chapter 66
Fang Anning was inexplicably splashed with a cup of unknown liquid, and screamed in fright.

The classmates around her were also frightened and quickly avoided. Like Fang Anning, they were all afraid of something like sulfuric acid.

Fortunately, Fang Anning quickly checked the place where he was splashed, and there was no burn.After feeling it for a while, I was sure that it was basically a glass of plain water, only a little hotter.

"Chen Mengmeng, you are crazy."

Fang An Ning was sure that she was fine, and asked angrily.

Chen Mengmeng cried and said, "I'm crazy, you're mad at me. You vixen, how could you hurt Mu Yunxi so much? Do you know that you killed him?"

"Mu Yunxi is dead?" Fang Anning was shocked.

Chen Mengmeng cried and said: "I'm still lying in the hospital now, and I'm not allowed to see it. I heard that there are many dangers."

Fang Anning breathed a sigh of relief, so he's still alive?

This Chen Mengmeng was so startled, it was frightening to death.

She snorted coldly and said, "You deserve it if you die. Who told him to deliberately frame me? Chen Mengmeng, you are such a stupid and cute person. I advise you to stay away from Mu Yunxi, or you will be killed by him someday." Do not know at all."

"You're so stupid, Fang Anning, what are you proud of? Isn't it because of He Tingchen? When He Tingchen doesn't want you, you're still arrogant." Cheng Mengmeng yelled.

Fang Anning snorted, thinking to herself, now that He Tingchen is gone, she really can't be arrogant.

But she didn't intend to tell Chen Mengmeng about this, so why make things difficult for herself?
The reason why Chen Mengmeng only poured boiled water on her instead of sulfuric acid was probably because of He Tingchen's identity.

Forget it, let her pretend to be a tiger in the end, and borrow He Tingchen's prestige.

"Fang Anning, what are you doing?"

When Chen Mengmeng saw that Fang Anning ignored her and left here, she couldn't help but yelled again.

Fang Anning turned around and looked at her and said, "Of course I'm going to class, why don't I argue with you lunatic here? Also, this is just this one time, next time it happens again I'll call the police. One of you is in the hospital and the other is in prison. It’s a match made in heaven.”

"Bad girl." Chen Mengmeng gritted her teeth and cursed.

Fang Anning ignored her, went home and changed into clean clothes, and then went back to school for class.

And Li Xiaoxiao really became a trainee, and trainees sometimes have closed training.Once closed, it lasts ten days and half a month, so basically they don't live in rented houses.

When Fang Anning came home after school, the empty two-bedroom and one-living room made her feel very big.She couldn't help regretting that if she had known this earlier, she would have rented a one-bedroom and one living room, so that she wouldn't feel too lonely.

In the first few days, she was really uncomfortable.

Several times I walked into that alley after school, only to realize that there were no cars in the alley.He Tingchen didn't want her anymore, so she didn't need to visit the He family.

"It's good. I don't have to worry about losing my life all the time, and I don't have to sleep on the floor anymore. It's good."

Fang Anning was lying on the bed talking to herself.

But when she dreamed back at midnight, she would wake up suddenly.

Because in his sleep, he saw He Tingchen's deep eyes again, his thin lips parted slightly, and he said cruel words, and then posted them.

"No, I can't go on like this. I'm going to find a job." Half a month later, Fang Anning looked at herself in the mirror and lost a lot of weight, and couldn't help talking to herself.

During this period of time, she couldn't eat or sleep well, and felt sick and uncomfortable from time to time.

I thought she would be very happy leaving He Tingchen, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

She analyzed it carefully and thought that it might be because she was too idle.

People are busy with things, so find a job to do it and keep yourself busy without feeling like this.

After making up her mind, Fang Anning went to Lu Tianyu and asked Lu Tianyu to introduce her to a job.

When Lu Tianyu heard that she was going to work again, he was naturally very happy, so he introduced her to work as a waiter in the nightclub he watched.

Although it's a bit messy here, it's safe with him watching the scene.

The most important thing is that Fang Anning can be very close to him, and the two of them can spend more time together.

"You are only responsible for delivering tea, and you don't have to worry about other things. If you encounter guests who harass you, come out and find me or others immediately. You are mine, and they all know it and will protect you." Lu Tianyu urged Fang Anning.

Fang Anning nodded, smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Caitou, thank you so much, you helped me a lot again."

"It's not that my aunt's condition has improved, and the expenses have been settled, so why do you have to come out to work again?" Lu Tianyu asked again.

Fang Anning said: "Don't worry about the expenses for the time being. I came out to work because I was too bored, so I wanted to take a job and find something to do. Don't think too much, I am not short of money now."

"If you are short of money, just tell me, don't be polite to me." Lu Tianyu said.

Fang Anning nodded.

She left with the head waiter, went to change clothes, and began to serve wine to the guests.

The uniforms worn by the waiters here are all the same, which is a little sexy.However, Fang An Ning's effect is that her waist is slim, her legs are long and her breasts are big, making her even more sexy and charming.

So I was often teased and teased by the guests.

Fortunately, Fang Anning had done this job before, so she was able to get out without offending the guests every time.

If she really can't handle it, she will go out and ask Lu Tianyu for help, and Lu Tianyu will come to help her.

Therefore, it is very safe to do it for a week.

"An Ning, go and deliver it to the guests in private room 208."

As soon as Fang Anning arrived at the nightclub and changed, she was called by the head waiter to stuff a fruit plate.

"Where's Xiao Wei?" Fang Anning asked.

Xiao Wei is in charge of private room 208 today, and she is in charge of the upstairs floor today.

The foreman said depressedly: "Don't mention it, Xiao Wei didn't know how to offend the customers, she was beaten by the customers just now. Now she is injured and has been sent to the hospital, so you should help her first."

"But I'm upstairs..."

"Upstairs, I'll change." The foreman said.

Fang Anning took a deep breath. The foreman saw that she was protected by Lu Tianyu, so he gave her the piston that no one dared to take.

Forget it, it's not easy for the foreman, she just needs to be careful after entering.

"Sorry to bother you, this is your fruit plate."

Fang Anning knocked on the door and went in, carrying a fruit plate and putting it on the tea table.

The private room was filled with smog and the lights were dim, so it was impossible to see who was who inside.

But Fang Anning didn't need to look clearly, she was ready to leave after putting it down.Unexpectedly, he was stopped by someone, and the familiar voice sneered, "Fang Anning? How rare, you are not He Tingchen's wife, why are you working as a waiter here?"

Fang Anning gritted her teeth, it's too bad luck that Zhou Muyan's brother and sister are also here.

The last time Zhou Musen was injured by Lu Tianyu called by Fang Anning, he stayed in the hospital for more than a month.It's only just come out, I didn't expect to meet Fang Anning in the narrow road of Yuanjia.

So immediately put the wine glass in his hand on the coffee table, stood up and snorted coldly: "Fang Anning, we really have a narrow road to enemies."

(End of this chapter)

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