Sick favored: He Shao, fierce and fierce!

Chapter 167 Extraordinary Story – Actress’ Counterattack

Chapter 167 Extra Story - The Queen's Counterattack ([-])

Li Xiaoxiao has loved acting since she was a child.

In fact, she can't remember how she was in the orphanage. She vaguely remembers that she was also watching a performance, and then she got lost and was carried away by someone.Then that person collapsed suddenly, and she had nowhere to go and was sent to an orphanage.

But the orphanage is not as good as outsiders think. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, even if it is just some children.

She is beautiful, likes to laugh, and can sing and dance.

So there are children who always like to bully her, push her down, and get her dirty.

In short, I just don't want her to be clean and pretty.

She was afraid that when someone came to adopt her, they would pick her away and block the way of others.

Finally, she couldn't bear the bullying of others and ran away from the orphanage.

But where else could she go after running out of the orphanage?

Nature is going nowhere.

She just cried, walking while crying, she didn't know where she went, and finally knelt down and cried at the door of a house.

The door opened, and Fang Yi came out.

Seeing her stunned for a moment, Fang Yi quickly picked her up, patted the dirt on her body lightly, wiped her tears and asked, "Little poor, whose family are you from? Why did you come here?" ?”

"I'm from an orphanage, I don't want to go back, they all beat me." Li Xiaoxiao said aggrievedly.

Fang Yi was so distressed that she hurried home to wash her face and change her clothes.

There is another Fang Anning at home.

Fang Anning was lying on a small chair doing homework, when she saw a little girl brought back by her mother, she quickly asked, "Mom, who is she?"

"A poor little one, lost, crying at our door."

"So pitiful? I'll give her my clothes to wear."

Fang Anning immediately went to find out her new clothes, and put them on after Fang Yi gave Li Xiaoxiao a bath.

But her new clothes were too big for Li Xiaoxiao, and they looked like a theater gown.

The two children looked at each other and smiled at each other.

Fang Yi scolded with a smile: "Silly boy."

Go find out the clothes that Fang Anning wore when she was a child and change them for Li Xiaoxiao, and she becomes a cute and beautiful little girl again.

In fact, Fang Yi didn't want to adopt Li Xiaoxiao at first.

After all, it was not easy for her to be a single woman with Fang An Ning. The two rented a house in the suburbs just to save money.

But even so, it was very tight.

If there is another child, she really can't raise it.

Therefore, she plans to send her back to the orphanage.

But when Li Xiaoxiao heard that she was going to be sent back, how could she be willing.

Although he is still young, he also knows what is good and what is not.

How nice it is here, my aunt is gentle and beautiful, and my sister treats her very well.Give her new clothes to wear, and give her eggs to eat.

So she refused to leave desperately, knelt down with a "plop", and begged Fang Yi: "Auntie, I don't want to leave, don't send me away, I don't want to go back."

Fang Yi was in a dilemma.

Fang Anning saw it and knelt down with a "plop" and begged Fang Yi: "Mom, don't send my sister away. She is a member of our family when she arrives at our door, so we can't send her away."

Fang Yi was softened by the crying, kneeling, and begging of the two children, she nodded and agreed: "Okay, I won't send her away, but you have to be good."

"Well, we'll be good."

"Well, we'll be good."

The two little guys agreed in unison.

Since then, Li Xiaoxiao has officially lived in their home.

Fang Anning's grades were good since she was a child, but Li Xiaoxiao's grades were not good since she was a child. On the contrary, she likes to sing and dance, and also likes to perform.

But Fang Yi didn't have that much money to send her to art training, so she could only enroll her in a cheap dance class and let her hang out in it.

Li Xiaoxiao planned to drop out of school in junior high school, and wanted to work part-time to earn money and learn acting in the future.

But Fang Yi refuses to live and die, and insists on letting her go to a vocational high school, saying that she doesn't even go to a vocational high school.Even if you want to be an actor in the future, you won't be able to do without education and culture.

Li Xiaoxiao started working after graduating from vocational high school, and then Fang Yi had an accident, and Fang Anning got married.

Because of this, she met Liao Kanfeng by chance and entered the show business circle.

In a flash, she has been in this circle for three years, and now she is considered a well-known female star.

Known as the new four small female roles.

Three years can be said to be long or short. If you haven't won the award after three years in the industry, it is actually a denial of the actor.

So Li Xiaoxiao's goal this year is to win awards, and she has promoted several popular movies. She wants to find a high-quality literary film and focus on awards.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, I've picked out a few good scripts, you can take a look."

The agent came over with a stack of scripts and showed it to Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao took it and looked at it, picked out one from it and said: "This one is good, it feels very good."

The name of the script is "First Love."

As soon as the name is heard, it is a literary film. In fact, this kind of film has not been popular in recent years.However, it is generally applauded, especially when the director is director Li Wei, who is well-known as an award-winning director.

The manager naturally knew what she was trying to do, nodded in agreement and said, "Miss Xiaoxiao has a really good eye. Many people in the film industry are optimistic about this film. This piece of cake is not easy to eat, and many people are scrambling for it."

"Then I want to get it even more." Li Xiaoxiao said proudly.

She thought that with her current status in the entertainment industry, it would be easy to get such a literary and fresh cake.

But I didn't expect the agent to talk about it, but it didn't work out.

The agent came back with an ugly face and said to her: "Sister Xiaoxiao, this film is invested by Huayu Group. They plan to use their own company's artists. I'm afraid it's hard to win. Why don't you look at other scripts, there are also very good ones." .”

Li Xiaoxiao frowned.

But when she heard about Huayu Group, she didn't want to fight anymore. After all, she had been away from Huayu Group for so many years, and she still wanted to stay away from Huayu Group.

But unexpectedly, she didn't want to fight for that resource anymore, but Liao Kanfeng approached her.

Speaking of which, they haven't seen each other for more than a year.

Liao Kanfeng went abroad before and did not come back for a year.

Seeing him appearing in his studio suddenly, Li Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, almost not recognizing him.

Indeed, Liao Kanfeng has changed a lot. She has faded from her previous immaturity and has become a lot more mature.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he returned to his true colors, and Li Xiaoxiao quickly regained the feeling of recognizing him.

"I heard that you are fighting for the script of your first love?" Liao Kanfeng asked.

Li Xiaoxiao nodded: "Yes, what's the matter?"

Liao Kanfeng said: "I was the producer of that movie."

Li Xiaoxiao looked at him in surprise, when did he become a producer?

Liao Kanfeng said: "Actually, I went out to study for more than a year, and just came back from my studies. The first movie I made was First Love. I didn't expect that you were also interested in this drama."

"But don't you Huayu Group want to hire artists for your company? I've already given up." Li Xiaoxiao said.

Liao Kanfeng immediately said: "I don't necessarily give it to them, I just choose whoever is suitable. So, do you have time to audition?"

Li Xiaoxiao looked at him in silence for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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