red fairy book

Chapter 29 The Voice of Death

Chapter 29 The Voice of Death

Long, long ago there was a man whose only wish was to be rich.Day and night, he never thought of anything else, and finally his dreams came true and he became very rich.Because he was too rich, he began to be afraid of death and of losing these properties.So he decided to set off to find a place where there was no death.

He got everything ready, said goodbye to his wife, and set off.Whenever he came to a country, his first question was whether people would die in this country. If he heard that people would die, he would continue on the road.

Later, he went to a country where people could not die and did not know what death meant.The traveler was very happy and said: "There must be many people here, since no one died."

"No," they answered, "there are not many people. People hear a voice, and when they hear it, they get up and go away, never to return."

"Do you know who called them?" he asked. "Is it just a voice?"

"Can see and hear," people say.

The man was amazed that these people were so foolish as to follow the voice, even though they knew in their hearts that they would never come back.He returned to his home, and he moved his family to this country, with his property, his wife, and his family.He made up his mind that if he and his family heard the sound, they would ignore it, no matter how loud it was.

He moved into the new house, arranged everything in order, and then told his family about it, warning them that as long as they didn't want to die, just pretend they didn't hear the voice.

For a few years, everything was fine and they lived happily in their new home.One day, as they were sitting around the table, his wife suddenly stood up and said loudly, "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

She looked around the room for her fur coat, but her husband jumped up, hugged her tightly, and said, "Don't you remember what I said? Stay here! Unless you want to die."

"But don't you hear a voice calling for me?" she said. "I'm just going to see if I'm needed. I'll be back in a minute."

She broke free from her husband's arms and walked in the direction of the voice.He wouldn't let her go and closed all the doors.Seeing him like this, she said, "Well, my dear husband, I will obey you, and I will stay here."

Her husband believed it and felt that she had figured it out and got over the voice that called her.But a few minutes later, she suddenly jumped up and rushed to the door, opened it and ran away.

Her husband followed her, grabbed her by the coat, and begged her not to go, because if she did, she would never come back.

She said nothing, but stretched her arms back, bent over suddenly, and slipped out of her dress.

The poor man watched her disappear, motionless as a rock, and heard her scream, "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

She had already disappeared from sight, and the man came back to his senses, returned to the room, and whispered: "If she is so stupid, she wants to die, I can't stop it. I have already warned her, the voice No matter how big you are, don't listen."

The days are like this, one day, one month, one year, several years, passed.Nothing disturbed the calm of the family.One day, a man was shaving in a barber's shop. The shop was full of people. When the foam covered his chin, he suddenly jumped up from his chair and shouted, "I'm not going, do you hear me? No!" go!"

The people in the store looked at him in surprise.He looked at the door and said, "I told you, say it again, I won't go, you go."

A few minutes later, he yelled again: "Go away! I tell you, otherwise you will be in trouble. You can yell if you want, I just won't go!"

He was so angry it was like someone was standing at the door tormenting him.After a while, he jumped up again, grabbed the razor from the barber, and shouted: "Give me the razor, and I will let him learn to let others stay by himself from now on!"

He rushed out the door as if chasing someone, but no one could see who he was chasing.The barber, not wanting to lose the razor, chased him, and they all ran in a hurry, all the way out of town.Suddenly, the man fell off the cliff and disappeared.Like everyone else, forced to follow the voice.

The barber returned whistling, thankful that he had escaped this fate.He told people what he saw, and it spread quickly. Those who didn't come back all fell off the cliff.They didn't know where these people went before.

People go out of town to see that precipice that has swallowed so many, as if forever insatiable, and find nothing.

All they saw was a vast plain, as peaceful as if it had been a plain since the beginning of the world.

Since then, people in this country will die like people in other countries.

(End of this chapter)

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