousness has been further strengthened, and his physical body can also feel that it is undergoing a heaven-defying change.

Also, General Ito's understanding of martial arts has undergone a qualitative change.

In addition, he touched the threshold of comprehending the way of heaven.

As long as one truly comprehends the way of heaven, one's physical body changes to an extraordinary level, and one's spiritual consciousness can escape from one's physical body, that is the day when God Ito will be reborn and enter an extraordinary state.

Feel the magical changes brought by the Kirin fruit.

In addition, the water unicorn suddenly returned to the holy dragon lake.

General Ito felt that God was helping him.

Give him a little more time.

He can really use the changes brought about by the kirin fruit to enter the extraordinary realm.

"He seems to be breaking through!"

"Now is when he is at his weakest, and it is just right for us to attack together at this time!"

Ming Lietian said hastily.

He felt that the true vitality in Ito God's body became extremely weak.

This is a sign of weakness.

Zhang Xiaofan also felt it.

General Ito's strength is declining sharply, and it seems that he has reached the first or second level of the separation and reunion realm at this time.

However, it seems that after falling to this realm, there is no further fall.

"Captain Dongfang, his strength has weakened a lot, at most he is at the first or second level of the clutch realm among cultivators."

"And Senior Ming here is at the ninth level of the Pneumatic Realm."

"Qin Hu from the Qin family and Liu Lingzhi from the Liu family are basically in this realm."

"The three of them plus us will definitely be able to kill him at this time!"

Zhang Xiaofan expressed his inner thoughts.

Since General Ito dared to take such a big risk to come to the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Then his purpose is obviously to eat the unicorn fruit, and then eat it, improve his strength, and enter a more extraordinary realm.

Moreover, from various indications, Ito God will have a plan long ago.

If God Ito improves the strength of a cultivator with such terrifying strength, it will definitely not be good for Kyushu, and it will become a threat.

Therefore, we must prevent Ito God from enjoying the ultimate effect of Kirin Fruit.

He cannot be allowed to elevate his realm.

"Okay! Now, we must not let his plan succeed!"

"Otherwise, in the future our Kyushu Kingdom will have an even more terrifying enemy!"

As the captain of the Xuelong commando, Dongfang Zhi must put national interests first.

One moment and another moment, now that they have the opportunity to stop and kill General Ito, of course they cannot let it go.

The members of the Qin family and the Liu family were hesitating, but only for a few seconds.

In an instant, everyone surrounded Kamisho Ito.

(End of this chapter)

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