red fairy book

Chapter 10 Kosh, who can't die, is dead

Chapter 10 Kosh, who can't die, is dead (1)
Prince Ivan has three younger sisters, the eldest sister is Princess Maya, the second sister is Princess Oga, and the third sister is Princess Anna.When their parents died, they told his son: "Let your sisters marry whoever first wooed them, and don't keep them with you."

After their parents died, Prince Ivan buried them and went for a walk in the garden with his sisters.

Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and a terrible storm came. "Go home, sisters!"

As soon as they entered the palace, there was loud thunder, the roof cracked, and a falcon flew in. The falcon landed on the ground and became a brave young man.

He said: "His Royal Highness Prince Ivan, I used to come here as a guest, but today, I am a suitor, and I want to woo Princess Maya."

"If you see love in my sister's eyes, I will not stop her. In God's name, let her marry you."

Princess Maya agrees.The Falcon married the princess and took her back to his land.

Day after day, time flies, and a year has passed.One day, Prince Ivan went for a walk with the princesses again, and the wind and rain began again, with lightning and thunder.

"Go home, sisters!" cried Prince Ivan.As soon as they entered the house, the house was destroyed by thunder. The roof caught fire and split in two, and an eagle flew in.

The eagle fell to the ground and became a brave young man. "His Royal Highness Prince Ivan, I used to come here as a guest, but today, I am a suitor."

He wanted to woo Princess Oga, and Prince Ivan replied: "If you see love in my sister's eyes, I will not interfere with her freedom."

Princess Oga agreed and married Eagle.The eagle married the princess and took her back to his land.

Another year passed, and Prince Ivan said to his little sister, "Let's go for a walk in the garden."

They walked for a while, and the wind and rain began again, with lightning and thunder.

"Go home, sister!" said Prince Ivan.

They went home, and before they could sit down, the house was destroyed by thunder, the roof was split in two, and a crow flew in.The crow fell to the ground and became a brave young man.The previous two young men were both handsome, and this one is also handsome.

"His Royal Highness Prince Ivan, I used to come here as a guest, but today, I am a suitor. I want to marry Princess Anna."

"This is my sister's freedom. If you have her feelings, let her marry you."

So Princess Anna married the crow and brought her back to her own land.

Now Prince Ivan is alone.A year later, tired, he said, "I'm going to see my sisters."

He rode a horse, walking and walking.One day, he saw a group of people died here on the grassland, and he shouted: "If someone is alive, he has to explain, who killed so many people?"

Someone replied: "These people were all killed by Princess Maya Mowana."

Prince Ivan continued to move forward and came to a white tent. It was Maya who greeted him?Princess Mowana.

"Your Highness!" she said, "Did God send you here? Did you come here on your own initiative, or did someone send you here?"

Prince Ivan replied: "I came on horseback myself."

"Then, if you are not busy, stay in my tent for a while." Prince Ivan was very happy and stayed in the tent for two nights.He is in Maya?Princess Mowana saw love in her eyes and married her.The fair princess brought him to her dominions.

They had been together for some time, and the princess was going to war, so she entrusted Prince Ivan with the affairs of the house, and said to him, "You can walk around and look around, but don't look at the cupboard."

Prince Ivan couldn't bear it.Maya?As soon as Mowana left, he ran to the cupboard and opened the door.See Kosh, mortal, hanging there, chained with twelve chains.Kosh begged Prince Ivan, and said, "Have pity on me, and give me something to drink. For ten years I have endured such torments, without eating or drinking, and my throat is completely dry."

Prince Ivan gave him a bucket of water, and when he had finished drinking he said, "Give me some more, one bucket is not enough, I am so thirsty!"

Prince Ivan gave him another barrel.Kosh drank it all and asked for a third barrel.When he had drunk the third barrel, he recovered his strength, and with a shake of the chains, he broke all twelve chains in one blow.

"Thank you! Prince Ivan." Said the undead Kosh, "You will never see your princess again!" He flew out of the window like a whirlwind, and after a while, he caught up with Maya who was on the way?Princess Mowana, catch her and take her back to her home.

Prince Ivan was in so much pain that he wandered outside in a trance and said to himself: "What's going on? I'm going to find Princess Maya Mowana!"

One day passed, another day passed.At dusk on the third day, he saw a magical palace, and beside the palace was an oak tree, on which the falcon sat.

The Falcon flew down from the tree, and fell to the ground, and became a brave young man, and said, "Ha, my dear brother, how are you?"

Maya ran out to meet her brother with joy, inquired about his health, and told him how she was doing.Prince Ivan stayed with them for three days, and then said: "I cannot stay any longer, I am going to my wife, the beautiful Princess Maya Movana."

"It's very difficult to find her," said the Falcon. "Anyway, leave us your silver spoon. We will think of you when we see it." Prince Ivan left the silver spoon and went on the road. .

He walked day after day, and at dusk on the third day, he saw a palace even more magnificent than the last time he had seen it.

Next to the palace is an oak tree, on which stands an eagle.

The eagle jumped down from the tree, landed on the ground, and became a brave young man, crying, "Come here! Princess Oga, your dear brother is coming!"

Princess Oga immediately ran out, hugged him, asked about his health, and told him how she was doing.Prince Ivan stayed with her for three days, and then said: "I can't stay any longer, I'm going to my wife, the beautiful Princess Maya Movana."

"It's hard to find," replied the eagle. "Leave us your silver fork, for looking at it will remind us of you."

He left behind a silver fork and went on his way.After walking day after day, at dawn on the third day, I saw a palace that was even more gorgeous than the previous two.There is an oak tree next to the palace, and a crow sits on the oak tree.

The crow flew down from the oak tree, landed on the ground, and became a brave young man, crying, "Princess Anna, come quickly, your brother is here."

Princess Anna ran out to welcome him with joy, kissing him, inquiring about his health, and telling him how she was.

Prince Ivan stayed with her for three days, and then said: "Farewell! I am going to my wife, beautiful Maya Mowana."

"It is very difficult to find her," said the crow. "Anyway, leave us your silver box. When we see it, we will think of you." Prince Ivan left the silver box and set off on his way.

He walked day after day, and on the third day he finally arrived at the place where Maya Mowana was.She saw him, embraced him by the neck, and cried, with tears streaming down her face: "Oh, Prince Ivan, why don't you listen to me? Why did you let Kosh out, who is not dead?"

"Forgive me, Maya, don't mention this, let's run while this guy is away, maybe he can't catch us."

They are ready to flee.Kosh had gone hunting, and toward evening he came home with the steed sniffing beneath him.

"What's the matter? Dear old horse? What's wrong with the smell?"

The horse replied: "Prince Ivan has come."

"Can we catch them?"

"It's just to plant some wheat first, harvest it when it grows up, grind it into flour, make five pies to eat, and then go after it in time."

Kosh caught up with Prince Ivan.

"I forgive you this time," he said, "because you gave me water. I will forgive you the second time. But if there is a third time, I will tear you to pieces!"

After finishing speaking, he took Maya?Mowana was taken from the prince.Prince Ivan sat on the stone and wept.Weeping and crying, he went to Maya Mowana again.This time, Kosh the Undead happened to be absent as well.

"Let's go, Maya!"

"Oh, Ivan, he'll catch us anyway."

"Even if you catch it, we can spend an hour or two together."

So they ran away again.

When Kosh came home, his steed was sniffing down there again.

"What's the matter? Dear old horse, what's wrong with the smell?"

"Prince Ivan took Princess Maya away again."

(End of this chapter)

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