Chapter 25

At this moment, several figures suddenly appeared from the dark place, standing around Leng Bingyan in an instant, surrounding him.

"You guys?" Bing Yan was taken aback by the sudden change, stepped back half a step unconsciously, and asked aloud.

There were 13 people, all dressed in black, each holding a long sword in their hands. Leng Bingyan saw ferocity and ferocity from their faces.

"You...what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Haha..." One of them, it should be the leader, laughed wildly after hearing his question, "haha", then his face turned serious: "We are ordered by the Patriarch to take your life."

Leng Bingyan was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly discovered something, and asked in an uncertain tone: "Are you from the Thirteen Courts of the Guardian?"

"You actually know." The leader was taken aback, and then smiled: "Although I am surprised that you know the secrets of the clan, it doesn't matter, you are going to die soon, and I believe you have no chance to leak it."

Leng Bingyan's heart sank gradually. The Thirteen Courts of the Protectorate was a top-secret existence of the Han family. Very few people knew about it, and he only knew a little about it in an extremely coincidental situation.If it is said that the Han family only has the strength that is exposed to the outside world, then it will not be regarded as the legacy of the gods. To be honest, the real strength of the Han family is actually concentrated in the thirteen courts of the clan. As long as someone in the family has the strength to If he has reached the realm of heaven, then he may be absorbed into one of the thirteen courts.

The Han family has thirteen family guardian families, and each family has a head of the family, and the thirteen head of the family belong directly to the head of the Han family.In terms of strength, there are few heavenly masters in the martial arts world, and it is even harder to find innate masters, but every member of the thirteen courts of the Han family guards has heavenly strength, and the master of the court is even close to innate. Strength, of course, as the patriarch of the Han family, Han Ling's strength has already surpassed the heavenly level and reached the innate realm.

But now the person who intercepted Bingyan came from the Thirteen Courts, and there were as many as 13 people dispatched at once, thirteen heaven-level masters, even if they swept the entire martial arts world, it would not be a problem, let alone a 12 people who don't know martial arts. old child?
"Grandma, no... Why did the old woman drive herself to death? Don't you really think about blood relationship?" Leng Bingyan thought bitterly in his heart, he knew that he was in danger today, and no one could survive ten days. He escaped from the hands of the three heavenly masters, and he felt that under the cold temperature, his physical strength was exhausted and his body was a little stiff.

Although everything seems to be extremely unfavorable to Bing Yan, but he will not just be afraid of the 13 people in front of him, just die, maybe a miracle will happen to let him escape?Besides, thirteen masters besieged a kid who didn't know martial arts, so why wouldn't they be proud?
The tough look in his eyes made the leader in black tremble. He didn't know why he felt a sense of fear towards that child. This was something he didn't allow. How could he be frightened by a child? "Ah—" After the roar, he didn't worry about everything around him. He strode forward, and the long sword in his hand came straight towards the cold flames. The speed was extremely fast, and the sword energy mixed with the sword was extremely strong.

Seeing the murder weapon getting closer, a strange light flashed in Leng Bingyan's eyes, even he didn't notice it, his hands were unconsciously crossed to protect his head, time was running out and he couldn't allow him to make any other reactions .

It's dangerous!Leng Bingyan felt suffocated in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

The moment the long sword was about to touch the cold flame, suddenly there was a burst of coolness in the heart, and purple rays of light enveloped the body of the ice flame. the power of!Before he could react in time, his body had already been thrown obliquely by the force of the shock.

He got up from the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Leng Bingyan in front of him in surprise, "Isn't he good at martial arts? Why?" He remembered that he was a heavenly master, but he didn't hit him just now. take any advantage.

Similarly, Leng Bingyan himself looked at everything in front of him in surprise, and stared at his hand for a long time in disbelief, was it really just now?Your own hand blocked the sharp edge of the sword?But looking at the man in black who just stood up in the distance, it should be.

The other twelve men in black obviously did not expect such a thing to happen, and they were stunned for a while.After a long while, the man in black who attacked earlier realized that he had lost face: "Brothers, let's go together, we must not let this kid go, otherwise, what face do we have in the Thirteenth Court to explain to the Patriarch?"

One word inspired the killing intent of all the men in black, that's right!The thirteen courts of the Han family's guardian clan have been a transcendent existence since ancient times. They have always been pampered and pampered because of their powerful power. When did they miss in action?And now that one of them started and lost, they couldn't afford to lose face.Therefore, the 12 people who had a wait-and-see attitude also joined the battle, and they vowed to keep the life of the boy in front of them here.

Facing the menacing 13 people, all of them were murderous, but Leng Bingyan lost the previous fear. He didn't know how he escaped the fatal blow just now, but he firmly believed in his heart that since he could escape once, could it be Can't you dodge a few more times?

Sure enough, it was the same as before, when the 13 people attacked him collectively, his heart felt cool again, this time Bing Yan didn't close his eyes, he clearly saw a thin layer of purple light when he made contact Blocked the sword energy full of killing intent for him.The thin wall of light is not under his control, as if it came naturally, Leng Bingyan was secretly delighted, as if he had the joy of being a master, although he did not rely on his own ability to block the incoming attack, but also It's self comforting.

The attacking moves were weird and exquisite, one shot was a continuous attack, but Leng Bingyan could only rely on the purple light wall to parry, and had no power to fight back at all.

The people in black were furious in their hearts. As members of the thirteen courts of the guardian clan, and thirteen people attacked together, they couldn't lose to this younger generation. With their decades of cultivation, they couldn't believe that the little doll in front of them could Fighting against himself, he took a steady and steady approach to consume the energy on the cold flame wall.

Although the wall of light is a bit weird, they don't believe that the energy of this wall of light is endless.

But soon, they realized that they were wrong. After a long time of confrontation, they realized that the energy of the wall of light hadn't weakened in the slightest, and remained the same. Every time they hit each other, their arms were numb and their blood was churning. They backed up three steps in a row, almost vomited blood because of the qi and blood, and then rushed forward to attack, feeling terrified, they didn't know how to break the wall of light...

However, the cold flame in the wall of light was also uncomfortable, the powerful sword wind made his cheeks hurt, it turned out that he was not completely harmless inside, his chest seemed to be hit again and again, and his breath was not smooth Coming over, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and suddenly his whole body became sluggish.

Seeing Leng Bingyan spitting blood in the wall of light, the thirteen people outside knew that their attacks still had an effect on Leng Bingyan inside.Then I thought of my thirteen heaven-level masters, who actually used this kind of expendable tactics, and my face suddenly became ashamed, and the joy in my heart also dimmed a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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