Murano's little genius

Chapter 598 Team up to kill Zhang Xiaofan?

Chapter 598 Team up to kill Zhang Xiaofan?
Such an ending was unexpected by everyone.

Seeing that the body of Ito was completely burned by the flames of the unicorn cubs, Zhang Xiaofan let out a foul breath.

At the same time, he sighed incomparably, is this unicorn cub so terrifying?
Also, look at Liu Qilin lying on the ground.

Zhang Xiaofan's heart is slightly complicated.

With Qin Hu and Liu Lingzhi by his side, there is a special protection.

The martial arts genius of the Liu family died just like this.

Moreover, he still died under his black iron needle.

Of course, the target of Zhang Xiaofan's Xiao Li Fei Needle attack is General Ito, not Liu Qilin.

The reason why the flying needle shot at him was because it was broken by Ito's knife.

During the random shooting, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't control it.

It happened that one shot at Liu Qilin.

After all, Liu Qilin himself was unlucky after all.

He escaped the terrifying knife of General Ito, but died under the random needles.

General Ito died, and the unicorn cub turned back and walked into the unicorn cave.

With a movement of four legs, it disappeared into the cave like an arrow.

General Ito died, and the unicorn cub entered the cave.

Everyone let out a deep breath.

This crisis is finally over.

However, Liu Qilin's death became the focus of the moment.

Although the mission is life and death, wealth and honor are in the sky, it is no one's fault.

But no matter what Liu Qilin said, he was also a cultivation genius of the Liu family.

Going back this time, it is estimated that the Liu family will have to find trouble with the Nandu Martial Arts Training Bureau.

This is also a headache.

Liu Qilin was a member of the Nandu Martial Arts Training Bureau, and now he died while on a mission.

Moreover, so many people died of Liu Qilin.

The Liu family had too many reasons to make trouble.

Looking at Liu Qilin's body, Qin Hai was terrified. Just now, he was standing beside Liu Qilin.

When the silver needle pierced Liu Qilin's neck and blood splashed on him.

That's what I really felt, if the shining silver needle was shot a little more, he would be the one who died.

Facing life and death, who can not be afraid?
What's more, the son of a big family like Qin Hai.

Liu Lingzhi, who was holding Liu Qilin's body, was extremely sad and angry.

"Brother Liu, you have already passed away, don't be overly sad."

Although the relationship between the Liu family and the Qin family is not particularly good, they are still ordinary friends.

In addition, Qin Hu and Liu Lingzhi have known each other for many years, and they are members of the Nandu Martial Arts Training Bureau.

Now that Liu Qilin is dead, he has to go up and say a few words of comfort both emotionally and rationally.

"Qin Hu, the one who died was a member of my Liu family, and a martial arts genius of my Liu family. Of course you would say that."

"If it was Qin Hai who died, what would you do!"

Liu Lingzhi didn't roar loudly, but said with a gloomy face.

Qin Hu couldn't accept these words.

If it was Qin Hai who died, he would probably be no different from Liu Lingzhi at this time.

Suddenly, Liu Lingzhi stood up.

His extremely angry and murderous eyes looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you are another murderer who killed Qilin!"

"Take your life!"

As soon as the words fell, Liu Lingzhi turned his fists into claws, and with a movement of his body, he slammed directly at Zhang Xiaofan.

This is a blow from a practitioner of Qi Dynamic Realm, Zhang Xiaofan can't resist it at all.

"Liu Lingzhi! What are you doing!"

Ming Lietian and Dongfang Zhi at the side shot at the same time, receiving Liu Lingzhi's blow.

All three took a few steps back.

"The thing that shot through Qilin's neck just now is Zhang Xiaofan's silver needle!"

"Then he is the second murderer!"

"I want to avenge Qilin!"

Liu Lingzhi said coldly.

His face was extremely gloomy, like the dark sky.

In Liu Lingzhi's view, if it wasn't for Zhang Xiaofan's Xiao Li Fei Needle, Liu Qilin would not have died.

Now General Ito is dead, the murderer is Zhang Xiaofan.

"Liu Lingzhi, the martial art that Zhang Xiaofan used just now is to attack the Heavenly Island Kingdom's general."

"The silver needle shot at Liu Qilin was disrupted by the sword glow of the God General of Tiandao Kingdom."

"It's all there for all to see."

"You are now saying that Zhang Xiaofan is the murderer of Liu Qilin, it is simply nonsense."

Dongfang Zhi said loudly.

"Dongfang Zhi, the one who died now is a member of our Liu family, a martial arts genius of our Liu family."

"You think you can protect Zhang Xiaofan!"

"Let me tell you, Zhang Xiaofan is the murderer who killed Qilin."

"This hatred, we must avenge it, and we must let him pay for it with his life!"

Liu Lingzhi said loudly with glaring eyes.

Anger rose up decisively, and the power of terrifying vitality swept the surroundings.

It created great pressure on Zhang Xiaofan.

"Qin Hu, you and I join hands to kill Zhang Xiaofan!"

Liu Lingzhi turned to Qin Hu and said.

With Ming Lietian and Dongfang Zhi, it is impossible for Liu Lingzhi to kill Zhang Xiaofan.

For this mission, the purpose of Qin family and Liu family is to kill Zhang Xiaofan.

Now Liu Qilin's death seems to give them a blatant reason to kill Zhang Xiaofan.

Of course, Liu Lingzhi wanted to kill Zhang Xiaofan at this time, purely for revenge.

For Qin Hu, it was to complete the task.

Qin Hu was hesitating.

Indeed, in such a complicated situation, if he and Liu Lingzhi killed Zhang Xiaofan together, there would indeed be room for excuse afterwards.

After all, Liu Qilin did die under Zhang Xiaofan's silver needle.

This reason seems to be enough.

(End of this chapter)

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