PUBG Mobile's Overlord System

Chapter 726 ? In the quarry, falling into a passive state

Chapter 726 In the quarry, falling into a passive state

The Big Pineapple M249 sneaked up on the sidelines, and Zhang Fan couldn't dodge in time and took several bullets.

Fortunately, the M249 has no accessories and has a large recoil, so it is estimated that the opponent will not be able to hold it down.

Amidst the chaos of gunfire, Zhang Fan quickly lay down on the ground and turned the muzzle of his gun, without panicking at all!
Da da da!
'You use SCAR-L, knock down players...' Isn't it a lone wolf? !

Zhang Fan got up immediately and dodged to the nearby building: "Stay girl, watch out for me!"

She had nothing to do lying outside, and she could see the range from that angle.

When Zhang Fan was putting on the bandage, the dumb girl behind the stone also saw a player jumping out of the upstairs.

Protecting the fallen player, he entered the building: "He's going to pull people!"

Upon hearing the reminder, Zhang Fan immediately interrupted the bandage wrapping and took out a grenade instead.

Count the seconds of the explosion, and throw it out at the moment of the explosion!

No one was knocked down, so he must be hiding in the depths of the house.

That's okay, it's pathfinding and keeping them on edge.

Light the gasoline bomb and throw it in the past to block the way out.

Immediately switch to SCAR-L and run over, climb up obstacles and land on the second floor.

Molotov cocktails are blazing, and their way out has been blocked.

There may be other ways out, but under the bomb just now, it was impossible for them to make a calm analysis.

Coupled with the fact that teammates will pull up teammates as soon as they fall to the ground, it can be concluded that at this moment they are supporting rather than leaving.

When running on the roof, Zhang Fan heard the footsteps left behind, which undoubtedly confirmed his speculation.

There is a staircase on the top of the building where there is no door, so Zhang Fan directly carried SCAR-L Mang over there.

With his keen sense of hearing, Zhang Fan had already locked on the opponent's position.

When he came down the stairs, the other party happened to be on this side.

Immediately cut off the progress of supporting teammates, and cut out the gun to point at Zhang Fan!
Da da da!
Gunshots sounded, flames gushed out, and shots were fired almost at the same time, each of them was shot several times.

Da da da!
The recoil of the assault rifle was floating, and the opponent's muzzle was obviously shaking up and down. Obviously, the gun pressing technique was very poor.

And Zhang Fan, relying on the position he had locked for a long time, had the initiative to use the gun, and was even proficient in the rifle.

Even if it takes a few bullets, the opponent can be taken away directly.

'You use SCAR-L, weed out players...' Double kills into boxes!

"Huh!" He breathed a sigh of relief, and jumped down the stairs: "It's so dangerous!"

As long as the opponent knows how to play a little bit, if he hears the sound of footsteps on the top of the building, so he can preview the location of the stairs for a second, Zhang Fan can't fight back.

But, unfortunately, even if he heard it, he couldn't tell the exact location, which would only increase the pressure.

But don't forget, there are petrol bombs outside the room.

When it is burning, it will make a lot of noise, which also covers up the specific footsteps.

"Has everyone been killed?"

Damei asked outside, but no gunshots were heard inside.


Zhang Fan knew what she wanted to do, cleaning the battlefield and licking bags was her favorite.

A word of caution: "Be careful, there might be someone else."

"Ah, ah, ah!" Daimei put away her gun and ran in swaggeringly.

The boxes all over the floor made her very happy, and she licked them one by one with great joy.

After Zhang Fan was fully charged, he simply sorted out the supplies in the two boxes, and immediately ran upstairs.

Standing on the top of the building, almost half of the area can be seen, and she is also guarding the dumb girl who is packing the boxes.

There may be other people there, but no one showed up, probably because they knew they couldn't beat them or ran away.

"You drive the motorboat ashore," Daimei muttered and complained, and she had to run later.

Open the map and glance at the safe zone, it is in the very center of the rainforest map!

"There's no need for the motorboat." Zhang Fan closed the map.

Glancing at the dumb girl squatting downstairs: "We will run into the mountains later, maybe we can shorten the distance and avoid conflicts."

"Well, I'll listen to you." The dumb girl mainly focused on Zhang Fan, she just mentioned it casually, and she didn't bother to analyze anything with this big boss leading her.

After sorting out the supplies, Zhang Fan held the SCAR-L in front, followed by Du Mei, and went straight through Camp No. [-] and walked out on the road.

At a glance, there is not a single car on the side of the road, obviously someone drove away, and the circle is a little far away.

"I'm going to run," Damei sighed softly, followed behind Zhang Fan obediently, and moved towards Pai South along the riverside forest.

'yu·mym, use S686 to knock down players...' Maymi's knockdown prompt flashed in the upper left corner.

Maymi and Wang Fugui at the quarry seem to be in a hard fight?

There are not many people jumping into the quarry, but it seems that they are in a passive place.

Maymi and Wang Fugui are under the quarry, while the players blocking them are above the quarry.

They can be described as condescending, but whenever maymi they want to move, they can immediately find it.

Fortunately, obstacles can be avoided, otherwise Maymi and the others would have nowhere to hide!
In such a deadlocked situation, if you don't take the initiative to break the situation, no one will be able to leave!
Maymi knows this truth well, and the other party is not a fool.

Wang Fuguo couldn't break through, and he couldn't even shoot with his probe. The opponent kept aiming at this side.

However, the opponent had another teammate, but they wanted to run over to force them by virtue of their weakness of not being able to shoot!

It's a pity, he never thought that the gun in Maymi's hand is the so-called...

Melee artifact, all beings are equal, shotgun S686.

Knocked down by two bullets, he immediately wanted to crawl away, but was suddenly taken away by Wang Fugui, who had been holding back his anger for a long time!
The teammate on the pit, it was too late to make up for it, and watched the teammate screamed and turned into a box.

Da da da!
Bullets fell like raindrops, but he was also in a powerless rage, he couldn't jump down and didn't dare to move.

Given his height to the bottom of the pit, not to mention falling to his death, at least half of his blood would be lost.

If it moves, although it is possible to hit them, there will be a window period in the middle, and it is difficult to guarantee that the opponent will not move.

It's a pity, but when his teammates fell to the ground just now, he could make a calm analysis.

Gaining time with teammates making boxes, maybe Maymi and Wang Fugui will be taken down at this moment.

"A fish pond bureau is a fish pond bureau after all, without the technical awareness that a high-end bureau should have."

"If we were to switch to a high-end game, we would be gone if we fell into a passive position."

Maymi moved her position slightly, glanced at Wang Fugui and told him to get ready.

Wang Fugui also sneered: "As long as he has a grenade..."

Put away the shotgun S686, switch on the SKS red dot, and you are ready.

Wang Fugui understood, and pulled it aside, raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the pit with a sudden burst.

This really attracts the other party's attention, so as to buy time for maymi.

At this moment, he is alone, but there are two people on his side!

Two against one, if you can die, then don't play, it's embarrassing!

Da da da!
The bullets burst out of the air, and all of them landed on the dirt on the pit.

But it scared the player squatting with a gun.

(End of this chapter)

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