Sick favored: He Shao, fierce and fierce!

Chapter 155 The due date is brought forward

Chapter 155 The due date is brought forward
He Tingchen looked at her surprised expression, pinched her face fondly and said, "Qi Wenli was arrested, the Qi family is moving around, I don't know how many calls I have made, but I didn't answer any of them. So it's normal to find a way to get Qi Yaya to call you, and it's abnormal not to call you."

"Then what do you plan to do with this matter?" Fang Anning asked, and immediately said after asking, "I didn't mean to ask you to let her go, I don't understand things in the business field, this is your own business, you Make up your own mind."

"It was Qi Wenli who let you inadvertently spy on the secrets of the backyard. And it was also because of Qi Wenli that my aunt kept attacking you before." He Tingchen said.

Fang Anning's eyes widened: "Ah, it's her? I thought it was..."

"Cheng Wanbai? She's just a pawn, and those who hold the pawn say Qi Wenli." He Tingchen said.

Fang Anning said: "Since that's the case, you can decide whatever you want. Although Qi Yaya and I are friends, there are some things I can't help you with. If she really considers me a friend, she shouldn't make things difficult for me."

"The most important thing is that Qi Wenli has never given up on me. If she can't be awakened once, I'm afraid there will be troubles in the future. So, you don't have to go back to Qi Yaya about this matter. Qi Wenli will come out sooner or later. But not now." He Tingchen said.

Fang Anning nodded.

Leaning in his arms, he said, "I'll listen to you, and you can do whatever you say."

He Tingchen pursed his lips, and gently stroked her abdomen, feeling the vigorous life under his palm.

Qi Wenli was arrested, and the Qi family was really busy.

The Qi family has been active for a long time and spent a lot of money. It took two weeks to get Qi Wenli out.

Because of this incident, the Qi family was seriously injured.

Because Zhao Yuanyuan was angry that the family spent too much and sacrificed too much for Qi Wenli, she proposed to divide the family in a fit of anger.Take her husband and daughter directly, separate from the Qi family, and become an independent faction.

Now, the Qi family is even more divided, and their power is not as good as before.

Old man Qi was so angry that he became ill and passed away not long after.

When old master Qi passed away, it happened to be the day when Fang Anning had a stomach attack and was about to give birth.

Fang Anning reckoned that the due date of delivery was still more than a week away, so she didn't pay much attention to it.I was watering the flowers in the garden with Mama Chen when I suddenly felt a dull pain in my abdomen.

The flower pot in her hand fell to the ground, she clutched her stomach and said to Chen Ma with a painful face: "Hurry up, inform... sir, I have a stomachache."

Chen Ma was taken aback, but fortunately she was experienced and reacted immediately.

While helping Fang An Ning to sit on the bench next to her, she began to yell, telling the other servants to call the emergency number of the hospital, and then call He Tingchen.

He Tingchen was in a meeting at the company, so his phone was turned off.

The servant couldn't get through to his phone and called Wen Yi. Wen Yi was startled when he received the call, and immediately opened the door and came in and whispered in He Tingchen's ear.

He Tingchen immediately stood up.

The shareholders were all taken aback, and someone quickly asked, "President, what happened?"

"The meeting ends." He Tingchen ordered coldly.

Go outside after speaking.

Seeing his eagerness and embarrassment, the others thought that something happened to the company.

Uneasy in my heart, I couldn't help asking him what was going on.

However, He Tingchen kept a sullen face and left here quickly without saying a word.

He Tingchen did not go home, but went directly to the hospital.

The home has been prepared a long time ago, as long as you call the hospital, the hospital will send a car over soon.

When He Tingchen arrived at the hospital, he saw Mama Chen waiting outside the operating room.

Because he had already made preparations for the caesarean section, Mr. He previously meant that he could have the caesarean section earlier instead of waiting until the due date.

Anyway, it's time for the child, so it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later.

But He Tingchen refused, he had to wait until the due date to have an autopsy, he thought it would be better for both the child and the adult.

"Sir, you can't go in." Seeing that He Tingchen was about to go in, Chen Ma hurriedly stopped him.

He Tingchen frowned.

Chen's mother said: "The young mistress had a caesarean section, not a vaginal delivery. It's better not to go in and disturb the doctor."

He Tingchen nodded with a sullen face. If he cared, he would be in chaos.

Because it was a caesarean section, it didn't take long, and the baby came out in about 40 minutes.

A nurse was holding a tightly wrapped baby and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Mr. He, you are a young master."

Chen Ma was so happy that she quickly reached out and hugged her.

Mr. He hasn't come yet, but he is on his way.

Chen's mother showed He Tingchen the baby, and said with a smile, "Sir, you look a lot like you."

He Tingchen glanced at it, but didn't feel much, and quickly asked the nurse, "How is my wife?"

"Mother and baby are safe. The operation was successful. Mrs. He will be out soon." The nurse replied.

When He Tingchen heard this, he immediately walked closer and waited.

Sure enough, Fang An Ning was pushed out very soon, with her eyes slightly closed and her face pale, He Tingchen's heart ached.

"Don't worry, I'm here." He Tingchen whispered while holding her hand.

Fang Anning slowly opened her eyes, the anesthesia has not passed yet, she is actually not conscious.

But instinct still made her speak slowly and said five words.

The two words are "children."

The other two words are "umbilical cord blood".

After saying these four words, Fang Anning completely fell asleep.

He Tingchen followed her and sent her to the ward.

Originally, a nurse was needed to help carry Fang Anning to the bed, but He Tingchen carefully carried her to the bed without letting others touch her hands.

When Fang Anning woke up again, it was already a day later.

After waking up, she felt a slight pain in her lower abdomen, and her stomach was empty, which made her feel very hungry and wanted to eat.

As soon as she opened her eyes, He Tingchen immediately came over, held her hand and asked, "Ning Ning, I'm here."

"I'm hungry." Fang Anning said aggrievedly as soon as he opened his mouth.

He Tingchen was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that she would say that she was hungry as soon as she woke up, so she quickly said: "You wait, I will ask Mama Chen to bring the food."

The food was prepared long ago, and it was left outside, in case she would be hungry when she woke up.

Mother Chen has experience on this point, saying that most mothers tend to be hungry after giving birth.

Sure enough, Fang Anning did the same.

"How is the child?" Fang Anning asked again.

He Tingchen said: "Don't worry, it's fine, I'll sleep on the small bed on your right. Do you want to see him? I'll show you."

"I'm not talking about our child, I'm talking about He Zirui? Can cord blood save him?"

He Tingchen held her hand and said, "When you were sent to the hospital, he was also sent here immediately. The operation was considered a success, but there were certain differences. After all, we were not his biological parents, so the cord blood was also somewhat rejected. But the situation is not bad, the doctor said to wait and see, the rejection can be solved with medicine."

Fang Anning breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured, "That's good, as long as we can save him."

At this time, the little guy on the crib didn't know if he knew that his mother had woken up, and suddenly cried loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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