Chapter 2 The Rumored Hades
As Zhou Zhaoguo's daughter, Fang Anning naturally married off from the Zhou family.

This is not the first time for the He family to welcome a relative, so there is no grand welcoming team.

A black Lincoln took Fang Anning away from Zhou's house.

"Another poor woman."

Knowing that Fang Anning was going to marry He Tingchen, the crowd showed regretful expressions.

"Young lady, please get out of the car."

The car soon arrived at the He family's old house. A middle-aged woman in off-white Chinese-style double-breasted clothes opened the car door for her.

Fang Anning got out of the car, the waist design of the wedding dress made her waist more slender. .The white veil on her head covered most of her face, revealing the lower half of her delicate face.

Seeing her frail appearance, Mama Chen couldn't help feeling worried.She's too weak, don't be afraid that she won't be able to survive tonight.

"Young Mistress, I'm Chen Ma. In the future, you can find me if you need anything." Chen Ma said slowly.

"Okay, Mama Chen, I will remember." Fang An Ning smiled slightly.

Her voice is nice, crisp and clean.

Unlike previous brides, she didn't seem intimidated.At least, unlike the previous brides who started crying as soon as they got out of the car, one of them was wearing all her makeup.

Chen Ma was very satisfied and took her upstairs.

"Young Mistress, this is your new house, please come in."

Chen Ma took her to a room at the end on the right, opened the door, and let her in.

However, this room is very dark, standing at the door and looking in, it looks like a black hole.Once you step inside, you will be swallowed by darkness.

Fang Anning hesitated for a moment, but went in anyway.

As soon as she entered, Mama Chen closed the door.

The light at the door was also completely turned off, and the entire room was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.

"Is anyone there?" Fang Anning asked loudly.

At this time, the light suddenly turned on.

Fang Anning quickly stretched out his hand to block the dazzling light.

When she took her hand away, she saw a man wearing a half mask and sitting in a wheelchair appearing in front of her.

"When did you show up?" Fang Anning asked in surprise.

Just now, she didn't hear any sound.

Could it be that this man was there from the beginning?
"Aren't you Zhou Muyan?" The man asked in a low voice.

His voice is nice, deep and magnetic.However, with the golden half mask on his face, people always have an inexplicable sense of weirdness.

"My name is Fang Anning." Fang Anning replied.

"Aren't you Zhou Zhaoguo's daughter?" There was a hint of coldness in the man's voice.

Fang Anning explained: "I am the daughter of Zhou Zhaoguo and his first wife, Fang Yi. I have my mother's surname. You just said that Zhou Zhaoguo's daughter was married, but you didn't say that it must be Zhou Muyan."

"Oh, that's how it is." The man sneered.

"Are you He Tingchen?" Fang Anning looked at him and asked curiously.

The man was wearing a mask, only showing half of his face.

However, it can be seen from the half of his exposed face.His face is smooth and straight, with a straight nose, and his skin is that kind of white that is rarely seen all year round, set off by the light pink lips, which is indescribably mysterious and also indescribably beautiful.

And under the mask, there are sharp black eyes that make it difficult for people to look directly at him for a long time.

If you look at it for a long time, you can't help but fall into it.

However, sitting in a wheelchair, even if he is straight, he is still shorter than Fang An Ning.

However, she is born with extravagance, which makes people dare not underestimate her.

Could it be that this is the rumored Living Hades——He Tingchen?

But why is it different from what you imagined?
"Is it different from what you thought?" He Tingchen asked.

Fang Anning was taken aback, and there was panic in her clear eyes.

Could it be that he has the ability to read minds and even know what he thinks?

"It seems that I was right. What do you think of He Tingchen?" He Tingchen asked.

Fang Anning pursed her lips, thought for a while and said, "Blue-faced and long-fanged, five big and three rough. They all say that whoever marries you will be tortured to death by you if he doesn't last a month. Four of them died before, and I am your fifth You said, there was a gamble outside, betting on how long I can last."

"You are very honest, even dare to say these words. Why, you are not afraid that I will eat you?" He Tingchen asked in a low voice.

Fang Anning immediately said: "Don't be afraid, I will know when I see you, you are not a man-eating demon."

"Oh? Unfortunately, you read it wrong."

After He Tingchen finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Fang Anning.With a little force, she fell to sit on his lap.

Before she could react, she lifted her veil.

(End of this chapter)

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