red fairy book

Chapter 32 Wooden Robe Kali

Chapter 32 Wooden Robe Kali (2)
"It's not a little castle," said the Bull.

After walking for a long time, they came to the foot of the mountain, which was very steep.

"You didn't see anything, did you?" said the Bull.

"I saw it, a castle very close, it is much bigger now." said the princess.

"Go there," said the bull. "There is a pigsty under the castle, and you will live there. There you will see a wooden robe, which you will wear. Then go to the castle and tell them you are called the wooden robe." Carly, you need a place to sleep. But now you have to take out your knife and chop off my head, and take my skin off and put it under a rock, and put copper leaf and silver leaf and gold under my skin An apple. There is a stick beside the rock, and I use it to tap on the rock when I need it."

At first the princess refused, but the bull said that he had done so many things for her, and this was what he asked for in return.She had to do it, even though she felt it was cruel.So the princess cut off the bull's head, skinned it, rolled up the hide, and put it under the stone, and put the leaves and apples under the hide.

After she finished these things, she went to the pigsty, crying all the way, feeling terribly sad.She put on the wooden robe, came in from the kitchen, and begged them to take her in. Her name was Carly the wooden robe.

The cook told her that she needed someone to wash the dishes, and the girl who did the job had left. "When you get tired of it, you'll go too," he said.

"I won't," she replied.

As she spoke, she began to wash the dishes, which were very clean.

On Sunday, some strangers came to visit the palace.Carly asked for the Prince's bath water, but the others made fun of her: "What do you want? Do you think the Prince would look up at someone like you?"

She insisted on going anyway, and finally, she went.She went upstairs in her wooden robe, rattling.The prince came out and asked, "What are you?"

"I'll bring you water," Carly said.

"Would I use the water you sent me?" the prince poured out all the water.

She has to suffer.Then she asked to go to church.The church was very close, but she went to the rock first, tapped the rock with the stick next to it, and immediately a man jumped out and asked what she wanted.The king's daughter said she wanted to go to church and hear a sermon, but she had no clothes to wear.The man gave her a garment as bright as a copper tree, and gave her a horse.

When she came to the church, she was so beautiful and dressed so noblely that everyone wanted to know who she was, and no one listened to the preaching, and all looked at her from a distance.The prince liked her very much, and stared at her without blinking.When she came out of the church the Prince followed her and closed the church door, and he found a glove.She rode away, and the Prince followed her, and asked her where she came from.

"Oh! I'm from Bath Country," said Carly.

The prince took out her gloves and wanted to give them back to her. She said, "There is darkness behind me, but there is light on the road ahead. The prince will not know where I come from today."

The prince had never seen such gloves, and he asked people everywhere who was that proud girl who had given up her gloves, and where she came from.But no one knows.

On the second Sunday, a dignitary sent a towel to the prince.

"Oh, can I deliver it?" Carly asked.

"What's the use?" said the others in the kitchen, "Look, what was the result last time?"

Carly did not give up, but insisted on going.They agreed.The wooden robes were still rattling as she went upstairs, and the Prince came out again, saw Carrie, snatched the towel from her, and threw it in her face.

"Go away, you monster," he said, "do you think I'll use a bath towel you touched with your dirty hands?"

The prince went to church immediately, and Carly also went.They asked Carly, who had no clothes but an ugly wooden robe, what she was doing in church.Carly said that she felt that the pastor's sermon was very good and she benefited a lot, so they agreed for her to go.

She went to the rock, knocked, and the man came out again and gave her a more beautiful dress than the last time.The clothes are embroidered with silver thread, shining like a silver tree.He also gave her a beautiful horse with silver embroidery and a silver bridle.

When she got to the church, people were standing outside at the foot of the hill, wondering who she was.The prince ran over and wanted to help her lead the horse when she dismounted, but she jumped down and said that he didn't need his help. The horse was very gentle, and she stopped when she told it to stop.

They entered church together.No one listened to what the pastor was saying, they all looked at her, and the prince loved her even more.

When the sermon was over, she came out of the church and mounted her horse, and the prince followed her again, and asked her where she came from.

"I come from the country of towels," said the princess, and dropped the whip to the ground.The prince got off the horse and picked it up for her. She said, "There is darkness behind me, but there is light on the road ahead. The prince will not know where I came from today."

She is gone again.The prince still doesn't know who she is.He inquired about her origin everywhere, but no one knew, so he had to wait patiently for the next meeting.

It's Sunday again.Carly is going to send someone to deliver a comb to the prince. Others remind her of the result of delivering towels last time, saying that she is so ugly in clothes and wants the prince to see her.But she insisted, and finally they agreed.When she went up the stairs, the wooden robe rattled again, and the prince came out, grabbed the comb and threw it at her, telling her to get out of here.

The prince went to church.Carly was going too, and they asked her what she wanted to do, and she was so dark and ugly that she didn't have a change of clothes.Woe to the prince or anyone else if they see it.But Carly said they would never notice her, and in the end they agreed to let her go.

Just like the previous two times.She went to the rock and knocked, and the man came out and gave her a dress, even more gorgeous than the first two, and it was almost pure gold, and he gave her a horse, and the horse ornaments were also gold , with a golden bridle.

When she got to the church, people were waiting for her at the foot of the hill, and the prince ran to help her lead the horse, and she jumped down and said:

"No, thank you. My horse is very docile."

So they went into church together, and the preacher went up to the pulpit, but no one listened to him, and they all looked at her from afar, wondering where she came from.The prince loved her even more, and looked at nothing but her.

When the sermon was over and she was about to go, the Prince had poured asphalt in the aisle beforehand, and wanted her to ask him for help.

She jumped over, but one of the golden shoes was stuck with tar, and as she mounted the horse the Prince ran up and asked her where she came from.

"I'm from Comb Country," Carly replied.The prince wanted to give her the golden shoe back, but she said, "There is darkness behind me, but there is light on the road ahead, and the prince will not know where I came from today."

The prince didn't know where she came from, so he asked around, traveled all over the world, and asked where the country of combs was.But no one knew where it was.

He spread the news everywhere that if anyone could wear this golden shoe, he would marry her.As a result, young girls, beautiful or ugly, came from all over the world, but no one had such small feet.After a long time, Carly's evil stepmother came with her daughter, who could fit the shoes, but she was so ugly that the prince would not marry her.

The wedding is ready, though, and the girl is dressed to be a bride.They rode to the church.A little bird sat on a tree and sang: "A piece of heel, a piece of toe, and the shoe of Kali, the wooden robe, is covered with blood!"

They looked at it and found that the bird was telling the truth, and the blood had already flowed out of the shoe.So all the maids and maids in the palace were ordered to try on the shoes, but no one could fit them.

"Where is Kali the Wooden Robe?" asked the Prince, when all had tried the shoes, and suddenly he remembered the song of the birds.

"Oh, that thing!" said others, "it's no use coming, her feet are like horses!"

"Perhaps," said the Prince, "but since everyone has tried, let her try too."

"Carly!" he called through the door.Carly came upstairs, her wooden robe rattling like a pack of dinosaurs coming upstairs.

"Here, come and try on this shoe, and you will be queen!" the servants teased her.Carly took off her shoes and tried on the shoes.The shoes were just right, and she threw away the wooden robe again. The girl in the golden robe standing in front of everyone was as bright as the sun, and the shoes on her feet were a pair.

The Prince recognized her, and ran up to her with joy, embraced her, kissed her, and was even more delighted when he heard that she was the Princess.They married immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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